City of Carpinteria
City Council Agenda
Monday, January 23, 2023
Council Chamber, 5775 Carpinteria Avenue,
Carpinteria, CA 93013


4:00 p.m. Closed Session - 5:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
In-Person and Virtual Participation Options

Attendance/Viewing Options:
  • Attend the in-person meeting in City Council Chambers at City Hall (5775 Carpinteria Ave.)
  • View the meeting live through the City’s website ( on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • View the meeting on Government Access Television Channel 21 (broadcast live and rebroadcast on the Wednesday and the Saturday following the meeting at 8:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., respectively).
  • Call 669-900-9128 (and enter Webinar ID 889 0390 2262) to listen to the meeting on your phone.
  • Join the City’s Zoom webinar from your computer, tablet, or smartphone by CLICKING HERE. Alternatively, you can join the Zoom webinar by logging on to, downloading the application, selecting "Join Meeting", and entering Webinar ID 889 0390 2262.

How to Provide Public Comments
  • Provide a live public comment during the in-person meeting in City Council Chambers at City Hall (5775 Carpinteria Ave.). Please note the City has the discretion to limit both the overall and indivdual speaker time for any meeting or agenda matter. Typically, the Council's practice has been to limit each speaker to three minutes.
  • Provide a live comment through the City’s Zoom webinar platform (through the link provided above). To make public comments through this platform please use the “raise your hand” feature to notify staff that you would like to make a public comment during designated public comment times. Once it is your turn to provide a public comment, staff will unmute your microphone and you will be given a designated amount of time to provide your comment (typically, the practice has been up to 3 minutes per speaker on each item). At the end of your comment, staff will once again mute your microphone.
  • Submit a written comment (as either a general public comment or on a specific agenda item) to be distributed to Council Members by 12:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting by either submitting your comment via (1) email to (PLEASE NOTE NEW PUBLIC COMMENT EMAIL ADDRESS), or (2) the  eComment link on the City's agenda website\). Please reference the agenda item to which your comment pertain. While written comments become part of the record, they will not be read aloud at the meeting.

Please note that the City will make every effort to make the meeting accessible virtually; however, if one of the above virtual attendance/viewing or public comment options is unavailable due to technological issues, you are invited to take advantage of one of the other participation options outlined above (including attending and providing public comment in-person in the City Council Chambers). Additional options may be made available at the meeting.

Additionally, as the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, the City will provide updates on any changes to this policy as soon as possible. The public is referred to the City’s website at for the latest COVID-19 policies and information. The City of Carpinteria thanks you in advance for taking all precautions to prevent spreading the COVID-19 virus. 

Also, please note that Spanish interpretation will be available at the in-person meeting and through the City’s Zoom webinar.





1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION              Government Code Section 54957(b)(1); Title: City Manager Dave Durflinger






AGENDA MODIFICATIONS:  The City Council may modify the regular agenda by tabling items, adding urgency items to the agenda, or changing the order in which items are considered. Changes to the Consent Calendar are considered at the time the Consent Calendar is considered.


2. Proclamation Designating the Month of February 2023 as “Black History Month”.

3. Presentation of City Tile Commending and Thanking Planning Commissioner John Callender for 15 Years of Service on the Planning Commission.

PUBLIC INFORMATION REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS  This may include updates on law enforcement activity within the City from a Sheriff’s Office representative.


The City Manager will report to the City Council regarding various City and/or community events and/or matters of interest. There will be no City Council discussion except to ask questions or refer matters to staff; and no action will be taken unless listed on a subsequent agenda.

a. January Storm Cleanup Update

b. Carpinteria Skate Park Drone Video

c. Introduction of New City Employees

d. Planning Commission Actions

PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA  This is a time for public comments on matters not otherwise on the agenda but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council.  The Public Comment period is limited to 15 minutes and divided among those persons desiring to speak. No person shall speak longer than three minutes; however, the Mayor may establish shorter periods based on the time available and/or the number of persons waiting to speak.  Persons wishing to speak on a specific item will be recognized at the time the agenda item is considered.  The audio-visual system in the Council Chamber is not available for speaker use during the general Public Comment period.    The City and the City Council are not responsible for the content of statements made during the public comment period, or the factual accuracy of any such statements.

CONSENT CALENDAR:  Items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and are normally enacted by one unanimous vote of the Council.  If you wish to speak on a consent calendar item please do so during the public comment period provided at the beginning of this item.

4. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting held January 9, 2023.

5. Receive and file the Expenditures for the period beginning December 31, 2022 and ending January 13, 2023.

6. Receive and file the Monthly City Treasurer’s Report on Compliance with Statement of Safekeeping for the Month of November 2022.

7. Receive and file the Monthly City Treasurer’s Report on Compliance with Statement of Safekeeping for the Month of December 2022.

8. Receive and file the Contracts Executed by the City Manager on behalf of the City for the Period of November 22, 2022 through January 16, 2023.

9. Receive and file the Quarterly Review of the Pension Stabilization Trust.

10. Adopt Resolution No. 6188, Authorizing Continued Remote Teleconference Meetings of the City Council and Boards, Committees, and Commissions.

11. Reschedule the special City Council meeting for consideration of the Annual Work Plan, to be held from 4:00 pm to approximately 8:00 pm, on Monday, January 30, 2023.

12. Adopt Ordinance No. 762, Amending Sections 1.04.140(F) and 10.04.080 of the Carpinteria Municipal Code Pertaining to Holidays (second reading).


13. Adoption of Resolution No. 6189, extending the emergency proclamation in response to the January 2023 storms and related emergency response.

Recommendation:  (1) Adopt Resolution No. 6189, extending the emergency proclamation related to the January 2023 storms and related emergency response, pursuant to Government Code Sections 8558 and 8630, et. seq., and Chapter 2.40 of the Carpinteria Municipal Code; and (2) Direct City staff to return at least every 30 days for consideration of further extending the emergency proclamation until such time that the response and recovery conditions dictate otherwise; and (3) Determine the above actions are not a "Project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines, because the actions consist of organizational or administrative activities of the government that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment.

14. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 758, amending provisions of the City’s Local Coastal Program and Zoning Code regarding Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) regulations and amending the City’s Zoning Map to establish an ADU Beach Neighborhood District; and Adoption of Resolution No. 6187, acknowledging receipt of, and accepting, the California Coastal Commission’s approval of LCP Amendment LCP-4-CPN-22-0050-1 (Accessory Dwelling Units) Project 19-2008-LCPA/ORD); and Find that Ordinance No. 758 is statutorily exempt from review under CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080.17, which states that CEQA does not apply to adoption of an Accessory Dwelling Unit ordinance to implement the provisions of State Government Code Section 65852.2; and is also categorically exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303, which exempts new construction or conversion of small structures.  (This motion requires reading of Ordinance title and roll call vote.)

Recommendation:  (1) Adopt Ordinance No. 758 (second reading); and (2) Adopt Resolution No. 6187; and (3) Find that Ordinance No. 758 is statutorily exempt from review under CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080.17 and exempt pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines.

15. Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Carpinteria and John Douglas/JHD Planning LLC for additional planning services to prepare the City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element for an amount not-to-exceed $33,000.

Recommendation:  Authorize the City Manager to execute the Amendment (Attachment A) to the Agreement for Consultant Services to prepare the City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element for an amount not-to-exceed $33,000, for a total contract amount of $97,680. (This motion requires a roll call vote.)

16. Authorization for the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Cannon Corporation to provide additional services for the 2022 Pavement Rehabilitation Project.

Recommendation:  (1) Authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Cannon Corporation to provide additional services for the 2022 Pavement Rehabilitation Project in the not-to-exceed amount of $37,272 for a total amended amount of $648,300, and (2) Approve a budget appropriation in the amount of $37,300 from Measure X Fund to Fiscal Year 2022/23 Capital Improvements Program Budget for the 2022 Pavement Rehabilitation Project. (This motion requires a roll call vote.)




17. Continuance of the off-leash dog park program at El Carro Park.

Recommendation:  Staff recommends that the City Council hear the report and provide direction to Staff.

18. Review and Update of City Council Representatives to Regional Agencies and Committees and Representatives to Area Boards and Committees, and Selection of City Council Representatives to Regional Agencies and Committees, City Council Joint and Standing Committees, Ad Hoc Committees, and Appointed Representatives to Area Boards and Committees.

