Imagen del logotipo del elemento de AIPRM for ChatGPT


2.4 K calificaciones

ExtensiónHerramientas2,000,000 usuarios
Captura de pantalla 5 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 6 del elemento multimedia
Miniatura de video del elemento
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 4 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 5 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 6 del elemento multimedia
Miniatura de video del elemento
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Miniatura de video del elemento
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 4 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 5 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 6 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general

AIPRM is your cheat code for ChatGPT. Adds a list of curated prompt templates and advanced features. Try today.

How much time and money do you waste figuring out how to market your business? AIPRM removes the guesswork. Choose from 4500+ professional 1-Click Prompts for ChatGPT. 🟢 Desperate for a month of blog titles? There’s a prompt for that. 🟢 Lacking the time to write a comprehensive SEO article? There’s a prompt for that. 🟢 Awful at writing professional email responses? There’s a prompt for that. 🟢 Suck at closing sales leads? There’s a prompt for that. No matter what you need, with AIPRM, there’s a prompt for that. With over 2 Million Users, AIPRM offers the most comprehensive Prompt Management system. Prompt. Click. Valuable content in seconds. Watch how easy it is to start instantly generating: - Copy for your service pages - Social media posts - Email marketing campaigns - Midjourney Prompts Build your own prompt library for: - Marketing - Sales - Copywriting - SEO - Productivity - Customer Support - And more… Free Features: 👫🏿 Teams - Share your curated prompt lists with everyone in your business. Consistent ChatGPT output helps with professional use of the most important marketing technology since email. 🥸 Custom Profiles - Save time with custom profiles that insert your own company’s personalized information into ChatGPT output for content unique to your team. 🔎 Advanced Prompt Search - Find the exact prompts you need across a range of filters including topic, activity, usage, popularity, and open search. Prompt discovery has never been more fun and effective. 🔬 Prompt Variables - Design your own custom prompts and build in multiple variables for a wider range of use cases. Add dropdown options and open fields for you and your team to re-use your prompts in a variety of use cases for your business. 👀 AIPRM Everywhere - Grab research from the internet and inject it directly into AIPRM and ChatGPT. Stop wasting time and short-circuiting your workflow with the endless copy and paste. 🦾 Community Support - Free access to our community forum with support from other expert Prompt Engineers and AIPRM employees. 📦 Omnibox - Type AIPRM and your prompt right into your browser’s search bar and save time pogo sticking back and forth between websites and ChatGPT. Premium Features: 📝 Custom Tones and Writing Styles - Design your own brand voice and automatically apply it to every prompt you use. Feel safe that individuals in your business are staying on brand when they use ChatGPT. 🕸 Live Crawling - Build prompts that can crawl specific URLs on the internet for a more targeted way to use online research for your marketing needs. Don’t depend on ChatGPT Plus or 3rd Party Plugins hoping they select the right webpage. 📒📒 Prompt Forking - Clone public prompts and reinvent them for your own needs. Take the best prompts in the library and tweak the prompt so they work for you even more effectively. ⚡️ Power Continue - When ChatGPT stops generating content in the middle of its output, one-click continuations so you can quickly and efficiently customized the next step in the prompt chain and get the enhanced output that you need. ✅ Verified Prompts - Prompts reviewed by expert Prompt Engineers and cleared for Quality Assurance by the AIPRM team. — This extension requires an AIPRM Account. Learn more at: Tutorial - How installation works: Tutorial - Getting Started with AIPRM Tutorial - How to Select and Use Prompts Tutorial - How to Create a Prompt Tutorial - How to Create a Team More AIPRM Tutorials and Tips on our YouTube Channel: More tutorials: also in German: Portuguese Spanish: Please note: it is AIPRM, not AIRPRM or AIRPM as some people type in. Join the vibrant Prompt Engineering Community at Please note: AIPRM doesn’t support or endorse using other ChatGPT extensions in parallel to AIPRM. Please uninstall other ChatGPT extensions for reliable AIPRM functionality.

3.9 de 52.4 K calificaciones

Google no verifica las opiniones. Obtén más información sobre los resultados y las opiniones.

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Nora D mendoza15 may 2024

es excelente pero cual es limite de uso hice varias consultas, como 4 y ya de ahi no me permitio hacer mas nada !

A 2 de 2 usuarios les resultó útil esta opinión
Foto de perfil del usuario que dejó la opinión

Adolfo La Roche12 may 2024

Hola no me carga la pagina y me dice que desactive VPN, lo cual hice y no dio resultado, Orienteme por favor

Foto de perfil del usuario que dejó la opinión

Debbie Collar8 may 2024

Por momentos al abrir CHATGPT aparece AIPRM y por momentos no, a pesar de estar habilitado el PlugIn. Cuando funciona es buenísimo.

A 2 de 2 usuarios les resultó útil esta opinión


  • Versión
  • Fecha de actualización
    4 de mayo de 2024
  • Funciones
    Ofrece compras directas desde la aplicación
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    5 idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    AIPRM, Corp.
    4023 Kennett Pike, Suite 50505 Wilmington, DE 19807 US
    Sitio web
    Correo electrónico
  • Comerciante
    Este desarrollador se identificó como comerciante de acuerdo con la definición de la Unión Europea.


AIPRM for ChatGPT divulgó la siguiente información sobre la recopilación y el uso de tus datos. En la política de privacidad del desarrollador, encontrarás más información.

AIPRM for ChatGPT controla lo siguiente:

información de identificación personal

Este desarrollador declara el siguiente tratamiento de tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para fines no relacionados con la funcionalidad principal del elemento
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para determinar tu solvencia ni ofrecer préstamos


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