Waffle House shooting trial: Travis Reinking guilty on all counts

Mariah Timms
Nashville Tennessean

A jury on Friday found Travis Reinking guilty of first-degree murder in the deaths of four people at a Waffle House in 2018, thwarting an attempted insanity defense and marking a dramatic conclusion to one of the city's most high-profile criminal trials.

He was found guilty on all 16 counts against him. Reinking did not visibly react to the verdict. As he was led away from the defense table, he barely glanced at his parents in the front row.

The jury deliberated for nearly five hours. 

Reinking, 33, faced multiple murder charges in the April 22, 2018, early morning shooting at the Waffle House in Antioch that killed four and maimed several others. 

Taurean C. Sanderlin, 29; Joe R. Perez, 20; DeEbony Groves, 21; and Akilah DaSilva, 23, died after investigators said a gunman walked into the restaurant just after 3:20 a.m. and opened fire with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. Three others, James Shaw Jr., Kayla Shaw, Sharita Henderson and Shantia Waggoner, were wounded in the shooting.

Reinking pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. 

He admits he was the shooter. It was up to the jury to decide whether he was sane enough at the time of the shooting to be found guilty of murder.

The approach put an unusual burden on Reinking's defense to prove by clear and convincing evidence that his mental state was so warped at the time of the shooting that he could not appreciate right from wrong. 

Reinking has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

But could a line be drawn between his delusions and the violent acts he committed that early Sunday morning in 2018? The jury, 10 women, two men, left the courtroom around 12:10 p.m. Friday to decide.

Davidson County Criminal Court Judge Mark Fishburn presided.

The jury was somber as they walked back into the courtroom on Friday afternoon around 5 p.m. The foreperson swore to the judge the verdicts had been decided unanimously.

Although the judge before the verdict reminded the gallery not to react emotionally, a gasp went up as soon as the first guilty verdict was read. 

As the list of guilty verdict after guilty verdict continued, quiet sobs continued among the victims and family gathered close together in the gallery. 

After the jury left the room, they stood and hugged, many of them pausing to hug the man who stopped the shooter from killing more people that night, James Shaw Jr. 

Jurors will reconvene Saturday morning for the next phase of the trial, to determine a sentence for the first-degree murder charges. The other sentences will be handled by the court at a later date. 

Reinking did not visibly react to the verdict. As he was led away from the defense table, he barely glanced at his parents in the front row.

"True justice is having my son here," Shaundelle Brooks said, standing with her family after the verdict. Brooks, DaSilva's mother, was joined by her other son Abede DaSilva, who was also at the restaurant that night. 

"But unfortunately, this is what we have. This is the next, the closest to true justice," Brooks said. 

Harrowing trial

The week-long trial was harrowing.

Prosecutors began Monday by calling victims of the shooting to testify to their wounds, their terror, their shattered lives.

Kayla Shaw, Chelsea Owens, Sharita Henderson, Shantia "Tia" Waggoner, James Shaw Jr., Brennan "BJ" McMurry — each took the stand to tell their stories.

Their memories were raw and sharp, at times recounted with a biting humor that barely concealed the anger still simmering nearly four years after the shooting.

The first officer on the scene choked up on the stand as he described the bloodbath he saw when he arrived.

More trial coverage

When he saw James Shaw appeared out of the darkness repeating, “I fought him, I fought him.”

When he heard Sharita Henderson gasp and wasn’t sure if she was alive or he hear her dying breath.

When he and DaSilva’s brother tried to keep the man alive, not realizing he was slowly drowning on his own blood.

The living victims, surrounded by friends, family and supporters, filled the courtroom benches daily even through frigid temperatures and ice storms. 

DaSilva's mother, Shaundelle Brooks, wore blue each day. It was her son's favorite color.

Through it all, Reinking's parents sat, arms entwined, in the front row directly on the other side of the aisle. Jeffrey Reinking, the defendant's father, faces an ongoing criminal charge of unlawful delivery of a firearm in his home state of Illinois.

'What is the definition of wrongfulness?'

"Are we to hold a person that is mentally ill to the same definition, legally?"

Three hours after they first left the courtroom, the jury sent a question to the judge. By law, Fishburn was required to answer both in writing and to read out the statement in open court. 

"Since wrongfulness is not defined by statute, you are to give the term wrongfulness it's common, ordinary meeting to determine whether Mr. Reinking could appreciate that what he was doing was wrong as set forth in the insanity defense charge," he read.

The questions were essentially the basis of the case.

The defense argued Reinking was overwhelmed by delusions, hallucinations and disordered thinking as his disease progressed.

Documents from as far back as 2015 showed he believed he was in a romantic relationship with musician Taylor Swift, whom he had never met. 

The fictitious relationship turned sour in his mind. He began believing the star was a government agent, hacking his mind, breaking into his apartment, endangering him. 

He grew to fear a broad conspiracy intended to harm him. 

At the time of the shooting, they defense has said, Reinking was so out of touch with reality that although he knew the bullets he fired would kill and maim his victims, he believed he was in the right. 

He believed he was commanded by God, they said. 

"That sounds crazy, because it is crazy," defense attorney Paul Bruno said in closing arguments Friday. 

By turns explaining his decision as a command from a voice or a silent understanding in his brain, he framed the massacre as self defense against the people he said he believed were CIA agents taunting him. 

And one night, he later told mental health evaluators, "I had had enough of it that night and I went there to get revenge."

