8 Video Tools

Amnesty International YouTube DataViewer*
Takes a URL for a video and provides background info.

Awesome Screenshot
This Chrome extension is a screen recorder with no extra features that will save up to :30. Free.

Pronounced ‘disco’, this app is for GIF creation. Animations up to 2.5 seconds long. Free. Video example.

App that records Skype and Facetime. It lets you convert your calls into MP3 files for podcasting or easily move the video to YouTube and Vimeo. Split the audio tracks after a call for easy editing. $39.95.

A free Firefox plugin to debunk fake video news and verify videos and images.

Digital Anarchy’s plugin to create automated transcriptions of video in Premiere Pro. Free Trial. $299.

Upload your video and TubeMogul will send it to many social media sites at one time-though you'll have to set up accounts with all the sites on your own. Tracks viewership. A part of Adobe's Marketing Cloud.

YouTube Creator Hub
Resources to help create better video content and bigger audiences. An online community for serious YouTube creators.

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