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PSA: Those meetings you dread?
You don't need 'em.

Now I know what you're thinking...

"Errrm what? Meetings are a necessary part of my job"

But hear me out...

If you're reading this, you're probably:

  • Leaving meetings thinging "did I really need to be there?"
  • Feeling in a state of chronic catch-up from having too many meetings.
  • Attending countless meetings that could have been an email
  • (Barely) tolerating Manager Talk-a-lot's pointless monologues meetings
  • Freaking out over the work piling up every time you go to a meeting
  • Being pulled into agonizing "team-building" meetings (that don't actually work)

But worst of all...

You're catching up on your real work in the evenings and weekends


And it's affecting your performance, your relationships and your health.

Here's the harsh truth:

Unless you find a way to do meetings differently (or not at all), burnout could be a messy and unnecessary reality.

And you'll never reach peak productivity like that.

Think about it. 

In meetings, you’re talking. Or listening. Or...let’s be real...pretending to listen – I see you, playing Wordle at the back 👀

And it’s time spent NOT taking action.

That’s the problem…

You’re never gonna hit your deadlines if you’re: 

  • Chronically playing catch-up from the last meeting
  • Never making time for deep work
  • Or doing your real job in what-should-have-been-family-time, leaving yourself fried and stressed out

Action is the only way to get the thing done.

And guess what? 

Those super successful people you see. The ones killing it at the top of their game. 

They don’t take meetings unless it’s 100% necessary

There’s a reason I’m able to run a 7-figure business with 1 team meeting a week. And even that meeting is optional (more on that later).

There’s a reason huge brands like Shopify banned meetings of more than 2 people.

Because they’re not essential to getting ish done.

But society tells us they are.

And I haven't even started on the time-suck of scheduling meetings.

You're busy. Your team is busy.

Everyone already has a blocked-out calendar.

Trying to pick a time is like throwing a dart with your eyes closed and praying you hit the bullseye.  🎯

The replies roll in and Karen is already in another meeting. Mike can only join for the last 30 mins.

You try again. Same thing. UGH.

Don't you think it's weird you're spending more time attending and scheduling meetings than doing the thing you're paid for?

It doesn't matter if you're the victim or the offender...

I'm confident you've had meeting that should've been an email...or avoided altogether. 

And I bet there's more of 'em clogging up your calendar than you realize...

So what if you could...

Clear your calendar of pointless, time-sucking meetings - and upgrade the non-negotiable ones - so you can get back to doing productive work during the week. And reclaim your weekends!

Intrigued? Skeptical, even? Keep reading...

Because if your productivity, sanity and health depend on your ability to reduce the number of pointless meetings you attend, it's time to dispel 3 meeting myths:

Meetings are a "necessary evil"

False: They don't have to be necessary at all. Granted, some meetings cannot and should never be eliminated or replaced with a phone call or email.

If you want to eliminate or reduce meetings without sacrificing communication (or be fired!) you need a tried-and-tested process that helps you "triage" and optimize meetings.

My company won't let me miss a meeting. If I've been invited to attend a meeting, I HAVE to go.

False: There is a way to diplomatically and assertively decline meeting invitations – regardless of your position.

Too many people believe that their company culture won't let them change how they do meetings. Or that change only happens from the top-down because "that's how things are done". They just don't have a tried-and-tested process that shows them exactly how to do that.

Meetings are the gold standard of communication

False: Good communication depends on good communicators – regardless of how it's delivered. Let's face it, we've all been in meetings that result in more questions and frustration than clarity and motivation.

If you want to communicate more effectively and efficiently while reducing the number of face to face meetings, you need a tried-and-tested process that shows you exactly how to do that.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, corporate manager or employee...

You can minimize your meetings and optimize your day

 WITHOUT sacrificing effective communication

WITHOUT booking fake meetings

WITHOUT being fired 

You just need to know how to:

  • Decide if a meeting is really necessary
  • Make necessary meetings more effective
  • Swap unnecessary meetings for a more efficient way of getting stuff done

So you can finally focus on the work that moves the needle, boosts your company’s bottom line, and has you feeling like a boss.

(Even if you’re not the boss.)

Hey gang! It's Demir Bentley

Productivity and high performance coach. Co-founder of Lifehack Method, author and an unapologetic fan of sci-fi books.

The highlight reel of my life?

  • Helping thousands of baller clients worldwide design the life of their dreams
  • Ticking off bucket list items on the regular – like writing a book, taking mini-retirements in Europe, and showing our daughter the world 
  • Running a fully-remote 7-figure business with my better half that requires only ONE 60-minute meeting a week - yes, for real

But the reel that belongs on the cutting room floor?

