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Children of Morta: Best Tactics and Strategies

Children of Morta: Best Tactics and Strategies

Children of Morta is an action role-playing game developed by Dead Mage and published by 11 bit studios. In this game, we discover a deep story by playing with various characters. However, we need good tactics and strategy to succeed and overcome tough enemies. In this article, we will talk in detail about the best tactics and strategies in Children of Morta. Children of Morta has an in-game currency called gold to purchase the necessary items and innovations. There are several ways to succeed with the in-game economy.
  • It is important to make a purchase at the right time. Items and power-ups are unlocked as you progress through the game, so it's important to use your gold wisely.
  • You can use the items you obtain during dungeons to trade. Some items may be more valuable, so you should make your exchanges carefully.
In Children of Morta, you can choose from a variety of characters with different abilities. Each character has unique advantages and disadvantages, and it's important to adjust your tactics accordingly.
  • Each member of the Bergson family is a unique character with different abilities. For example, John has strong attacks, while Linda stands out from the others with her ranged attacks.
  • You can discover the synergy between characters by trying different combinations. For example, an effective strategy could be for John to quickly capture enemies and Linda to shoot them from a distance.
  • You can use the power-ups available in the shop to improve characters' abilities and characteristics.
Children of Morta has a world full of tough enemies and you need to improve your combat skills. Here are some tactics you can use when fighting enemies:
  • Watch enemy movements and try to predict their attacks. Each enemy may have a different attack style, so it's important to adjust your defenses against them.
  • Focus your attacks on the enemy's weak points. Some enemies have armor and you should try to break the armor to deal more damage.
  • Use your different abilities and try combinations while fighting enemies. Characters' special abilities can give you an advantage.
  • Take the time to learn the attack patterns and strategies of different enemy types. This will help you fight more effectively.
Children of Morta doesn't just tell the story of a family, it also focuses on the bonds between family members. Strengthening these bonds can provide advantages in the game:
  • You can support each other by using the solidarity between family members. For example, if a family member dies, others may take his place and continue the fight.
  • You can gain additional advantages by strengthening communication between family members. It is important to support each other and work together.
Children of Morta has many different areas to explore. You can use some strategies to overcome enemies and uncover secrets in these areas:
  • Each region has its own unique challenges, so you should prepare your characters accordingly. For example, in an icy area, it may be advantageous to choose a character that deals fire damage.
  • Some areas have secret areas that only certain characters can access. You must use the correct character to get the rewards in these regions.

Final Thoughts

Children of Morta offers an action-packed adventure in a world full of challenging enemies. The key to being successful in the game is to have good tactics and strategy. It is very important to buy items at the right time, discover the synergy between characters, fend off enemies correctly and strengthen your family ties. Remember that there are many areas to explore and prepare your characters accordingly. Enjoy!

Children of Morta is a roguelike action-adventure game developed by Dead Mage in 2019. Players come together as members of the Bergson family to fight the evil forces that spread across the world. The development of the game is carried out by leveling up the characters and using different equipment. In this article, we will examine in detail the items you can choose to strengthen your characters in Children of Morta.

Upgrade Your Heroes' Abilities

It is important to distribute skill points correctly to increase the powers of your characters. Each character has its own unique skill trees and you can improve your skills through these trees. For example, the John character's "Ammo Generation" ability improves his ammunition and gives him more attack advantage.

Improve Attributes Using Items

There are different types of equipment in the game that your characters can use. Each of these equipment helps you improve your character's attributes. For example, you can increase your character's attack power with a weapon or strengthen his defensive abilities with an armor.

Equipment Type Attributes Weapons Increases attack power, grants special abilities Armor Increases defensive power, reduces damage Bracelets Grants additional attacks, increases speed or durability Necklaces Increases healing, provides different status effects

When deciding which items to go for, it's important to consider your character's playstyle and weaknesses. For example, a weapon that deals more damage might be ideal for a character who wants to increase their attack power. However, a necklace that provides more health recovery might be a better option for a more durable character.

