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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Peer Reviewed – International Journal Vol-4, Iss
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-2, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 151
Indra Permana Kusuma Putra1 Syarifah Hudayah2 Gusti Noorlitaria Achmad3
1,2,3aculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University
Email: indramanajemen@gmail.com1),
In this study involving consumers PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda
Seberang. In this study, a sample of 120 respondents was used to see
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The data analysis used by the
author is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hypothesis testing is done
by multivariate analysis carried out through the SmartPLS program. Data
analysis through partial Least Square (PLS) is done through two stages,
namely: First, Assessing the outer model or measurement model. Second,
assess the inner model or structural model. The results showed that
Customer value had a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction,
Customer trust had a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction,
Customer value had a significant positive effect on loyalty, Customer trust
had a significant positive effect on loyalty, Satisfaction had a non-
significant positive effect on loyalty on PT Samator Gas Samarinda
Industry Opposite.
Customer value, Customer trust, Customer Satisfaction, Customer loyalty.
1. Introduction
Based on the performance of PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang has a
marketing scope of products covering the areas of Samarinda, Tenggarong, Balikpapan,
Bontang, Sangatta, Trakan, Tanjung Selor Melak Kota Bangun and senoni, the
management feels concerned about competition which has increased significantly due to
the high level of competition between companies . This can be seen in the growing number
of competitors and product verification that could pose a threat in the future for this
company, companies that have the same core business as PT Samator Gas Industri
Samarinda Seberang, including PT Murni Gas Raya, PT Surya Biru Murni Acetylene and
PT Linde.
Based on the level of competition that is the main focus of PT Samator Gas Industri
Samarinda Seberang, the thing to do is to maintain the level of customer satisfaction to
refer directly to the customer loyalty expected by the company. Consumers who are not
satisfied then decide not to use services or product purchases at the company, so they also
complain of dissatisfaction with other consumers who ultimately shape the perception of
others about the products or services of PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang.
Consumers who are satisfied with the services or products provided will encourage others
to use the company, while consumers who are less satisfied only encourage others to use
other companies.
Based on the preliminary survey, there are still complaints from consumers and if this
is not known and is not done quickly by the management it will cause customer exit and

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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-2, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 152
customer voice, therefore it is necessary to measure the level of satisfaction to determine
whether the customer is satisfied or not to the service has been obtained, if the customer is
dissatisfied, it must immediately know the causes and make corrections or improvements to
eliminate the dissatisfaction. If the customer is satisfied it is necessary to maintain that the
customer remains a customer at PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang and does not
switch to other companies (customer retention), in addition to measuring the level of
customer satisfaction a strategy is also made to create customer loyalty at PT Samator Gas
Industri Samarinda Seberang.
2. Foundation of Theory and Development of Hypotheses
The relationship between customer value and satisfaction
Value can be felt by customers if they have used the product purchased because value is an
experience that is felt by the customer. The emotional impression that is felt by the
customer is an obligation for the producer to create a positive psychological impression,
especially for users who intensively use the example of motorcycle taxi drivers who use
motorcycles to support their work. Hurriyarti (2008: 111) business carried out by
companies is to deliver customer value and the basic mission of a business company is no
longer in the form of profit, but rather the creation and addition of value for customers
while profit is a consequence of giving customer value.
The purpose of value creation is to create customer satisfaction. Kotler & Keller
(2009: 138) Customer Satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment someone who
arises because of comparing the perceived real performance of the product, compared to
customer expectations before the use of the product. The main key in creating satisfaction
cannot be separated from the name of customer expectations and impressions felt by
customers, so that producers who understand customer satisfaction will try to create offers
that are able to provide expectations and positive impressions of a product, by integrating
Customer value as the main factor in the offer. The higher the Customer value, the
satisfaction felt by the customer will also be higher. Mardikawati (2013) that there is a
positive influence between Customer value on Customer Satisfaction.
The relationship between customer value and loyalty
Customer value has a very close relationship with customer loyalty. The application of high
customer value will create superior customer value. Furthermore, superior customer value
will increase the satisfaction of the target market which will ultimately give a positive
response in the form of more and more customers using and loyal to the product, due to the
higher perceived value of the customer than the value offered by its competitors
Relationship between customer value and customer loyalty Robinette (2001: 9),
namely: success ang growth are shown to be dependent on the link among values, profits,
and customer loyalty. Customer success and growth will depend on creating value, profit
and loyalty from customers. The creation of high customer value will foster emotional
bonds and positive responses between customers and companies in building relationships.
Relationships that are established without emotion become a mechanical activity and make
customers have no real reason to stay. To increase loyalty the company must increase the
satisfaction of each customer and maintain that level of satisfaction in the long run.
Griffin (2003: 133) that to get loyal customers the company must provide customer
value continuously, improve, improve, or even change products or services to increase
profits for customers. Therefore to increase satisfaction, companies must add value that can
get them what they paid for or more than they expected so that they can survive and lead to
repeat purchases, recommendations and an increasing proportion of spending.