  • Being the smart worker who had NO IDEA how unproductive (and un-smart) I was working because I was attending all. the. (unnecessary) meetings.
  • Being the devoted disciple of Hustle Culture who wore Busyness like a badge of honor and attended all. the. (bad) meetings.
  • Being a good employee who worked in the evenings and on weekends to catch up on work... because my working day was filled with all. the. (ineffective) meetings.

Never in a million years did I think to question the (bad) meeting culture that was slowly burning me out until I discovered...

There were workplaces that had "low- or no-meeting" policies

    And they were making it work. 

    Despite my skepticism, these workplaces showed increased levels of productivity, employee satisfaction and improved communication.

    When I started researching, learning and experimenting with cutting down the meetings in my calendar, I realized that no one was giving people actionable steps to reduce meetings.

    "Experts" were recommending management to stop the meeting madness and giving advice like, "No agenda, no attenda" to upgrade meetings.

    But no one was sharing a repeatable and easy-to-implement process to make this a reality.

    Which is why I'm so excited to introduce

    The ONLY course that helps you eliminate meetings by up to 90%.

    In 90 minutes or less.

    Clear your calendar of pointless, time-sucking meetings - and upgrade the non-negotiable ones - so you can get back to doing productive work during the week. And reclaim your free time!

    I’ve eliminated 70% of my time sucking meetings entirely!

    I’ve replaced all my 1:1 meetings with a more efficient and effective office hours format.

    Thank you, this is a game-changing course!

    Audrey M.
    Media Executive

    If you're here, you've got no time to waste. Which is why I've packed everything I've learned about meeting reduction into 3 short modules. 

    With easy-to-implement strategies, downloadables and scripts, you can quickly and easily reduce the number of (unproductive) meetings and get back to doing real work. 

    I don't go to meetings anymore

    "Before, I was drowning in meetings as well as emails. There was no time to get any actual work done!
    Now, generally, I don't go to meetings anymore. I'm actually going to a few more meetings right now because I feel kind of guilty that I've got so much free time.
    Thanks for all that you have done to contribute to this massive change in my life!"

    Business Analyst

    Which begs the question...

    What's this tried-and-tested process that helps you stop the meeting madness?

    (which doesn't involve booking fake meetings with Becky – or getting fired)

    I've helped 1000s of clients reduce their meetings and optimize their days, and here's what this tried-and-tested process comes down to:

    1. My CAP Framework that helps you "triage" your meeting needs, helping you quickly and easily eliminate or shorten your meetings

    2. Tool Mastery – the secret sauce to eliminating meetings. Discover how to effortlessly master the software that makes meetings redundant or shorter than they have to be! (even if you call yourself a tech dino)

    3. Meeting Mastery that shows you how to upgrade your agenda, facilitate the meeting and invite the right people so everyone leaves your meeting inspired and raring to go

      What's inside
      Meetings Mastery:

      Part 1: The Scourge Of Over-Collaboration

      You will:

      • Uncover the cost that the current collaboration paradigm has you stuck in
      • Seamlessly apply the Lifehack Method's New Communication Paradigm to protect your time just like the highest-performing teams
      • Start making positive changes to your current (unhealthy) meeting culture using real data and the Lifehack Method framework
      • Understand how to schedule meetings so they don't eat into your most productive work time
      • Uncover the real cost of your meetings by using this little-known tool (you'll be shocked with how much each meeting is costing you)
      • Download cheat sheets, templates and resources that make implementation a breeze

      Part 2: The CAP Framework 

      You will:

      • Dramatically decrease the number of meetings WHILE increasing the effectiveness of your communications (clients have reduced the number of meetings and emails by 90% or more)
      • Skyrocket your productivity with a set of rules and criteria that optimizes your (and your team's) communication channels (i.e. email, meeting, phone call, messages)
      • Discover what all professionals should be using to minimize the number of meetings and maximize productivity
      • Get Demir's CAP Framework that eliminates unnecessary meetings, shortens "important-but-not-urgent" ones, and upgrades "can't-miss" ones
      • Copy-and-paste Demir's Meeting Reduction Scripts to tactfully and effectively let your boss, coworkers and clients know how and why you're reducing meetings – and get them on board!
      • Get 7 easy-to-implement tactics that reduce the number and time spent on meetings without sacrificing efficiency and communication
      • Download cheat sheets, templates and resources that make implementation a breeze

      Part 3: How to Have 5-Star Meetings 

      You will:

