

Mint the zkPortrait on Manta Network’s NPO Platform

Get the zkPortrait Pass on AlienSwap and claim a 50% mint discount.

Get the zkPortrait Pass Lite on AlienSwap and claim a 50% mint discount.

The zkPortrait is an AI-generated content (AIGC) zero-knowledge soul-bound token (zkSBT) that can be minted on Manta Pacific, and bonded to your AsMatch profile via its Proof Key.

The zkPortrait serves as your AI-generated profile picture (PFP) and as a privacy-enhanced decentralized identity (DID) as it is soul-bound and cannot be traded amongst other users.

Users can mint the zkPortrait on Manta Network's NFT Private Offering (NPO) Platform and choose from an array of themes to customize their PFP.

Bonding the zkPortrait to your profile enables you to:

How to Mint the zkPortrait on Manta Pacific

  1. Visit Manta Network’s NPO platform (make sure to switch to Manta Pacific, not Manta Atlantic).

Select zkPortrait and click ‘connect wallet’. Use the wallet address linked to your AsMatch account, and make you are connected to Manta Pacific.

Step 1.png

NOTE: If your wallet is not connected, log in to and click ‘Click here to connect wallet’ at the top.


After connecting your wallet, press ‘Enter’.

  1. Click ‘Start’ to begin the zkPortrait creation process.

Step 2.png


✅ Upload 5 to 10 DIFFERENT SELFIES (with no weird lighting or people in the background) for an accurate zkPortrait.

DO NOT upload pictures of celebrities, cartoons, or objects.

DO NOT upload the same picture 5 - 10 times.

Failing to follow these instructions will cause the minting process to slow down and experience problems.

Step 3.png

  1. Next, you’ll need to choose your theme. Select from 10 different themes for your zkPortrait. After choosing, click ‘Generate’.

Step 4.png

  1. PLEASE READ: If you have a zkPortrait Pass or Pass Lite, you get a 50% mint discount. A pop-up window will appear notifying you that your NFT Pass can only be used once per mint.