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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-2, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 153
The relationship between customer trust and satisfaction
Morgan & Hunt (2014) defines trust as a condition when one party involved in the
exchange process believes in the reliability and integrity of the other party. Moorman et al.
(2011) that trust is a willingness or willingness to rely on colleagues involved in exchanges
that are believed. Willingness is the result of a belief that the parties involved in the
exchange will provide consistent quality, honesty, responsibility, light-heartedness and
good heart. This belief will create a close relationship between the parties involved in the
exchange (Suhardi, 2006). Moorman et al. (2011) defines trust as a willingness to depend
on other parties who have been trusted. Trust contains two different aspects, namely
credibility which refers to the belief that the other party has expertise in carrying out their
duties and the sincerity of the other party that he has the sincerity to carry out as agreed.
This definition indicates that trust is a fundamental component of marketing strategies in
creating true relationships with consumers. The company that operates builds a cooperative
relationship with its customers as one of the competitive strategies. With a long-term
cooperative relationship, companies can work more effectively by saving transaction costs
and increasing competitiveness. Such cooperative relationships are usually characterized by
high trust (Morgan & Hunt, 2014). Costabile (2004) defines trust as a perception of
reliability from the point of view of consumers based on experience, or more on sequences
of transactions or interactions characterized by meeting expectations for product
performance and satisfaction.
The relationship between customer trust and loyalty
Islam (2010: 135) states that it is necessary to look for veriabel that can guarantee the long-
term commitment of consumers to a single provider. One of these variables is trust. Trust is
a strong driver of Consumer retention to build relationship commitment and customer
loyalty, trust is found as an important factor and also an important variable in relationships.
In the business environment, to build and maintain long-term relationships, trust has
been found to be a very important factor. Trust can reduce the risk of using services,
because it can be considered as a consequence of a positive evaluation of service and
customer loyalty. In addition, that consumer confidence in the company is an attitude of
loyalty for consumers who are relational oriented, trust and commitment are the key
antecedents of loyalty.
Morgan & Hunt (2014) revealed that the relationship behavior that occurs between a
company and its partners is largely determined by trust and commitment, so that it can be
expected that trust will have a positive relationship with re-intention and loyalty.
The relationship between satisfaction with customer loyalty
In this era of increasingly fierce competition, one way to get loyal customers is to satisfy
the needs of consumers consistently from time to time. Many ways that companies can use
to satisfy consumer needs (Ferrinadewi, 2005). Customer satisfaction is the attitude,
assessment and emotional response shown by consumers after the purchase / consumption
process that comes from the comparison of his impression of the actual performance of a
product and his expectations and evaluation of the experience of consuming a product or
service (Wilkie, 1994).
Wilkie (1994) states that there are five elements of customer satisfaction, namely: 1)
expectations, which are expectations built by consumers during the pre-purchase phase; 2)
performance, namely how consumers realize and accept the performance of the product; 3)
comparison, which is a comparison made by consumers after consuming the product; 4)

