Patricia Arquette Proposes Effort to ‘Kick Russia Out of NATO’ in Deleted Tweet


Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Actress Patricia Arquette argued on Friday that Russia should be expelled from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in a tweet that has since been deleted.

The only issue is that Russia is not, and has never been, a NATO member.

Russian President Vladimir Putin floated the idea of his country potentially joining the club two decades ago. But the country never joined NATO, and the organization has only grown stronger in recent years, as Russian aggression poses perhaps the single greatest threat to peace in Europe.

The True Romance star was apparently unaware of this when she responded to a tweet from a Twitter account called “MK-ULTRA.

MK-Ultra tweeted: “Staff at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine sent a message to Ukrainian media and government authorities warning that the Russian troops that took the plant are now laying down explosives around it in order to “blackmail the whole of Europe.”

Arquette responded, “Kick Russia Out of NATO.”


The tweet was quickly deleted, presumably after Arquette was made aware that Russia is not in NATO.

Arquette has rebounded since deleting the tweet:

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