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Life of An Artist: Learning To Deal With Changes & Challenges

13 september 2022

Life of An Artist: Learning To Deal With Changes & Challenges

Can't believe it's been a whole year since I started to regularly post in my new Instagram account! So much has happened in my life this year that I could write a whole book about it!

Putting things in the back burner to take care for family matters should be viewed as an opportunity to put our personal preference aside and give the needed love and attention to the person that you are now entrusted to. This past year I have become a care taker, a guardian, a companion to several people that I love and care for. Many times though as I was going through the motions and wanting to give all I got, I ended up neglecting my own wants and needs. I felt that my mind was hijacked by some alien from another planet and that I no longer can enjoy being my own person. I was existing as a mere symbiotic being, instead of an intelligent human being. I ended up sad, tired, and resentful.

But then no one is to blame, but me. I should have stopped when I couldn't go on. I should have taken time to make sure that I got my rest. That I took time to take care of my husband, home, and dog. That I took time to do the things that I love to do. Like for instance my spiritual things, my abstract art, my writing, my music my original Art, my time with nature.

One problem that I have is one of the first things a baby learns to say and that is: No! To say no, and not to feel guilty or bad is a big challenge for me. Why is this so difficult for me to follow this simple thing? I know that a lot of women have a problem with this. We are naturally a nurturer. To actually say to someone "No." Sounds and feels mean and hurtful. It is so wrong. It's like we are going against our very nature.