      • How to transform tedious, overwhelming and poorly run meetings into energizing, clarifying and productive ones
      • The top 3 meeting gaffes to AVOID if you want a successful meeting
      • How to plan a successful meeting that helps attendees optimize their work flow
      • The core 3 elements of meeting facilitation most people miss that give meetings a bad rap
      • The secret to creating the perfect agenda so your participants come prepared, are ready to move the ball forward and actually look forward to attending
      • How to invite the right people for a quick and effective meeting – and a polite way to allow non-essential attendees to "opt-out"
      • How playing dumb can help you guide a powerful conversation that gets results
      • An ingenious tip that will help you seamlessly interrupt attendees if the meeting veers off track

      Plus: Download cheat sheets, templates and resources that make implementation a breeze

      Plus access to Demir & Carey

      To make sure you’re supported every step of the way, you get access to us via the Q&A box in the course dashboard. If you’re feeling stuck, just type in your question and we’ll personally get back to you within 7 days.

      You'll also get these incredible bonuses

      to help you reduce and eliminate meetings FASTER and EASIER

      BONUS #1

      Eliminate Emails Mini-Course

      You've learned the secret sauce to reducing meetings while improving communication.

      But your inbox is still overflowing! 

      With this bonus, Demir will walk you through how to do to your inbox what you've done with meetings - reduce, eliminate, and use them more wisely. 

      Breathe a sigh of relief when you open your inbox instead of feeling your chest tighten — and even reach Inbox Zero.

      (Value: $500)

      BONUS #2

      Demir and Carey's Workflow Diagram

      Part of permanently eliminating meetings is having a solid workflow that keeps you operating at your peak.

      Get the behind-the-scenes look at exactly which tools Demir and Carey use day in and day out, for which purpose, so that you can craft your own perfect workflow.

      (Value: $200)

      BONUS #3

      How To Lead Your Company Into The Future

      If you’re a manager or leader at your company, you’re in a unique position to create real change at the organizational level!

      The problem is — how does one do that? You’re loathe to make all your people try something new, only to see it fail or make people’s lives harder overall. At the same time, you know you need to take some positive action.

      In this training, Demir shares a concrete strategy for changing the meetings culture in your company, reduce employee’s distractions, and encourage a healthy work-life balance.

      (Value: $200)

      Stopped working in the evenings and on weekends

      “I used to be in 35 hours of meetings a week which meant I had to do my real work in the evenings and on weekends. Now I only work 40 hours a week in total, with less than 20 hours of that in meetings.
      I can walk away from the desk at 5 o’clock and spend time with my family, without having to think about work.

      Michelle M.
      IT Consultant.

        Here's everything you get with Meetings Mastery

        • 3 quick modules you can finish in the same time as a typical meeting (Value: $750)
        • Slides and transcripts you can download and refer back to when you need. Perfect for when you can't stream the videos! (Value: $300)
        • Downloads, Cheat Sheets, and Templates that make reducing meetings faster and easier (Value: $300)
        • Private Q&A Channel where you get support from us. If you've got any questions, Demir and Carey will personally answer them! (Value: Priceless)
        • Bonus #1 Eliminating Emails Mini-Course – keep your inbox lean and clean the Lifehack Method way – while you eliminate meetings and increase your focus and productivity (Value: $500)
        • Bonus #2 Demir and Carey's Workflow Diagram – get the full picture behind-the-scenes look at the technologies Demir and Carey use to run their business and their lives, including a breakdown of how the tools interact with each other (Value: $200)
        • Bonus #3 How To Lead Your Company Into The Future – if you're in a position of leadership, get a step-by-step plan to reduce distractions and meetings company-wide, while reducing burnout and improving the quality of life of your employees (Value: $200)  

        A total value of $2,250 and absolutely worth it when you compare what my 1:1 clients pay me to show them how to do the exact same thing.

        But you won't pay anything close to that!

        You can get started for as little as $80, followed by 2 monthly payments of $80.

        What Demir teaches will help my whole organization

        Everything that the course covered in terms of effectiveness of meetings (or lack thereof), I was the victim and offender.

        I saw some of my bad habits and things that I could do to help not just myself, but also my team. I want to embed the things I learned from the course into the culture of my organization because it will help everyone.

        It’s way too expensive if problems are constantly solved at my level and I don’t want us to hold unnecessary meetings just to be able to solve them. 

        And the principles Demir teaches fit squarely into a lot of my management and personal beliefs in that I want to empower my people who are closest to the problem to be able to solve them and make important decisions. 

        What Demir shows us in Module 2 was a game changer! There’s nothing Demir and Carey could do to make this course even better. They’re just doing such a fantastic job!

