E82: The Myth of the Grail with Tony Rezac


E82 Introduction-

Why does the myth of the Grail still enchant us? What is it about it? Its instruction, its hidden meanings, its mystery? As you begin to engage with this myth, something starts to stir in you. If myths carry information and transformative images over time and generations, then this one packs a punch.  You can tell as soon as you start to step into it.

I found this episode to be a daunting task. This myth is mighty and commands my respect. I sense all the powerful beings that are connected to this story. My best option, and the one I took, is to approach it like Parzival, the innocent fool who becomes the hero of the story. Step into the myth in an unsophisticated way and allow it to shape this communication with you.

We must remember that a myth is a living entity and exists within every person. You will get the true, living form of the myth if you can see it as it spins away inside yourself. When working with a myth, it is good to keep in mind that the characters are representatives of all the various levels of consciousness or parts of ourselves as we seek to put ourselves back together. The boundaries between literal and psychological, inner and outer, symbolic and actual, part and whole, microcosm and macrocosm- become very fluid and porous…..

I hope you enjoy the episode!
