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Trust, loyalty, respect—that was what Malice MC stood for. The club was my family, a group of hard men who believed in brotherhood above everything else.

I found my best friend there.

Fell in love there.

And it was there I lost everything.

I gave it all up to find her, stared death in the face more times than I could count, for even just the slightest chance she was still out there. Finding her consumed me, and after six long years, she was finally back within my reach.

I thought getting her back meant feeling whole again, but I was wrong. The beautiful, fierce young woman I knew was gone.

I wasn’t the kid she grew up with anymore.

I wasn’t her first kiss.

Now, I was the enemy.

401 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 4, 2021

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About the author

Addison Jane

42 books1,897 followers
Addison Jane is a born and bred kiwi girl with a passion for romance and writing.
When she gets the chance she enjoys the little things in life such as reading, dancing, music, and Facebook, but her world really revolves around the little girl who calls her Mum. It's an awkward balance between alpha males and Disney princesses but it works.
Growing up on a small farm next to the beach will always make her a country girl at heart. But since moving away to a small town close to the city she's discovered a dangerous love for shopping.
Writing stories has been something that’s come naturally since she was young, and with the massive support of her friends and family, she finally decided to step out of her comfort zone and share them with the world.
She enjoys bringing her books to life with strong female leads, sexy passionate men and a rollercoaster of twists and turns that lead to the happily ever after that her readers desire.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews
Profile Image for Melissa Machado.
455 reviews6 followers
October 3, 2021

  ***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog***

The wait is over! After a long hiatus from this series, Addison Jane and K.E. Osborn are back with the SO7 and they are back with a vengeance! Perceive is book four of the Vindicated series. It's a second chance at romance, mixed with MC and Special Ops. It contained tons of action, angst, twists, and humor. It was a slow burn, entertaining, unpredictable with love, loss, betrayal, and pain.

I forgot how much I liked this series. Jane and Osborn are incredibly talented and combining their writing styles and creativity is second to none. They left me wanting more and I'm excited that they kicked this series back into high gear. Can't wait for Molly and Noah's journey!

- Note: I would not read this as a standalone. You should start at book one of the series as they pick up where they left off.
Profile Image for Kathryn Linke .
2,117 reviews23 followers
October 4, 2021
It’s been a while since the last book in The Vindicated series was released, and I honestly had to skim through a few chapters of Revive to recall where the last book had finished off.
Perceive is and intense and emotional story of love, loss, heartache, and vengeance featuring Kenzi and Axel.
This title is packed full of intrigue, danger, action, and suspense, with several surprising twists and turns that kept me completely captivated from beginning to end.
I look forward to seeing what happens in Molly and Noah’s story next.
Profile Image for Amanda BikiBookworm Vermaak.
810 reviews8 followers
October 3, 2021
This has been a long time coming. What a great story it turned out to be. Kenzi an Axel/Riot has been hiding for the last couple of years. What a delight to finally hear them. You up for kidnapping, physical abuse, big bad bikers, big bad agency men. And al their sassy, feisty ladies. Then you don't wanna miss out on this book. In fact, why don't you start the series now. You will not be sorry. Guaranteed HEA
Profile Image for Teresa Lara.
3,163 reviews48 followers
October 1, 2021
Love this series.
Love this mc
Love this team
Axel and Kenzi rocked my world
Intense emotional twisted gripping emotional love story
Ready for more. Ready for Molly and Noah
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,183 reviews189 followers
October 10, 2021
4.25 stars--PERCEIVE is the fourth instalment in the contemporary, adult THE VINDICATED erotic, romantic, suspense, MC, series co-authored by Addison Jane and KE Osborn. This is sniper Axel ‘Riot’ Cruise, and Mackenzi ‘Kenzi’ Bordeaux’s story line. PERCEIVE can be read as a stand alone but for back story and cohesion I recommend reading the series in order as many previous events and characters are often referenced with an ongoing premise.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Kenzie and Axel) PERCEIVE follows the rescue and recovery of our heroine Mackenzi Bordeaux. Six years earlier Kenzie was abducted pushing the love of her life, Axel ‘Riot’ Cruise to enlist with a covert government group known as The Agency, securing a position with the SO7 but Kenzi’s rescue comes with many issues including her loss of memory and her inability to remember the people she once loved. Kenzi’s time in captivity was spent developing a bio-chem weapon, a weapon to be auctioned to the highest bidder but there is a mole in The Agency, and said mole has aimed their sights on our story line heroine in an effort to take back what doesn’t belong. What ensues is the rebuilding romance and relationship between Kenzie and Axel, and the fall-out as Kenzi’s abductor, desperate for her return, takes aim at the members of The Agency and the SO7.

