“I wrote it to inspire and teach children how to have quality conversations with their grandparents through the phone,” Shelby Hoefling author of “Grandma’s in the Phone” said.

This author got the idea for the children’s book when she saw children talking to their parents and grandparents via video chat but the children were not that engaged or did not realize how the camera on the phone worked. However, she did not write the book right away. She waited for about three years thinking that someone else was sure to write about this topic before she did. When they didn’t, that’s when she began putting her idea on paper.

Another inspiration for the book is Hoefling’s grandmother, with whom she’s very close. Hoefling’s grandmother goes by “Nanny” and just turned 95. She said she wanted others to have the same strong bond with their grandparents and hoped to inspire them with her book.

“I joke about…well…she think’s it a joke, it’s not a joke…how she will be my maid of honor one day!” Hoefling says of her Nanny.

Always having a soft spot for older adults, Hoefling leads chair yoga classes for older adults on zoom. She also has classes for children.

Another project she just began is a podcast called “Words of Wisdom with Shelby.” This podcast is centered on older adults sharing their stories and life advice for the younger generations. She is also looking for more adults, age 65 or older, to interview on her podcast. If you or someone you know would like to participate, you can contact her by filling in this short form.

Hoefling encourages others to pursue their dreams and do what they love to do.

“Do what sets your soul on fire!” Hoefling said.