
For what you've done, we'll increase dog consumption this weekend; your petition to stop eaters will fail — Builsa South MP

Headlines For what you've done, we'll increase dog consumption this weekend; your petition to stop eaters will fail — Builsa South MP

Some Ghanaians have been tangled in a non-ending debate whether or not dogs and cats should be excluded from their delicacy.

Among them is the Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Clement Apaak who says the petition to ban the eating of dogs and cats by some tribes in Ghana will not see the light of day.

Describing himself as the Global President for Dog Eaters, Mr. Apaak said eating dog meat is “our human, cultural and traditional right.”

An international Animals Rights Activist is said to have petitioned the Government of Ghana to ban the trade in these two animals for human consumption.

Miss Natasha Choolun is quoted as saying “dogs and cats are not food, but loyal companion animals that should be treated with kindness and respect, not brutalized and eaten.”

The petition also noted that the trade in dogs and cats was widespread across African countries, making them unattractive to tourists who were aware of the “cruel” industries and unwilling to invest in those countries.

“We urge you to ban the demonic dog and animal sacrifices and the barbaric dog and cat meat trade in Africa. Like many harmful and outdated practices in history, these barbaric animal sacrifices must also be abolished,” she argued.

This immediately sparked the debate as to whether the call to ban the consumption of the two animals should be upheld.

The debate which had sought to target consumers of the two animals with attempts to ridicule them took a different dimension as the Member of Parliament joined with a short statement on his Facebook page proudly associating with the “eaters”.

The Builsa South MP said the call for the ban is a misplaced priority.

Adding to the sarcasm but in a rather serious tone, Hon. Apaak said, "I am expecting the consumption of dog meat to increase this weekend.”

Read his Facebook post below:

RE: Petition To Ban DOG Meat

Folks, yours truly was offline yesterday. Just got online this morning to see many messages from across the world regarding a petition to the government of Ghana to ban some delicacies.

I'm told listed in the said petition, which I'm yet to see, is DOG, CAT meat and a few others. I don't speak for Cat eaters, but as the global President of the DOG eaters Association, I assure members that the said petition will never see the light of day.

I urge members to stay calm and continue enjoying their delicacy. I expect members to increase consumption over this weekend. It's our human, cultural and traditional right.

I remain a DOG eating citizen

Dr. Clement Apaak

M.P, Builsa South

James Appiakorang
James Appiakorang

News ContributorPage: JamesAppiakorang