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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-2, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 154
confirmation or disconfirmation, is the result of comparison that will produce confirmation
of expectation or produce disconfirmation of expectation 5) disrepancy, indicating how the
difference between the level of performance with expectations. When actual performance is
below expectations, a wider gap will result in a high level of dissatisfaction. Product loyalty
is a consistent consumer preference to make purchases on the same product on specific
products or certain service categories (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2004: 102).
Product loyalty has a close relationship with customer satisfaction. Where product
loyalty is directly affected by satisfaction with products that have been accumulated in a
certain period of time as per the perception of customer trust (Mowen & Minor, 2002). The
level of customer satisfaction will affect the degree of consumer product loyalty. Because
one of the factors that influence product loyalty is customer satisfaction (Schiffman &
Kanuk, 2004: 123).
Consumers in meeting their needs and desires, will buy products with certain products.
Before making a purchase, consumers will develop an expectation or belief about what the
product expects from a product where the expectation is a quality standard that will be
compared with the function or customer trust that consumers actually feel. Hopes that are
formed are still in the mind (cognitive) of consumers. This expectation will be continued by
buying / consuming products.
During consuming the product, consumers will feel the actual product function (actual
performance). Where the actual product function is felt by consumers is the consumer's
perception of the customer trust. This perception is a representation of what is believed /
believed by consumers, which is formed in the cognitive so that it will eventually develop
cognitive loyalty in consumers. After consuming the product, consumers will compare their
expectations with the product's function.
Through comparison (comparison) will be obtained results whether consumers will be
satisfied or not satisfied with the products they consume. Satisfaction indicates a positive
attitude and feeling towards the product, if the consumer has a positive attitude towards the
product, then the consumer will develop affective loyalty. Satisfied consumers will intend
to use the same product in the future (conative loyalty).
Repurchasing on the same product will show customer loyalty to the product
(Sumarwan, 2003: 76). But in product loyalty, repeated purchases of the product are
influenced by loyalty to the product.
Loyalty to products involves the function of psychological processes which show that
when consumers are loyal to certain products, consumers will actively choose products,
engage with products and develop positive attitudes towards products (Kumar, 2002).
Sumarwan (2003: 88) also added that loyalty will lead to the emergence of
commitment to the product, namely the emotional and psychological closeness of a
consumer to the product of a product. But it must be remembered, that product loyalty is
not always caused by customer satisfaction. As a result, there is an asymmetrical
relationship between loyalty and satisfaction (Gommans, 2001), the relationship between
product loyalty and customer satisfaction is asymmetrical where people who are loyal to a
product are certainly satisfied but customer satisfaction does not always lead to product
loyalty. From the explanation above it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is one of
the factors that influence product loyalty to consumers.
3. Research Methods
The population in this study is consumers of PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang.
This study uses a sampling technique in this study is Nonprobability Sampling. Sample
requirements in this study were respondents who used the services of PT Samator Gas

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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-2, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 155
Industri Samarinda Seberang, respondents in this study were the relations of PT Samator
Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang.
Then the number of samples used in this study were 120 respondents, to measure
customer loyalty satisfaction of PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang in this study
focused on consumers who use company products more than 2 times and included in the
corporate category instead of individuals, in this study questionnaire filled by the
procurement of goods and services in each company, the reason for choosing the
procurement of goods and services is because the division knows the company's needs.
In this study data analysis uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. PLS is a
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) equation model based on components or variants.
PLS is an alternative approach that shifts from a covariant-based SEM approach to variant-
based. Covariance-based SEM generally tests causality / theory while PLS is more
predictive model. PLS is a powerful analysis method
4. Discussion
Research Model Using Partial Least Square
Research Models Before Elimination
In the research model the loading factor requirement above 0.50 reflects the loading factor
that describes the variable. In the initial research model it can be seen that there is a
construct in the loading factor variable which has a value below 0.5. Based on this
criterion, indicators whose loading values are less than 0.50 are eliminated from the
analysis. Indicators that are eliminated in the initial research model are indicators for
customer value variables, which are the first indicator (X1.1) so that a new research model
is obtained with the following picture:

