Occasionally while we’re busy with doing something, a few random ideas come to mind. This can be complete nonsense or something that may be inspired by the truth. As for me, while were being away due to workload pressure, there have been some things that made me thinking…

A hobby that becomes a job is no longer a hobby

There may be several people who enjoy working, but probably not many does, even if the job is initially started as a hobby (there may be exceptions). The thing is, the one difference between hobby and work is that you can set up and do the former at your own pace. You do it for leisure and de-stress. And if a hobby becomes your job, it turns into a chore and is less pleasant because there are certain circumstances, responsibilities, and deadlines you have to fulfill. Not to mention, the result you have worked on has to be approved first and it’s not you who get to decide. Eventually, one may reconsider if they really want to turn hobbies into jobs.

Getting to know someone by making fun of them

A very common form of interaction when trying to get to know someone is making jokes, but it probably becomes less comfortable if you are the butt of the jokes. It becomes tedious if you can’t keep up with their jokes and can only laugh with them, at yourself. Some people probably do think that besides having mutual interests, it’s easier to bond with new peers by making fun of someone else, but under the condition that they let you know they’re only joking, which is likely more tolerable if you are already comfortable enough with them. It probably also would be more bearable if they occasionally crack jokes about themselves and something else, though. Either you need to have thick skin, or can dish as good as they do. If someone is highly introverted or socially awkward, it can probably get exhausting real fast.

Parents want you happy, but on their own terms

All good parents must be wanting their children to be happy, right? They are their pride and joy after all. Many parents usually would support and respect their children’s wishes, hopes, and dreams within boundaries at least. Namely ones that do not cause harm to others or themselves, or against the law. But sometimes we are not that lucky. There may be some parents who want their children to be happy but it has to be under their rules. In where I come from, if you attempt to pursue your dream even if it’s good for you and it makes you happy, but your parents wish something else for your happiness, they will think you’re selfish. Some parents do have tendency to make you feel like you owe them. When that’s the case, it’s no longer “happy children, happy parents” but the opposite. To some extent, it also applies to marriage and career.

It’s nearly impossible to be amicable with an ex

I used to think that it shouldn’t be that difficult to remain friends with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. After all, before we were in a relationship with them, we first got to know them beforehand and started off as a friend. Well, most of the time. Looking around, I find most people cannot do that. Usually their reason is that it feels awkward or worry that the old feelings and attraction resurface. For the latter, there’s nothing wrong about it, right? It just means those two still do love each other. I still don’t really get it though; why would two ex-lovers be awkward with each other even as friends? Why can’t they always go back to where before they were involved in romantic relationship?

And to end there’s one more thing to end this note:

The only thing scarier being in the dark…
is when you realize you’re not alone in the dark

That’s all. Have a nice weekend, folks!
Do say if something if you ever wonder about something.

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