Dynamic Banter Live

No upcoming concerts for dynamic-banter

Other Upcoming Shows

Kim Congdon

The Wilbur Theatre Located at
246 Tremont St, Boston, MA.
Phone: 617-248-9700
Fri May 24th - 7:30PM

Sean Patton

The Wilbur Theatre Located at
246 Tremont St, Boston, MA.
Phone: 617-248-9700
Sat Aug 31st - 7:00PM
SEAT TYPE: Fully seated

Mike Falzone

The Wilbur Theatre Located at
246 Tremont St, Boston, MA.
Phone: 617-248-9700
Wed Oct 9th - 7:30PM
SEAT TYPE: Fully seated


Dynamic Banter with Mike Falzone and Steve Zaragoza Close your eyes and the picture the last time you laughed so hard with your friends you couldn't breathe. That's w

Dynamic Banter

with Mike Falzone and Steve Zaragoza

Close your eyes and the picture the last time you laughed so hard with your friends you couldn’t breathe. That’s what Dynamic Banter is like. Not for you though, for Mike and Steve. You’re just there listening. At the end of each episode we all have 100 new inside jokes together.That’s the Dynamic Banter podcast. In all honesty, there’s no good reason for you to listen to Dynamic Banter, but a lot of people do and they seem to really enjoy it for some reason. Mike and Steve would like to officially invite you to the DB party but will 100% understand if you’ve got something else going on. This is Dynamic Banter with Mike Falzone and Steve Zaragoza

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