Item Sets and Synergy

In Children of Morta, you can make your characters even stronger with special item sets and integrity abilities. Item sets provide additional abilities and buffs by combining specific items. For example, the "Bergson Family Alliance" set can increase your characters' attack speed or increase their damage.

Integrity abilities allow different characters to create synergy with each other. For example, when the characters John and Mark team up, they can combine their attacks and have the ability to deal greater damage. Therefore, you can discover which combinations are most effective by trying different equipment to strengthen your characters and create the best tactics.

Upgrading and Improving Items

In the game, you can use different resources to upgrade and improve your items. These resources can be obtained from enemies or earned by completing missions. Upgrading an item allows you to further strengthen your character by increasing its attributes and power.

Additionally, it is important to gain experience to level up your characters. As you reach higher levels, you can unlock new abilities and features. Therefore, it is important to spend as much time as possible improving your characters to defeat enemies and complete missions.


Children of Morta offers many different options to strengthen your characters and create the best tactics. Distributing your skill points correctly, choosing appropriate equipment and upgrading your items is the most effective way to make your characters stronger. However, it is important to remember that each character has different abilities and teamwork is important in the game. Make sure your characters are compatible with each other to create the best tactics and defeat the evil forces.

Children of Morta is an exciting adventure game and offers players many opportunities to improve their tactics and correctly implement their strategies. This game requires players to explore their characters, defeat enemies, and help each other. Mobility and target types are important factors you need to consider to be successful.

What is Mobility and Why is it Important?

Mobility refers to how players can move their characters around maps. A character's movement ability and speed play a vital role in the game. A proper mobility strategy can enable you to evade enemy attacks, interrupt attacks, and quickly aid teammates.

There are two main types of mobility in the game: jumping and running. Thanks to the players' jumping ability, they can overcome obstacles and reach high places. The running ability allows the character to move faster. Both capabilities must be used strategically and applied at the right time.

Prioritizing Target Types

There are various types of objectives in the game, and it is important to give each a different priority. Choosing the right target allows players to be more effective and successful.

Target Type Priority Description Skeleton Warriors High Skeleton warriors are the most common enemies in the game and often pose a major threat. By quickly neutralizing them, a more comfortable gaming experience can be had. Boss Enemies Very High Boss enemies are stronger and more durable. Defeating them is important for progressing in the game and discovering new areas. Therefore, it is very important to prioritize boss enemies. Cells Medium Cells are important resources that characters can use to upgrade their abilities. However, the cells are guarded by enemies, so care must be taken when choosing targets. Gold and Items Low Gold and items have an important role in the game, but they have low priority. Players can focus on gold and items to strengthen their characters, but they must prioritize enemies and other important objectives.

Mobility and target types are important elements in the game, and players need to take these factors into consideration to be successful. A correct mobility strategy makes it easier to evade enemy attacks and help teammates, while correct target selection allows players to be more effective.

Prioritizing boss enemies can help players progress, while obtaining cells from important resources protected from enemies can also strengthen characters' abilities. Although gold and items have a certain importance in the game, they have low priority.

Children of Morta is a game that requires balancing mobility and target types. Players need to act wisely and develop their strategies. Prioritizing mobility and target types will help players maximize their gaming experience.

Children of Morta is a roguelike action role-playing game developed by Heybox Games and published by Dead Mage. It is vital that the characters in the game are equipped with different weapons and use these weapons correctly. In this article, you will find detailed information about which character should use which weapon and the advantages of each. Here are tips on the best tactics and strategies in Children of Morta:

Warrior: Sword

The Warrior character is one of the toughest characters in Children of Morta and specializes in close combat abilities. Therefore, the weapon that would suit him best would be a sword. The sword provides a perfect balance to the warrior character as it has fast and powerful attacks. The sword's wide cutting movements provide an advantage when the warrior attacks through crowded enemies. You can also quickly chain combos together and use them effectively against enemies.

