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Health, Fitness and Nutrition


Health, Fitness and Nutrition


Simple tips on diet and nutrition to help you build healthy eating habits. ... more


Team ParentCircle Sep 21, 2021

If you have completed the ParentCircle 21-day Nutrition Challenge, use the My Food Diary to help you stay on track with your healthy eating habits.

For the times when life gets in the way and throws your healthy eating out of sync, use the My Food Diary to help you get back on track.

Here’s a DOWNLOADABLE My Food Diary exclusively for you.

Print a few copies of the downloadable. Bind them together to make your very own My Food Diary. You are all set to start food journaling!

After food journaling for at least a week, here’s what you can do –

Analyze what you’ve recorded. Search for any patterns or habits by asking yourself the following questions:

• Am I eating fruits and vegetables each day?
• Am I eating whole grains each day?
• Am I eating foods or beverages with added sugar? If yes, how frequently?
• Are my moods affecting my eating habits? For example, am I eating unhealthy snacks when I’m tired or stressed?
• Am I eating homecooked meals or takeaways? If yes, how frequently?

Once you have identified the areas for improvement, set
healthy eating goals for yourself.

For example:

Food diary observation: Vegetable intake is low
Goal: Eat more vegetables
What you can do: Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables a day

Wishing you happy healthy eating!

Team ParentCircle Sep 21, 2021

Benefits of using a food diary -

• Helps understand your eating habits and patterns
• Helps track calories and nutrients
• Helps you see if you are eating too much or NOT enough
• Helps you see what time of day you get hungry so that you can adjust your eating schedule
• Helps you realize if you are eating out of boredom rather than out of hunger

Team ParentCircle Sep 20, 2021

Small frequent meals are better than three heavy meals.

Here's why -

* Keeps you feeling full for a long time
* Reduces calorie intake for the day
* Maintains healthy blood sugar levels
* Prevents impulsive snacking
* Burns more calories
* Improves digestion

Team ParentCircle Sep 17, 2021

Kids reject food for a variety of reasons, and it can be worrying as well as frustrating for parents.

Here's what you can do -
• Involve your child in meal-prep
• Describe your food yummy, cool, special instead of healthy, good, and nutritious
• Introduce new foods only when your child is hungry

Team ParentCircle Sep 16, 2021

Eating fruits right before bedtime can interfere with sound sleep as your sugar and energy levels will increase.

And the result? You’ll have trouble falling asleep at night.

Team ParentCircle Sep 15, 2021

Do you enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea following a meal?

Here's why you shouldn't do it anymore -

• It prevents absorption of minerals especially, iron, calcium, and zinc.

So, try waiting at least an hour after eating before you enjoy your hot drink.

Team ParentCircle Sep 14, 2021

When you shop on a full stomach, it’s easy to avoid filling the shopping cart with junk food.

Here's what else you can do –
1. Make a grocery list of healthy foods
2. Shop only in the fresh food section - fruits, vegetables, dairy, etc.
3. Always read the label before purchase

Team ParentCircle Sep 13, 2021

Fresh fruits are much healthier than candied fruits.

Here's why -
• Fresh fruits are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and natural sugar.
• Cut fruits that are dried and labeled 'candied' or 'crystallized' contain added sugar and are high in calories.
Note: Dried fruits like dates and figs are healthy options as they contain natural sugar.

Team ParentCircle Sep 10, 2021

Chia seeds are one of the healthiest foods you can eat.

Here's why -
• Loaded with antioxidants
• High in protein, dietary fiber, omega-3 fats, calcium, and iron

Chia seeds can be eaten raw, soaked in milk, added to pudding, salads, porridge, yogurt, etc.

Team ParentCircle Sep 9, 2021

Who doesn't like a dash of butter on warm toast or pancakes?
Yes, butter tastes good, but it is also high in a type of fat that increases bad cholesterol.

Here's what you can have instead of dairy butter - NUT BUTTER!
Nut butter (plant-based) like peanut butter, almond butter, and cashew butter are healthy options as they are high in protein, fiber, B-complex vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, and omega-3 fats.

Note: Go for homemade nut butter instead of store-bought nut butter.

Team ParentCircle Sep 8, 2021

Did you know that decluttering your fridge and kitchen storage can make you eat healthy?

Here's how -

• Helps you replace junk foods with healthy food options

• Helps you toss out expired products

• Keeps you aware of what you have and what you need

• Helps you avoid overspending

Shirley Johanna Sep 7, 2021

Believe it or not, you can grow microgreens on a window sill.

Here’s how -
• In a small tray containing garden soil, sow some seeds of your choice like fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, amaranth seeds, etc.
• Water every day and watch the magic grow
• Harvest the microgreens within a week and add them to dal, salads, sandwiches, roti, etc.

Team ParentCircle Sep 6, 2021

Did you know that making simple food choices can minimize your carbon footprint?

Here's how -
• Purchase locally available foods to help cut down on transport
• Eat seasonal foods and support local farmers
• Try to grow fruits, vegetables and herbs in your garden

Team ParentCircle Sep 3, 2021

Are you wondering how to get your child and family to make healthy food choices? If so, this new concept of ‘Go, Slow and Whoa Foods’ can help do the trick.

Go food (almost any time) - E.g., Boiled potato
Slow food (sometimes) - E.g., Cooked Potato
Whoa food (Once in a while) - E.g., Deep-fried potato

Team ParentCircle Sep 2, 2021

Foods that keep you full can ward off hunger pangs and also, help you eat less at the next meal. In the long run, it helps you manage your weight.

Team ParentCircle Sep 1, 2021

Refined sugar is heavily processed, and can cause diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

If you can’t avoid having sugar, why not go for natural sweeteners? Jaggery and coconut sugar are healthier alternatives to refined sugar.

Note: Jaggery is a natural sweetener. However, consume it in moderation because jaggery and sugar have the same calories.