The relationship between Kenzi and Axel is one of second chances but our heroine has limited memory recall, and with it, is unable to remember the man she once loved, a man she believes is dangerous and dark. Axel has never stopped loving our story line heroine, and for six years, worked towards the recovery of the woman who had stolen his heart. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including most of the previous story line couples. We are reintroduced to Axel’s brother and Malice MC Vice president Ruin and The Agency’s head Jack. The camaraderie between the characters is friendly and tight. The requisite evil has many faces.

PERCEIVE is a story of betrayal and vengeance; power and control; manipulation, abuse, espionage and love. The premise is intriguing and captivating; the romance is seductive and spicy; the characters are colorful, energetic, desperate, broken and struggling to heal. I will add I had not read any of the previous instalments, and I felt a little bit lost throughout the current story line. I highly recommend reading the series in order as I felt I was missing some important back ground information, the history between the characters, familial relationships, and the purpose of The Agency and its’ connections to SO7, SO9 and TO4.The MC involvement is limited but perhaps it is only limited in this particular story line.

Profile Image for World Of Books 65.
2,592 reviews48 followers
October 4, 2021
If you have read The Club Girl Diaries or the Huston Defiance MC Series by K E Osborn, then you will know that individually these two authors are two of the best MC romance writers around, but when you put them together, well, magic is made and The Vindicated Series has been pure magic all the way. We have had to wait for the 4th book in the series but believe me it was worth it. Kenzi and Axel is an epic story in every way, this is a story of soul mates torn apart and Axel's determination to find and bring back home the only girl he ever loved, it has taken 6 years to find her and it is now that the real battle begins.

If you like your MC romances with real depth to them, with gripping storylines that don't hold back, are full of suspense and intrigue along with the chemistry then this book and this series will one that will be on your read-again shelf, guaranteed.

Profile Image for Mary Jo.
2,377 reviews57 followers
October 4, 2021
A fabulous blend of the motorcycle club and military themed romance. Rix and Kenzi are soulmates but Kenzie was taken 6 years ago which shifted Rix’s direction as he worked to find her. I love how committed Rix is to finding Kenzi even after so many years, he never lost faith that she was out there. Kenzi has amazing strength having endured so much. Their story is full of action, suspense and passion. There is so many amazing twists and turns to their journey that pulled me in and had me on the edge of my seat needing to know what would happen next. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Debbie Earley.
2,482 reviews16 followers
October 4, 2021
Axel and Kenzi's story brought me to my knees. I laughed, I cried, I held my my breath. Their story is an emotional ride and I could turn the pages fast enough. I won't give anything away as this is a must read if you love Addison and K.E.'s writing as much as I do. The ending holy smokes I can't wait to read the next book.
Profile Image for Sophie Ruthven.
2,020 reviews137 followers
September 29, 2021
Yet again this powerhouse co writing duo have left me speechless.
I always feel bad when I can't write lengthy reviews for books that I devour and adore, but in this case it's a credit to the authors as they have yet again packed so many twists and turns into one book, it truly needs to be experienced first hand.
So I'm yet again not going to comment on the characters or the plot, but I will warn you to be prepared. Your heart, emotions and brain will be put through the wringer over and over with this book.
I would give more stars if I could, this easily went onto my top reads of '21 list.
Cannot wait for the next book especially after that ending.
Profile Image for The Dragon Den Book Blog.
2,054 reviews50 followers
September 29, 2021
ARC Review
* * * * *
Found myself a good MC romance series to dive into. Kenzie, the poor girl, has had to face with the troubles of issues that are...mind boggling. Brainwarping. Memories of important people and places are gone, but she can sense in the eyes of Axel that not all is lost. Axel can't lose her again, and he will stop anyone from getting in his way. Good giggles and macho men. Must read to find out the ending!
Profile Image for Doris.
2,855 reviews114 followers
October 5, 2021
Another Hit!!