Recommendation:  (1) Review existing Representatives to Regional Agencies and Committees an Appointed Representatives to Area Boards and Committees; (2) Approve the renaming of the Representatives to Regional Agencies and Committees to Regional Committees; (3) Approve the creation of a new category entitled Appointees to Other Government Agencies consisting of certain Regional Committees and Appointed Representatives to Area Boards and Committees as noted in the staff report; and (4) Assign City Council representatives to Regional Agencies and Committees, City Council Joint and Standing Committees, and Ad Hoc Committees, as set forth in the staff report and the below sample motion.

19. Selection of Interview Questions for City Boards, Committees and Commissions.

Recommendation:  Select interview questions for the City Boards, Committees and Commissions.


20. *(A) Adoption of Resolution No. 6190, approving the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the period of July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2027 between the City of Carpinteria (CITY) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 620, representing employees in the General Service; Public Works; and Parks, Recreation, and Public Facilities (PRPF) bargaining unit and (B) Adoption of Resolution No. 6191, approving a revised SEIU Represented Employees Classification and Compensation Schedule as required by terms of the proposed MOU, and including final recommendations from the 2021 Total Compensation Report.

Recommendation:  *(A) Adopt Resolution No. 6190, approving and adopting the MOU for the period of July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2027 between the CITY and SEIU Local 620, and authorize the City Manager to implement the changes effective July 1, 2022 and (B) Adopt Resolution No. 6191, approving a revised SEIU Represented Employees Classification and Compensation Schedule.

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: The City Council will discuss local, state and/or federal legislation under consideration and decide whether to direct staff to place a matter(s) on a future City Council agenda for consideration.


Informational reports from Councilmember representatives on the committees, commissions and organizations listed below. This is also an opportunity for Councilmembers to request information from staff or seek support from fellow Councilmembers for future agenda items.

1. Representatives to Regional Agencies and Committees

a. Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment (BEACON) (Clark/Alt. Carty)

b. California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (Clark/Alt. Carty)

c. Channel Counties Division, League of California Cities (Nomura/Alt. Lee)

d. Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG)(Clark/Alt. Nomura)

e. Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (APCD)(Clark/Alt. Nomura)

f. Santa Barbara Joint Affordable Housing Task Group (Carty & Alarcon)

g. Santa Barbara County Elected Leaders Forum to Address Homelessness (Clark/Alt. Alarcon)

h. South Coast Youth Safety Partnership (Lee & Alarcon)

i. Central Coast Community Energy (3CE) (Nomura/Alt. Goleta)

j. Multijurisdictional Solid Waste Task Group (Lee/Alt. Alarcon)

2. Joint and Standing Committees

a. City Council/Economic Vitality Committee (Carty & Lee)

b. City Council/Public Safety Committee (Clark & Nomura)

c. City Council/School Board Committee (Lee & Alarcon)

d. City Council/Utilities Committee (Lee & Nomura)

e. City Council/First District Supervisor Committee (Lee & Carty)

f. City Council Finance/Budget Committee (Carty & Clark)

g. Transportation Committee (Lee & Clark)

h. Development Review Committee (Joint Committee membership from City Council, Planning Commission and Architectural Review Board) (CC: Clark & Nomura/Alt. Carty) (PC: Benefield and Callender) (ARB: Reginato and Stein)

i. General Plan and Coastal Plan Update Committee (Joint Committee membership from City Council and Planning Commission) (Clark & Lee) (PC: Allen/Callender)

j. Public Facility Site Acquisition/Development Committee (Carty & Nomura)

k. City Council Boards, Commissions and Committees Interview Committee (Clark & Nomura / Alt. Lee)

3. Ad Hoc Committees

a. COVID-19 Communications Committee (Clark & Nomura)

b. Harbor Seal Advisory Committee (Clark & Lee)

c. Senior Services Planning Committee (Lee & Solórzano)

d. Civic/Youth Engagement Committee (Lee & Nomura)

e. City Council Housing Element Committee (Clark & Nomura)

4. Appointed Representatives to Area Boards & Committees

a. Community Media Access Center (Gary Dobbins)

b. Santa Barbara Mosquito and Vector Management District (Joe Franken)

c. Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (Chuck McQuary)

d. County Library Advisory Committee (Gail Marshall)



Agenda Posted: January 18, 2023

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 684-5405, extension 403 or the California Relay Service at (866) 735-2929. Notification 2 business days prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements for accessibility to this meeting. Materials related to an agenda item submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public review at the City Clerk's Office.

Materials related to an agenda item submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public review at the City Clerk's Office, located at 5775 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria, CA 93013 or by going to the City’s website at