Eight tips for moving house: A checklist

Moving House: A checklist

Our moving house checklist can help make the whole experience less daunting.

If you are moving house, being organised and planning ahead can help keep the process as stress-free and cost-efficient.

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Young couple sitting in back of removal van filled with boxes
Moving house is a daunting task but our checklist breaks it down for you

What are the costs of moving home?

Whether you’ve bought a property or have found a new rented home, getting organised can help save money.

According to the comparison website reallymoving.com the cost of moving house has gone up.

Legal fees have increased 15% and estate agent fees are up 14%.

The cost of surveys and removals has also increased. This is partly due to a sharp rise in property prices. We have more on the hidden costs of buying a house.

Our eight moving house tips can help the whole process run more smoothly.

1. Redirect your post

The Post Office’s change-of-address service redirects all post to your new address. It takes five days to come into effect and costs from £33.99 for three months, £47.99 for six months and £68.99 for 12 months.

You can set it up between six months before you’ve moved into your home and six months after you’ve moved in.

2. Let your bank and other bodies know you’re moving

There are a list of organisations that you need to inform that you are moving house, so get out a pen and paper and be prepared to listen to a lot of Greensleeves!

  • Bank or building society – before you leave, or as close as possible to the move date change your address on your current account and credit card, and inform any other lenders including the Student Loans Company.
  • Local authority – Contact your existing local authority for a final statement of your council tax – you may even get a refund. Update your address on the electoral roll so you get to vote. This is also important for your credit rating. If you don’t want your personal details included in the open (edited) register – identical to the electoral roll but sold on to commercial organisations – then opt out.
  • DVLA – If you need your driving licence for van hire in order to carry out the move, then wait until after moving day to update your address with the DVLA for both your licence and vehicle registration (V5C). If you forget, you risk being fined up to £1,000.
  • Insurance – Tell your car insurer about a change of address. Depending on where you move to, your premium could go up or down. You may also choose to move your home insurance over too.
  • TV license – Inform TV Licensing as your TV licence won’t be valid when you move to your new home. You can do this up to three months beforehand.
  • Broadband and television – Most providers will allow you to move your contract to another property, as long as they have coverage there. Watch out for any admin fees. Speak to your provider before your move – or you could be left with no internet at your new place as you wait for your connection to be set up.
  • Pension provider – Don’t forget to tell all your pension providers – even the old pensions from companies you used to work at. They need your address to be able to send you annual statements and eventually pay you when you retire. If you’re receiving a state pension, you should contact the government.
  • Premium Bonds – Remember to update your address, otherwise you won’t be able to receive any potential wins. 
  • Utility companies – Inform your water company, and gas and electricity provide of the exact date you’ll be moving. Take photographs of meter readings.
  • Tell your employer and taxman – Your employer needs to know of a change of address so they can update your payroll details. HM Revenue & Customs should also be informed after you have moved if you are self-employed or receive tax credits or child benefit. 

3. Choose a removal company

If you don’t mind a bit of physical effort, you could hire a van and, with a couple of friends and do the moving house bit yourself.

This could cost as little as £150 excluding petrol. The price will depend on:

  • The size of the van you choose
  • How far you are travelling
  • The number of journeys you need to make

For most people, doing it yourself will probably be too much so look at hiring a removal company as soon as you can. You can use a specialist comparison site such as Vanrenta or Stress Free Car Rental.

Do your research, read the customer reviews online and make sure you understand the pricing. Don’t just go with the first company you find, but shop around. The more choices you have, the better your chances of finding an option that suits you and your budget. 

4. Organise packing materials

Ask neighbours for spare boxes they don’t need, check Freecycle and enquire at your local supermarket before going to the expense of ordering packing cases and materials.

Declutter and throw out what you don’t need and start packing. Book the time needed off work for the move date.

5. Get home insurance

Buy home insurance for the day you exchange (when the contracts become legally binding) to avoid the property being uninsured in the days before the buying transaction is complete and you move in.

If you’re already insured, contact your insurer to transfer the cover to the new address. You don’t need contents insurance until you move your belongings but you do need buildings insurance in case your new home burns down in a freak accident.

If you are renting or the leaseholder of a property then the landlord or freeholder normally covers the building insurance. Make sure you check this before moving in.

To cover your belongings while in transit your contents insurance policy – if you have one – may already cover you for that so check. Many home insurance policies will cover accidental damage or loss if you are using a professional removals company.

Ask removal companies that you’re thinking of using about their insurance cover (which you may be able to increase if necessary).

If you are moving house and looking for home insurance, check out our independently rated best home insurance providers.

6. Prepare your old home

If you are renting, then you need to check if the responsibility for the end of tenancy clean is down to you or your landlord. If it is your responsibility, then arrange this in advance of your move.

Think about the new incoming occupants for a few moments. Defrost the freezer, label keys and write instructions for items such as the boiler.

7. Prepare for the day of the move

Pack an overnight bag. Snacks on standby are a good idea. Ensure you know which box the kettle, cups, tea bags and toilet roll are located.

Ensure your mobile phone is fully charged and keep your charger with you on the day. 

8. Change your locks

Get a locksmith to change the locks so your new home has a unique set of keys. This will leave you safe in the knowledge that you’re the only one with the keys – it’s a sensible move to protect your family and belongings.

You’ll pay between £60 and £120 for the lock and two keys plus around £60 for labour. If you have a high-end lock like a Banham lock it could cost about £300

Related content: A guide to buying your first home

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