Trip Wisata Bromo — Mount Bromo Trip Package

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Mount Bromo Trip Package

Mount Bromo trip package is the most popular hiking destination in East Java. Mount Bromo is located on the border of Central Java and East Java provinces, approximately 490 kilometers North of Jakarta (Capital City). The name “Bromo Tengger Semeru” comes from the name of three mountains that exist in the area of ​​this national park.

 "Bromo" is taken from the name of a Hindu deity called Brahma, whereas “Tengger” is taken from a local tribe who lived around Mount Bromo, and “Semeru” came from Hindu mythology referring to Lord Shiva ’s Nama which is also known as Mahadewa / Rudra or Agung Widhyaswara. This park has an area of about 592 square kilometers wide, which includes a protected forest area and a nature reserve. In this park there are some mountains that have natural beauty and have become tourist objects, among others are Mount Bromo , Mount Batok , Mount Kursi , Mount Widodaren , and Mount Semeru . The name “Bromo Tengger Semeru” comes from their names together with their locations on Earth’s surface separated by coordinates latitude - longitude such as 47°08'48’’ S / 112°02'11’’ E (southwest) located at an altitude of 2,777 meters above sea level above sea level (NHB). The highest point in this park where we can see Mt. Batok peak at 2,835 meters above sea level above sea level (NHB). Engaging in activities within these two areas namely Taman Nasional Bromo-Tengger-Sembilang (TNBT) which was created because TNBT has three main objectives namely: protecting wildlife habitat for animals such ianus raja (‘King Bird’) which has been found

Mount Bromo trip package

Mount Bromo is a volcano located on the east side of Mount Semeru, which is part of the Tengger Massif in East Java province. It got its name from the word “bromo” which means blue in Malay language. The volcano has been active since 1742 and was last active in 1881–1882 when it erupted with ash blasts up to 3 km (2 miles) away from its peak. Its last major eruption occurred on 1 May 2015 resulting in several villages being buried under ash flows, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, lahars and mudflows. The mountain is also home to many other attractions like Panorama (the highest point at 528 m above sea level), Waterfall Cave [Ranikrom], Sunset Point [Kembang Singa], Banjar Panjang River Gorge [Candi Panjang] & many more!

Mount Bromo Tour Package from Malang City: This tour package can be booked online or directly at our office located inside Jl. Tanjung Priok No 21 Jakarta Selatan 14320 Indonesia Telp : +62-21-374788

It’s taken for granted that the air in Mount Bromo is very cold, even during the day rarely felt warm, it is common if we often hear a story from the local community about water pipes in the tube that is dammed by ice at night.

It’s taken for granted that the air in Mount Bromo is very cold, even during the day rarely felt warm, it is common if we often hear a story from the local community about water pipes in the tube that is dammed by ice at night.

The average temperature in Mount Bromo during daytime can reach 23 degrees Celsius (73 F), but at night it only goes down to 15-18 degrees Celsius (59-64 F). This means that you will need thick clothes and comfortable shoes when you go hiking or climbing up there because they will be quite cold even during daylight hours!

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) is a national park located on the East Java island of Indonesia . This park has an area of about 592 square kilometers wide, which includes a protected forest area and a nature reserve. In this park there are some mountains that have natural beauty and have become tourist objects, among others are Mount Bromo, Mount Batok , Mount Kursi , Mount Widodaren , and Mount Semeru . The name “Bromo Tengger Semeru” comes from the name of three mountains that exist in the area of ​​this national park. “Bromo” is taken from the name of a Hindu deity called Brahma, whereas “Tengger” is taken from a local tribe who lived around Mount Bromo, and “Semeru” came from Hindu mythology referring to Lord Shiva ’s Nama which is also known as Mahadewa / Rudra or Agung Widhyaswara.

Mount Bromo is one of the most famous tourist attractions in East Java. It is located in the city of Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia. Mount Bromo has an area of ​​about 709 square kilometers (270 sq mi), which makes it the largest mountain on Earth by volume. This mountain has two peaks: North Peak at 5962 meters above sea level and South Peak at 5932 meters above sea level; the height difference between these two peaks is about 948 meters (3100 ft). Both North & South Peaks are very steep cliffs that resemble a pyramid shape when viewed from below its base because they’re covered with snow during winter months ( December - March ).

Mount Bromo was named after Hindu deity Brahma because there were many legends about how this deity visited this place before he went away again after creating everything around us today including our bodies too! So if you ever go there then make sure not to miss out any part since they all look so amazing!

The climate at Mount Bromo - Indonesia

Mount Bromo is located in the East Java province, about 360 kilometers from Jakarta. The climate at Mount Bromo - Indonesia is tropical monsoon with warm temperatures and high rainfall. The average temperature in summer is between 20-30 degrees Celsius, while winter maintains an average temperature of 13 degrees Celsius.

Rainfall reaches 200 mm per year on average; however it can vary greatly depending on weather conditions such as cloudiness or wind speed (average 7.7 m / s).


Mount Bromo is a beautiful place with an intriguing history, and we hope that this trip package will help you experience it. The weather during the day is cold and at night there are frequent reports of ice dams in the pipe. If you want to visit this area, we recommend bringing warm clothes and good shoes because it can be very cold there in winter.
