Types of physiotherapy and how it will help you to improve your mobility

Physiotherapy is the treatment that improves the patient’s mobility. Suffering from chronic pain or injury? That affects your everyday function, you must think about getting physiotherapy done. Seeing a physiotherapist for the first time? Kalpanjali is one of the renowned Physiotherapy centers in Gurgaon.

  • Sports physiotherapy– In comparison with normal activities, sports activities are more challenging and physically demanding as well. For these reasons, sports people suffer from muscle strains often. Be a beginner or seasoned sports person; a sports physiotherapist can help you to perform better and also recover fast if you have any sports injury. Because a small injury may affect your game, it’s better to treat this quickly.
  • Neurological physiotherapy- Neurological conditions may lead to muscle weakness, loss of balance and coordination, tremors, and loss of function, and it may decrease the sensation as well. The main aim of neurological physiotherapy is to establish mobility and treat functional disorders that may be originated from a neuromuscular system like stroke, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, etc.
  • Geriatric Physiotherapy– Aged people have the tendency of diminished muscle strength, reduced balance conditions, slow reflexes, coordination, etc. Most important, most older people have overlapping health issue that needs a special type of exercise to manage. Consult with a geriatric physiotherapist who can solve these conditions like motion loss, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, etc.
  • Pediatric physiotherapy- A pediatric physiotherapist will help you to improve that acute injury that occurred in your body during birth tome, delayed physical growth, or any type of certain genetic defect like cerebral palsy. A physiotherapist will use various exercises in children, which will give strength to their affected parts, and thus, it will prove the movement of those parts. So if you are looking for the top and most skilled physiotherapy treatment in Gurgaon, then contact Kalpanjali physiotherapy centre. 

Services offered by Kalpanjali physiotherapy centre

  • Soft tissue injury
  • Knee pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Knee and back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Frozen shoulder etc

Types of treatment used by the physiotherapist

Manual Therapy, TENS therapy, Magnetic therapy, Acupuncture, dry needling, Taping, Joint mobilization, Hot and cold application, rehabilitation, strengthing program, hydrotherapy, diathermy, ultrasound, and phonophoresis, ROM exercises, soft tissue mobilization. After the consultation with the physiotherapist, you will get to know about the therapy, the therapist will diagnose the medical history, you will receive a diagnoses plan, and the therapist will set the goal. Lastly, they will prescribe an exercise course.

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