Shepherd: Sagittarius

The Shepherd character is best for attacking from a distance and therefore his best weapon is a bow. The bow is perfect for keeping enemies at a safe distance and allows you to fire multiple accurate arrows. You can be effective against armored enemies with your slow but devastating attacks. The bow is also capable of passing through groups of enemies, dealing accurate damage. Therefore, with a strategic play, you can be protected from enemies for many days.

The sledgehammer, a heavy weapon, fits perfectly with the overwhelming power of the Bergson family. The war sledgehammer has a powerful effect that can knock down enemies in a single attack. This character stands out for his ability to easily crush hordes of enemies. Additionally, although he is not agile, he can survive long battles with his high durability.

Thief: Dagger

The thief character is the fastest character in the game and has the ability to hunt down enemies quickly. Dagger maximizes the advantages of the thief character with its fast and sharp attacks. This character can grab enemies from behind and perform critical attacks as he has the ability to easily navigate around enemies. The dagger also has the ability to pierce the enemy's armor.

Healer: Staff

The Healer character is a character who heals and supports his teammates. Therefore, the most suitable weapon for him would be a staff. The staff allows the healer character to make the most of his advantages, with the ability to keep enemies in line and the ability to use healing spells. You can also stun enemies with the staff and cast area-affected spells on them. Since the Healer character's main purpose is to protect his teammates, a staff is a suitable choice for him.

  • The best weapon for the warrior character will be a sword. It allows the warrior character to use his advantages in the best way with his fast and powerful attacks.
  • The best weapon for the Shepherd character is the bow. It is a perfect option to fight against enemies with its remote attack capabilities.
  • The sledgehammer, a heavy weapon, fits the character of the Bergson family's overwhelming power. The power of his warhammer helps him defeat hordes of enemies easily.
  • The best weapon for the thief character is a dagger. With his fast and sharp attacks, he can quickly hunt down enemies and easily overcome dangerous situations.
  • The best weapon for the Healer character is the staff. A staff is a great option for the Healer character to heal and support his teammates.

The use of different weapons by the characters in Children of Morta increases the tactical and strategic aspect of the game. Each character has their own advantages and strategies, and choosing the right weapon plays a big role in achieving success. The above tips and strategies will help you succeed in the game and make your progress easier. Now, head back to Children of Morta and prepare to defeat enemies using these best tactics and strategies!

Children of Morta is an action role-playing game with roguelike features. Players must control members of the Bergson family, evolving and strengthening them while fighting different enemies. Since the difficulty level of the game is high, choosing the right fighting style is extremely important. In this article, we will offer some tips for choosing the right fighting style against different types of enemies.

Different Enemy Types and Features

There are many different enemy types in Children of Morta, and each has different characteristics. While some enemies try to catch you with their melee abilities, some can attack from a distance. Some enemies can use dangerous spells or be protected by their armor. Therefore, analyzing the types and characteristics of enemies well is important to determine the right strategy.

Correct Fighting Styles

There are many different fighting styles you can use in Children of Morta. Each Bergson family member has different abilities, weapons and powers. Therefore, the choice of the right fighting style depends on the characteristics of your character and the weak points of the enemies. Here are some fighting styles that can be preferred against different enemy types:

Enemy Type Correct Fighting Style Melee Enemies Members of the Bergson family with close combat abilities can effectively deal with such enemies. For example, if you have John, you can perform powerful sword attacks and melee combos. Remote Attacking Enemies Members with ranged attack abilities, such as Lucy, can effectively hit such enemies from a distance. You can neutralize them using arrow shots and magical attacks. Magic-Using Enemies Members with magic abilities, such as Linda, Mark, or Lucy, can fight magic-using enemies more effectively. You can use magic-blocking abilities to block or deflect these enemies' magic attacks. Sheltered Enemies Sheltered enemies can make your attacks harder by using their armor and defenses. In this case, members of the Bergson family with high damage-dealing abilities can deliver attacks that can break down defenses. For example, Kevin's attacks are effective at breaking through enemy armor.

Use of Equipment and Abilities

Choosing the right fighting style is not limited to character selection. The equipment and abilities you can collect throughout the game will also affect your fighting strategy. For example, you can become more durable by using an item that increases defensive abilities or choose an item that provides more attack power.