        Ricardo J.
        Senior Executive 

        Meetings Mastery is PERFECT for you if you:

        • Are a professional, executive, project manager or entrepreneur desperate to reduce the number of time-wasting, energy-sucking meetings. 
        • Want to spend more time doing productive work during working hours (NOT after dinner or on weekends)
        • Need a way to politely and successfully decline unproductive meetings so you can focus on getting things done
        • Aspire to run 5-star meetings that attendees can actually look forward to

        Meetings Mastery is NOT for you if you:

        • Don't spend more than 1 hour per week in meetings
        • Aren't committed to doing the work and use the software. The tools will help you minimize meetings – but only if you use them. 
        • Don't believe reducing the number (and duration) of meetings is possible for anyone not in management. 
        • Love running meetings and wasting other people's time – including your own 
          Heck to the yes I need this!

          I'm ready to eliminate my meetings and take back control of my day

           For the productivity hacker who wants to stop the meeting madness and take back control of their schedule

          Pay in full and save

          One payment of


          Cash Flow Friendly

          3 easy payments of



          Still not convinced?

          Try the course for 30-Days, 100% risk free

          We know this works because we've helped 1000s of clients slash the number of – and overall time spent – in meetings with everything we teach in Meetings Mastery.

          But if you're still wondering if this is possible, we want to make it as easy AND risk-free for you to try this program.

          So we're giving you a full 30 days to put the principles we teach to the test. If you're not thrilled, reach out to and we'll give you a full refund.

           For the productivity hacker who wants to stop the meeting madness and take back control of their schedule

          Pay in full and save

          One payment of


          Cash Flow Friendly

          3 easy payments of



          Frequently Asked Questions

          Who is Meetings Mastery for?

          If you're a professional struggling with too many meetings, this course is for you. Doesn’t matter if you work solo or in a team, are a manager or employee.

          You’ll get actionable tips to decrease time in unproductive meetings, remove the headache of scheduling meetings, and implement new communication policies your colleagues, employees and contractors will thank you for.

          And your bottom line will thank you too, as you increase your time spent on more productive, needle-moving tasks.

          I NEED to have meetings to do my job well. Am I really gonna be able to implement any of this?

          The course is designed to give you an alternative to meetings. BUT if you can’t cut them out entirely, you’ll be able to replace at least some with alternative, more effective forms of communication. 

          You’ll also get scripts for handling difficult meeting rejections, plus tips on when you should and shouldn’t cancel a meeting.

          If you’re not able to eliminate or cut down on meetings, we’ll show you how to schedule them for success and set yourself up for productive meetings, instead of time-sucking ones.

          Even if you’re an invited contributor, there’s probably a lot you can be doing to optimize your schedule and protect your calendar, without sacrificing your high-energy periods or deep work slots.

          And did I mention the 30-day money-back guarantee?

          I’m not in a C-Suite or leadership position at my company. Will this work for me too?

          Yes. We’ve coached people in non-leadership roles to successfully reduce meetings AND get their management team on board. 

          Here’s what Cheryl had to say:

          “I'm not a CEO, I'm not a senior leader in the organization. But I'm feeling empowered now that I don't have to be a senior leader to make these kinds of changes happen. In the first meeting after implementing the content, my boss told me “that was one of the most productive meetings I’ve had since I’ve been here!” – I LOVE how that felt and want to continue to create that environment.”

          Our company has to check tech and tools before it gets rolled out - how do I know what you teach will work for my company?

          Most of what we teach doesn’t require any specific tech so you’ll be able to implement most of the training instantly.

          For the tools we do recommend, there are alternatives that have been approved by large banks, IT firms and other corporations with tech restrictions. Other Lifehackers have been where you are! 

          If you can’t use some of the tools we recommend, we’re sure someone who’s been through Meetings Mastery will have found an alternative that’s been approved - hit us up in the Q&A for recommendations. 

          Don’t let the tech be the thing that stops you. There’s always a way around it.

          I’m busy. How long is it gonna take for me to finish Meetings Mastery?

          Around the same time as a typical meeting: 90 minutes.

          Put it at 1.5x or 2x speed and you'll be done in an hour or less! And you can implement it easily.

          Don't you wish you could put most meetings on 2x? When you're done with this course, you can make it happen…

          Why should I take Meetings Mastery over other courses?

          Other courses give you a piece of the puzzle or take up way too much time. Meetings Mastery is in our signature no-fluff style. And you get EVERYTHING you need to master your meetings and action everything quickly. 

          Whatever your unique circumstances, even in a meeting-heavy industry, you’ll be able to make a positive change to your schedule and ultimately, your productivity. 