He asked God for help, he said, who told him to shoot three people. 

Travis Reinking listens to the closing rebuttal during day five of his murder trial at the Justice A.A. Birch Building in Nashville, Tenn., Friday, Feb. 4, 2022. Reinking is charged with four counts of first degree murder, along with other attempted murder and weapons charges for the 2018 Waffle House shooting.

He stripped, putting on only a green bomber jacket. He took a Bushmaster AR-15 semiautomatic rifle loaded with 30 rounds of hollow-point ammunition. He put two extra magazines, with 30 more bullets each, in the pockets. 

He got in his truck and drove to the Waffle House. 

And when he saw a sign, saw the number "3" on the side of Perez's hat, he opened fire. 

But prosecutors argued Reinking knew his acts were evil. 

"The one word, which ties back to moral certainty and the foundation of criminal law is that this was an evil act. Evil," said Deputy District Attorney Roger Moore in closing arguments. "And who described it as that? The man in the blue shirt sitting behind me."

Moore referenced a quote from the hundreds of pages of Reinking's journals, some handwritten from jail, some typed in the years before the massacre. 

'It's all or nothing' defense

Longtime Nashville criminal defense attorney David Raybin cannot remember another time in the city’s history that an insanity plea case went to a jury quite like this one did.

Other defendants have tried to launch the defense on murder and other trials, but to his knowledge, “where the proof was mixed and the district attorney opposed it, there have been none in contested jury trials,” he told The Tennessean on Friday.

Sometimes, the plea will be accepted by all parties and won’t go before a jury.

These numbers mirror the state and nation, he said, from his experience consulting on them nationwide.

In a conversation with The Tennessean last week before the trial began, Raybin explained proving an insanity defense is difficult.

"It's all or nothing,” he said then.

The path to violence

Dr. Jonathan Metzl, a psychiatrist and professor of sociology and director of the Center for Medicine, Health and Society at Vanderbilt University, sat in the courtroom for nearly all of the trial this week.

He has no involvement with the case and has never treated or spoken to Reinking, but his career has been spent studying the link between gun violence and mental illness.

He said he still had questions and doubts after the testimony wrapped this week. Without committing to a diagnosis on a patient he hasn't examined, Metzl said his reservations weren't about the schizophrenia, but the through line to the violence. 

“There are so many stereotypes of people with schizophrenia, that they’re ticking time bombs, but in general that’s not the case,” he said.

The legal approach to sanity is very nearly the opposite to the clinical one, he said.

As a psychiatrist, he would look at whether a patient’s schizophrenia caused him to take certain actions.

But in this case, the legal approach was to assume Reinking did these actions and work backward to see if he knew right from wrong at the time.

"There are millions of people with schizophrenia who don't kill other people," he said. 

Reinking's attorneys called only two witnesses, court-ordered forensic psychologists who testified to their reports that he did not at the time understand the wrongfulness. 

The state attempted to obliterate their opinions in two days of heated cross examination.

Through their respective work at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Middle Tennessee Mental Health Institute, the doctors have been called on to give hundreds of evaluations a year for the use of the court on questions of competency or sanity. 

On closing rebuttal, Assistant District Attorney Ronald Dowdy argued perhaps they didn't take the case as seriously as he did, a parting blow. 

But, the defense reminded the jury, the state never called their own doctor to deny the findings of the other psychologists. 

Assistant District Attorney Ronald Dowdy delivers the closing rebuttal during day five of Travis Reinking’s murder trial at the Justice A.A. Birch Building in Nashville, Tenn., Friday, Feb. 4, 2022. Reinking is charged with four counts of first degree murder, along with other attempted murder and weapons charges for the 2018 Waffle House shooting.

Sympathy for the victims

Sympathy for the victims, Bruno said, was forefront of his mind. 

But the law requires the jury to act on the evidence alone, both he and Moore noted. 

At one point as he spoke, Moore poured bullets from an evidence bag into a glass bowl, letting them clink. 

Later, in the middle of his rebuttal argument, Dowdy paused to pick them out of that bowl one by one. 

He slowly loaded them into a magazine for the semiautomatic rifle Reinking used in the shooting. He called out the name of the victims as he did it, after the number of bullets that went into them had been replaced in the magazine.

"If you're going to do what's right, based on the evidence," Dowdy said, "the only right verdict, the only just verdict, is guilty." 

Anything else, he said would be "as wrong as Travis Reinking was that night."

The charges

Count 1

First degree murder: Guilty

Count 2

First degree murder: Guilty

Count 3

First degree murder: Guilty

Count 4

First degree murder: Guilty

Count 5

Attempted first degree murder: Guilty

Count 6

Possessing a firearm during commission or attempt to commit dangerous felony: Guilty

Count 7

Attempted first degree murder: Guilty

Count 8 

Possessing a firearm during commission or attempt to commit dangerous felony: Guilty

Count 9

Attempted first degree murder: Guilty

Count 10

Possessing a firearm during commission or attempt to commit dangerous felony: Guilty

Count 11

Attempted first degree murder: Guilty

Count 12

Possessing a firearm during commission or attempt to commit dangerous felony: Guilty

Count 13

Felony murder: Guilty

Count 14

Felony murder: Guilty

Count 15

Felony murder: Guilty

Count 16

Felony murder: Guilty

Reach reporter Mariah Timms at mtimms@tennessean.com or 615-259-8344 and on Twitter @MariahTimms