Nobody writes MC romances like these two authors! This book was all about Axel and Kenzi’s story. It is packed full of action, love lost and found again, and plenty of hot alpha bikers. After six years apart Axel has finally found Kenzi and he isn’t about to let her go again. What a fantastic MC romance!
October 4, 2021
A stunning rough action filled ride ahead. 😍😍

OMG... This series is so freaking crazy amazing. And this one.. Oh my.. One of anticipated books in the series.

Finally Axel and Kenzi's story. After reading book 3, I had so many more questions than before about what happened to her and why was she on supposed Enemy's side. So many unanswered questions and the main one being how would Axel get his real kenzi back.

That cliffy at the end of book 3 did set the stage of the things to come. But Axel and the gang have no clue why kenzi is acting like that. But it doesn't take long to know that she doesn't really remember any of them.

Kenzi was so confused about why she was captured and knew that rix would come to save her. Yet her mind was conflicted because even though she was helping the government as rix told by what they were doing and they were together, she had never really liked what they had together.

Now when she sees her family, the same one who rix said that had hurt her. Seeing how they might come from Ruthless MC background but they truly loved and cared about her, kenzi begins to question everything that she's known.

If all the chaos and drama wasn't enough, it seems that a mole lies amidst them and who might be helping the enemy.

Ahhh... The twists in this one were so delicious, as also as with this series, were the action scenes simply epic.

I hated though, how each mission sometimes hurt badly a member of the agency and the later shocking decision by the agency had me so conflicted as to the why and how but it is what it is when you work for such a dangerous, elite secret agency.

But I had a blast once again going on another adventure with the SO 7 gang and Axel finally getting his girl..
AHH....made my heart sing, even though the journey was not that simple but the togetherness totally worth it.



This was another epic, action filled ride for sure. Loved loved this one. ❤️❤️
Profile Image for Ria Alexander.
2,285 reviews43 followers
October 6, 2021
An epic worth waiting for

The wait may have been long, but it's finally over. OH. MY. GOD. It was so so worth it! The S07 are back and with them comes all the action, drama, suspense, and passion we've grown to love. Addison Jane and KE Osborn have finally given us the conclusion to Axel and Kenzi's epic story. With numerous twists and turns PERCEIVE had me biting my nails and sitting on the edge of my seat, devouring every single word. This is a story of two soulmates destined to be together, but will circumstances tear them apart?

Every time I know I'm about to see Kenzi, a wave of adrenaline rolls over me. I'm like an addict, and she's the hit that just can't come soon enough.

Six years. It's been six years since Axel has set his eyes on the only woman he has loved. Six years since his soulmate suddenly disappeared, six years he has been searching for her, and finally she is within reach. Kenzi is no longer the same woman he once knew; how could she be after everything she has suffered through at the hands of Hendrix? She's confused and conflicted, why does she feel such a connection to Axel, a man who has kidnapped her? There is a familiarity about him, why? Kenzi begins to question what Hendrix has told her, because when she returns to the clubhouse it feels safe ... like home. Danger still chases Kenzie as Rix wants her back, can Axel keep her safe?

Axel is intimidating. Not because he's scary, but because of the effect he has on my body. It's something I can't fight. Something I've felt the moment I set eyes on him.

Amid all the chaos and drama of finding and rescuing Kenzi, the team must also deal with and act on the knowledge that somewhere within The Agency is a mole, a person relaying vital information on to the enemy. Who is it, and why the betrayal? There will be a death that will break everyone's heart and a decision to change a life that will be just as surprising. Once Axel and Kenzi's story has concluded though, the Epilogue gives a sneak peek of who is up next. Noah and Molly's story will be told in CONCEAL, and I can't wait.

Addison and Kym take their readers on a rollercoaster ride of passion, intrigue, mystery, suspense, trust, friendship, loyalty, and love. These two authors are amazing individually, however when they combine their talents they are pure magic.

Just a hint: To fully understand the intricacies and dynamics of the S07 and its members, I highly recommend reading the previous books in this series.