It is also important to distribute the skill points you earn correctly to improve the skill tree. Choosing the most effective abilities for members of the Bergen family will provide an advantage during the fight.

Tactical Changes

Each enemy type has its own tactics, and sometimes it may be necessary to make some tactical changes. For example, when attacking a protected enemy, it may be wiser to wait and attack, waiting for opportunities, rather than constantly attacking. Some enemies become stronger from fallen corpses, so it's important to take them out quickly.

It will also be to your advantage to carefully observe the attack patterns and movements of the enemies. Finding its weak points and vulnerabilities and planning your attacks accordingly will give you an advantage.

Children of Morta is a game where choosing the right fighting style is important. It is important to analyze the characteristics of the enemies, use the characters' abilities and equipment correctly, and make tactical changes in order to choose the right fighting style against different types of enemies. By following these tips, you can successfully lead the Bergson family to fight against the enemies and save Morta!

Children of Morta is a game about the exciting adventure of a family, the Bergsons. In this roguelike action game, your abilities play a role in strengthening your characters and giving you an advantage. Creating a good combination will allow you to gain superiority against tough enemies. Here are the most effective skill combinations for Children of Morta:

Ranged Dps (Remote Damage)

As a member of the Bergson family, you can have a character that can deal a large amount of damage from afar. The focus in this combination is on abilities with high damage capacity. Below you can find some effective abilities you can use in this combination:

  • Fire attack: The ability to set opponents on fire is a great option to lock your enemies on target and deal damage to them.
  • Molotov cocktail: This ability allows you to throw fuel at enemies to detonate them, dealing damage in a wide area.
  • Attack damage booster: An ability that increases the power of your long-range attacks can significantly increase your damage.

This combination of abilities allows you to deal massive damage to your enemies quickly. As you neutralize enemies with your ranged attacks, you will need to focus less on your defensive abilities.


If you want to play the game with a more resilient character, you can choose to be a tank. In this combination, you should focus on abilities that increase your durability and that you can use to neutralize your enemies. Here are some effective abilities you can use in your tank combination:

  • Shield of protection: This ability gives you a shield and you do not take damage. It provides a great advantage against enemy attacks.
  • Bloodline: This ability grants you and surrounding family members additional durability. It can be a great benefit in group battles.
  • Slowing blow: An ability that slows down your enemies, giving you greater control and defense.

With the tank combination, you can challenge enemies and increase your endurance while protecting your family. In this combination, you deal less damage but have more durability.

Multiple Enemy Attack

If you want to be effective against many enemies, a multi-enemy attack combination may be for you. In this combination, you should focus on abilities that will quickly neutralize enemies and deal mass damage to them. Here are some effective abilities you can use in this combination:

  • Freeze attack: An ability that freezes enemies, immobilizing them and giving you the opportunity to attack targets.
  • Attack speed booster: This ability increases your attack speed, allowing you to damage enemies faster.
  • Localized damage: This ability deals mass damage to enemies around you and can incapacitate several enemies at once.

The multiple enemy attack combination allows you to be effective when facing a group of enemies. You can easily neutralize enemies with your fast attacks and mass damage abilities.

Table: Ability Combinations

Ability Type Features Remote Damage Fire attack, molotov cocktail, attack damage booster Tank Protection shield, blood bond, slowing blow Multiple Enemy Attacks Freeze attack, attack speed booster, localized damage

Children of Morta allows for different play styles based on skill combinations. You can lead the Bergson family to victory by choosing the combination that best suits your play style. Find the most effective strategy by experimenting with combinations of ranged damage, tank or multiple enemy attacks and achieve success in this epic adventure!

Children of Morta: Best Tactics and Strategies, Equipment Selection: Which items should you strengthen your characters?, Mobility and Target Types: How should you move on the maps and which targets should you prioritize?, Weapon Compatibility: Which weapon should you use with which character?, Fighting Styles: Which fighting style should you choose against different enemy types?,Skill Trees: What are the most effective skill combinations?