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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-2, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 156
Research Model After Elimination
Based on the picture it appears that all loading factors are 0.50 so that research can
proceed to analyze the measurement model or outer model and the structural or inner
Goodness of Fit Model Check
The goodness of fit of the PLS model is measured through the Q-square predictive
relevance value, to measure how well the observed value is generated by the model and
also the estimated parameters. Goodness of fit testing uses predictive-relevance (Q2) value.
R2 values of each endogenous variable in this study are as follows:
Table: Nilai R-Square
Endogen Variable
Customer satisfaction
0.366 / 36,60%
Customer loyalty
0.383 / 38,30%
Source: Data processing with PLS, 2020.
T-test testing
Testing the inner model or structural model is done to see the relationship between the
constructs of the research model. The basis used in testing hypotheses is the value
contained in the output result for inner weight. The results of the analysis and hypothesis
testing can be seen in the table:

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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-2, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 157
Table: Result For Inner Weights
P Values
Customer value
Poaitive Significant
Customer trust
Positive is not
Customer value
Significant positive
Customer trust
Significant positive
Customer loyalty
Positive is not
Source: Data processing with PLS, 2020
Based on the Table, it can be seen the influence and significance level of each variable, if P
Value <0.05 means that the exogenous variable gives a significant influence on endogenous
variables and if P Value> 0.05, the exogenous variable gives no significant effect on
endogenous variables with an explanation as follows:
1) Customer value has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction at PT
Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang, with a coefficient value of 0.551 and a p-
value of 0,000.
2) Customer trust has no significant positive effect on customer satisfaction at PT
Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang, with a coefficient value of 0.098 and a p-
value of 0.363.
3) Customer value has a significant positive effect on loyalty at PT Samator Gas Industri
Samarinda Seberang, with a coefficient value of 0.281 and a p-value of 0.013.
4) Customer trust has a significant positive effect on loyalty to PT Samator Gas Industri
Samarinda Seberang, with a coefficient value of 0.338 and a p-value of 0.004.
5) Satisfaction has no significant positive effect on loyalty to PT Samator Gas Industri
Samarinda Seberang, with a coefficient value of 0.136 and a p-value of 0.203.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Based on the results of research and discussion that has been done, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1) Customer value has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction at PT
Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang, meaning that any increase in customer
value will be able to significantly increase customer satisfaction.
2) Customer trust has no significant positive effect on customer satisfaction at PT
Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang, meaning that any increase in customer
trust will be able to increase customer satisfaction but customer value has not been
able to drive an increase in satisfaction significantly.
3) Customer value has a significant positive effect on loyalty at PT Samator Gas Industri
Samarinda Seberang, meaning that any increase in customer value will be able to
significantly increase customer loyalty.
4) Customer trust has a significant positive effect on loyalty at PT Samator Gas Industri
Samarinda Seberang, meaning that any increase in customer trust will be able to
significantly increase customer loyalty.

Page 8
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-2, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 158
5) Satisfaction has no significant positive effect on loyalty to PT Samator Gas Industri
Samarinda Seberang, meaning that any increase in customer satisfaction will be able
to increase customer loyalty but customer satisfaction has not been able to
significantly increase customer loyalty.
Based on the conclusions stated above, it is suggested as follows:
1) In connection with the responses of respondents about customer trust, it is
recommended for PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang to strengthen the
customer trust generated so that it does not disappoint consumers.
2) In connection with the responses of respondents about customer value, it is
recommended that PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang update the model,
namely the variety of types and types of products sold so that the products produced
always vary.
3) Given the types of products that can be produced continue to grow. it will be useful in
product design, to achieve optimal results.
4) In general, customer loyalty at PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang is
already high, but it would be better if the growth of new products is enhanced by
offering products with a wider variety and types and an expanded market so that this
product is better known by the public so as to create loyalty. too high.
5) Conducting research by using other variables not included in this study such as price,
product differentiation, promotion, location, market orientation and others to increase
satisfaction and customer loyalty of PT Samator Gas Industri Samarinda Seberang.
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