Read and Reviewed for Reading Is Our Satisfaction


Profile Image for Stefanie Kral.
722 reviews23 followers
October 6, 2021
✯✯5 Axel & Kenzie Filled Stars!!!✯✯

OMG I’ve legit been waiting for this book since 2018!!!! I have not been shy about it. I feel like I been harassing Addison Jane & K. E. Osborn when they were releasing another one since I finished Revive . I’m here to say the wait was SOOOOOO worth it.

Axel is in The Agency and part of team S07. Before he joined The Agency he was known as Riot in the Malice MC. When his childhood best friend Mackenzie aka Kenzie was taken six years ago he joined The Agency in hopes of finding her. It’s been six years since he’s seen her and they’ve finally found her but she has no idea who he or the Malice MC are.

Four years ago Mackenzie woke up from a terrible accident and had no idea who or where she was. Rix found and saved her. Even though she doesn’t feel 100% sure or safe with Rix, he’s all she knows so she stays. Until Axel show’s up and she feels thing’s that she’s never felt in the four years with Rix.

Axel call’s her Kenzie and she gets all warm inside. Even though he took her from Rix and has her locked in a small white room. He looks at her like she’s everything to him and Kenzie wishes she could remember what he remembers.

Kenzie can tell quickly that Axel and his team are different than Rix and his team. She’s quickly realizing she’s been missing for six not four years and that she’s trusted the wrong person and that it could end up hurting or killing a lot of people. Kenzie decides to start trusting and helping Axel and the S07 takedown Rix once and for all.

The more time Kenzie spends with Axel is more of her memories from their past comeback little by little.

These two grow closer and closer together everyday. Axel and his team also get closer to figuring out what Rix’s next move is thanks to help from Kenzie.

Just as they think they’ve gotten a plan to end Rix, things go sideways. They realize that they have a mole in The Agency and they’re all in danger.

Axel lost Kenzie once and he can’t loose her again. He treats his S07 team. They’ve become his family. He knows with a trader in The Agency he needs to get help from his other family. The Malice MC, who are also Kenzie’s family are here to help Axel, The Agency and S07 takedown Rix, the traitor and save Kenzie. While also trying to stay alive.

You gotta read this! Since I haven’t seen these guysguy’s since 2018 I went back and read my first three review’s to refresh my memory and when I started reading it everything came back.

I’m now so excited to get Noah and Molly’s story Bc OMG. Talk about explosion!!! I’m keeping my fingers crossed I have them in my hands ASAP!!
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews167 followers
October 5, 2021
I'm so glad that this dynamic duo decided to get it going again because I'm in love with this series. I couldn't believe how long it's been since I read the previous book when it seemed like it was just yesterday. Perceive is another perfect, chaotic ride of a story that follows Kenzie & Axel who have gone through some things while apart. And that's all of the plot that I will give detail on because I'm not giving anything away since it would feel like cheating somehow. This story had so much action, betrayal, chaos, intensity, and twists coming in hot that I was on the edge of my seat from the jump as it came out of the gate with a bang. There was heat, humor, an amazing cast of supporting characters, and even villains who were so very bad. So buckle the hell up for an EPIC ride that will get the heart rate up, and hit those one click buttons! I CANNOT WAIT for the next book after the tease, and HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!
Profile Image for Kylee.
2,749 reviews51 followers
October 5, 2021
Boy have I missed the SO7 team and Perceive had me pulled back into this world with such eagerness. Alex has been looking for Kenzi for 6 long years and finally with her in his sights he knows that all the sacrifices have been worth it. Their story is action packed and takes your heart on one emotional ride. Their is pain, confusion, angst, chaos, tragedy and vengeance. However it is surrounded by loyalty, family, love and steam. A story that holds you captivated, on the edge of your seat and holding your breath unsure which way the cards will fall for these two. A story that ticks every box and showcases these two authors at their best. The ending will leave you anxious and impatient for the next book.
Profile Image for Stephanie S.
644 reviews2 followers
October 8, 2021
I can't believe I have not read any of these books in this series yet. I will definitely need to go back and read the others. Starting out with book 5 I didn't feel lost and feel it can be read as a standalone but I would love to read the others.

