How video marketing can help your business

We have discussed a lot about video marketing and how it will become the next big trend across social media platforms this year. However, if you have paid attention, you might have realized that more than half of the content posted on different social media platforms is already video.

As social media evolves, so do our audiences. Nowadays, users are more attracted to video content because they can quickly see and understand the message. Using the biggest video platform today as an example, “TikTok users spend an average of 45 minutes daily using the app,” says Tech Jury.

That’s almost one hour per day watching short videos, which is a lot of content to watch and absorb in that time. And this is just one social media platform; you will have to add the other sites and apps that also create video content daily to get an idea of total screen time.

Considering that you should be thinking about creating your video strategy for this year, businesses need to jump on these trends and make the most out of them. Whenever a new marketing trend comes along, we take it as an opportunity to innovate and be present across channels.

That’s why today we wanted to teach you about the different benefits that video marketing has and how it can help you increase your business. Keep in mind that every company is different, and you should count on a team that understands you and creates the type of content you actually need.


Video Marketing Benefits

We must say that video marketing has a million benefits; just the fact that your business can be seen and heard by others can make your business succeed in a short period of time. But today, we are going to be discussing the top 3 benefits of video and how this technique can help your company.


Video Marketing will increase your business traffic.

Video marketing means that you are going to be seen. It has been proven that this marketing technique can make your business seen across different platforms. It happens because the algorithms of the various social media apps are built to show your content to people interested in what your company does.

If you are already a user of any of these apps, you might have seen that your content is selected specifically for you. Your videos could reach thousands or even millions of people with a good content and hashtag strategy.


You can rank higher in search engines.

The longer people stay on your website, the higher you will rank in search results. One of the factors that will make your site rank higher is time spent, and according to Mist Media marketing statistics, “The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website that contains video.”

It can be as simple as creating a landing page video for your website, where you talk or explain a little about you and your business. However, there are many ways to include video on your website, and you should be doing it!


You can influence buying decisions.

Customers trust videos; whether it is an introductory video about your product or service, or a testimonial video, it has been proven that buying decisions go way up if a video is involved.

90% of customers say that product video helps them make important buying decisions. When it comes to video, customers can actually see and understand better the basics of your product and how it can improve their lifestyle.


Together, at Dr. Rissy’s Writing & Marketing, we can create a great video marketing strategy for your business. So let’s set up a call, and we can work together to create videos that will make your business seen across platforms.
