Learn from ALS Action Canada board member and former NHLer, Mark Kirton, discuss the importance of supporting the ALS Super Fund.

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    Commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is one of the most devastating diseases facing humanity. In ALS, progressive weakness develops due to selective death of motor neurons, the nerve cells that carry messages to muscles. This eventually takes away the ability to move, swallow and to breathe, leading to death.

    Average life expectancy is 3 to 5 years and there is NO CURE. It is a torturous journey, not only for the one diagnosed, but for their family and caregivers, as well.

  • The ALS Super Fund

    The ALS Super Fund is a new, simple and effective way for every day Canadians to join a community catalyzing real action to END ALS.

    The ALS Super Fund is not only a rallying cry for collaboration, it is the funding mechanism required to produce measurable results, now. The ALS Super Fund is led by patients, guided by experts, and implemented by the organizations best placed to produce rapid results

  • Together...

    There is hope. Promising treatments are on the horizon.

    Now is the time to fund cutting edge research.

    Now is the time to make sure that all Canadians have equitable access to trials and treatments.

    Now is the time for the ALS community - patients, caregivers, researchers, clinicians, industry, government agencies, and charities - to come together and rally behind a plan.






The Super Fund

The ALS Super Fund was created by the patient-led group ALS Action Canada and hosted by Charitable Impact. Comprised of a panel of ALS experts that direct funds toward projects that will have meaningful impact, it is part of this patient-led movement which will ensure that policy and research decisions in Canada reflect the voices and perspectives of those most affected by ALS


Plan to End ALS

The ALS Super Fund will support ALS initiatives nationwide, from research funding to patient support, with the goal being to ultimately lead to breakthroughs to End ALS. This collaborative effort will ensure that all Canadians have equitable access to treatments and trials as we urgently pursue an end to the disease.

The ALS Super Fund has created a team of advisors comprised of Canada’s top minds in ALS-to ensure that resources are allocated to support finding a cure for ALS across the country.

This panel of advisors also includes patients living with the disease, caregivers, neurologists and clinicians.

Meet the Super Fund Advisory Council

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