I loved Axel and Kenzie's story of one who was lost is now found. To love someone as much you dedicate yourself to finding her has a place in my heart anytime. I can't wait for more in this series from these 2 authors.
618 reviews3 followers
September 30, 2021
These authors together write fantastic books! If you want to be hooked from the first page right through to the end then this is the book for you - it covers everything from bikers, the government, love, deceit, loss, heart ache, twists and turns! You name it this book has it!
Profile Image for She Hearts Books.
2,115 reviews76 followers
October 5, 2021
I am just going to get right to it and tell you that you really need to read this book. It is a roller coaster ride from beginning to end that will keep you on the edge of your seat to see how it all turns out. At the heart of it is Axel and Kenzi. A love that carried them through some really rough times. My heart broke for all that Kenzi has endured at the hand of an evil man. I absolutely loved that Axel gave everything to find her holding on to the hope that he would be able to rescue her. His team...I loved them too. The banter made me laugh out loud. There is so much to them - the work they do and how they all have each other's backs. Side by side. Family. I can't wait to read more.
Profile Image for Paperbeautiful.
382 reviews10 followers
October 7, 2021
Great addition to the Vindicated Series! I would recommend you read the other books in the series before you read this one.

This book is full of danger, mystery, romance, suspense, all of it. You finally see what happened to Kenzi and Axel. It was a great story!! Loved it!!
Profile Image for Kaylene Osborn.
393 reviews22 followers
October 1, 2021
Loved this book, it is an awesome read full of suspense and mystery. Well done KE and Addison.
Profile Image for Thia Finn.
Author 24 books418 followers
October 4, 2021
Great Next Installment

What a great next book in this series. Alex and Kenzi’s reuniting after her disappearance six years earlier is an emotional push and pull as she tries to make sense of her life. Hendrix hasn’t given up on losing her back to the MC though, so more battles are fought.
Osborn and Jane can’t resist leaving readers with a fierce need to have the next book. Look out for the high cliff they dangle them from!
Profile Image for Angela.
474 reviews6 followers
October 6, 2021

Another great book to the series. What happens when the girl you love disappears? What would you do to find her? Make sure you don’t miss all the ways Axel changes his life to find his best friend and love. Does he find her? Will they still have the connection they once had?
Bring on the next book please!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,314 reviews12 followers
October 4, 2021
Axel and Kenzie’s story filled with loss, pain, vengeance and undying love. Axel’s devotion to finding Kenzie after her disappearance was emotional. He never gave up. It was heartbreaking to see what had transpired during the years away. It was definitely a page turner. Just when you thought things had calmed down, BAM! Something explosive happens. Very good!
Profile Image for Meleaha Howard.
378 reviews6 followers
October 5, 2021
I have been waiting what seemed like forever for this book! After book three, I was dying to know what happened to Kenzie and why she was with the enemy. This book answered all of my questions. It rocked my world! I can't even imagine what she felt and what she went through. I was so happy to see the ending, though!
Profile Image for Shannon Godwin.
2,560 reviews26 followers
October 5, 2021
Wow! Action packed that I loved! Kenzi goes through so much that my heart broke for her. Watching Alex fight for her will will your heart over. This book is all about how strong family and friendship is and it shows just what they will do for each other. I absolutely loved reading this book!
The bond these two have even after everything is so great!
Profile Image for April Vivas.
185 reviews8 followers
October 5, 2021
This…this… was a wild, edge of your seat, nail biting, heck of a ride!!! Absolutely a fast-paced, page turner that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. This series and this latest installment are all a must read for anyone who loves MC, romance or action ♥️♥️
Profile Image for Kelly Simpson.
679 reviews15 followers
October 5, 2021
Another great book in the dark romance genre. I throughly enjoyed reading this book from start to finish. It was full of suspense and drama. I loved the romance and steam too.
February 16, 2023
What happens when you lose the woman you love? Axel just knew that Kenzi was out there somewhere and he never gave up on her. Pain, sorrow, vengenace, this story has it all. Great read, can't wait for the next in the series.

If you haven't read any of these, start with book 1. You won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Christine Woinich.
2,409 reviews21 followers
October 4, 2021
This was quite a story, a journey. I loved how Kenzi quickly trusted Axel despite not remembering him. He was protective of her, willing to give up everything for her. There was a lot of action, danger, yet support and love. My heart felt every memory, realization that Kenzi had along with Axel. I really loved this story and look forward to the next.

I received a copy of this story through The Hatters, and this is my unsolicited review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews

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