          And you’ll be learning from someone (me) who runs a successful 7-figure business with only 1 (optional) team meeting per week.

          Will this really work for me?

          Even if you’re thinking “my boss isn’t going to let me do ANY of this” or “my company relies on meetings and is a lost cause” – I’m 100% convinced there’s at least a couple of meetings in your calendar that can be eliminated or made more effective. 

          It might feel weird.

          It might seem unbelievable right now.

          But as soon as you dive in, you’ll see case studies of people like you with the same doubts who have made this work.

          Like Michelle:

          “I used to be in 35 hours of meetings a week which meant I had to do my real work in the evenings and on weekends. Now I only work 40 hours a week in total, with less than 20 hours of that in meetings.

          I can walk away from the desk at 5 o’clock and spend time with my family, without having to think about work.” - Michelle M, IT Consultant

          Look, I get it’s hard to see what’s possible right now…

          But even if you only implement a small section of the course, you’ll make a positive impact on your schedule and productivity.

          Still not convinced? This course comes with a 30-day "Try it and Apply it Money Back Guarantee". If you're not thrilled, reach out to and we'll give you a full refund. Trying it is completely risk-free.

          How long can I access the course content?

          You have lifetime access to all the content. Plus all future bonuses and additional videos we add to the course.

          Now, it's time to decide
          Which one are you?

            If you've read this far, you know how important it is to stop the meeting madness.

            And even though you might be skeptical, you will have seen the impact unnecessary meetings are having in your life.

            Now you have a choice.

            You could be like most people, do nothing and stay in meeting overload. Telling yourself "it's just the way things are done," right?

            But if you're a Productivity Hacker, you're willing to challenge the status quo and approach meetings the Lifehack Method way.


            You WITH Meetings Mastery:

            • Eliminating and shortening meetings on your calendar from the get-go
            • Taking back control of your working day so you can get stuff done
            • No longer working so much before and after the working day #helloweekend
            • Communicating like a BOSS and running 5-star meetings that get your team focused and pumped – even if you're not the boss.
              So you can finally start clawing back the productivity you've lost to endless, boring and ineffective meetings

            You WITHOUT Meetings Mastery:

            • In meeting overload, struggling to juggle your work, meetings, life...everything

            • Reluctantly saying “yes” every time your boss wants to talk things out – even though there’s 174 other things you need to do
            • Pinching yourself to keep your eyes open and try to look engaged in that weekly meeting your team insists on
            • Trying to get a word in but instead, you’re being talked at by Mr. Overexplainer who doesn’t stop for breath

              Here's everything you get with
              Meetings Mastery

              • 3 quick video modules you can finish in the same time as a typical meeting (Value: $750)
              • Slides and transcripts you can download and refer back to when you need. Perfect for when you can't stream the videos! (Value: $300)
              • Downloads, Cheat Sheets, and Templates that make reducing meetings faster and easier (Value: $300)
              • Private Q&A Channel where you get support from us. If you've got any questions, we'll personally answer them! (Value: Priceless)
              • Bonus #1 Eliminating Emails Mini-Course – keep your inbox lean and clean the Lifehack Method way – while you eliminate meetings and increase your focus and productivity (Value: $500)
              • Bonus #2 Demir and Carey's Workflow Diagram – get the full picture behind-the-scenes look at the technologies Demir and Carey use to run their business and their lives, including a breakdown of how the tools interact with each other (Value: $200)
              • Bonus #3 How To Lead Your Company Into The Future – if you're in a position of leadership, get a step-by-step plan to reduce distractions and meetings company-wide, while reducing burnout and improving the quality of life of your employees (Value: $200) 

              A total value of $2,250 and absolutely worth it when you compare what my 1:1 clients pay me to show them how to do the exact same thing.

              But you won't pay anything close to that!

              You can get started for as little as $80, followed by 2 monthly payments of $80.

              Completely blew away any doubts!

              I had some reservations about how effective the course would be… but just like he did with my initial apprehensions about joining Lifehack Tribe, Demir delivered a great training and completely blew away any doubts! He packed a lot of information into the training without making it a really long course and I was able to get through it quickly.

              The information that stood out to me the most was Demir’s criteria for determining the appropriate channels of communication for phone calls vs. emails vs. meetings, and how applying the criteria could reduce the need for meetings. 

              In addition, he gave some great tips to make necessary meetings productive and effective. Demir gives you a lot of practical tools like how to really prepare an effective meeting agenda. Having those templates he provided was really really helpful.

              Robert F.
              Project Manager

              Read more about our updated terms & refund policy, effective June 1st, 2024

              I accept