One manufacturing task is universally dreaded, no matter what is being manufactured: material removal. Whether sanding aerospace parts, polishing automotive components or grinding tank welds, monotonous, debilitating and repetitive material removal jobs drain morale and increase the risk of injuries.

Kane GRIT polishing propeller blade

Kane Robotics’ GRIT ST polishing a propeller blade.

Until recently, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) relied on human laborers, putting employees and overall productivity at risk. Today, smart manufacturers are adopting collaborative robots, or “cobots,” to tackle undesirable yet necessary jobs, potentially revolutionizing their businesses—and their industries.

Advantages of Cobots in Material Removal

Mobile, easy-to-use, more compact and more affordable than traditional industrial automation, SMEs are increasingly leveraging cobots for material removal processes to streamline operations, improve safety and boost productivity—simply and with little risk. The benefits of incorporating cobots into manufacturing processes are many.

Enhanced productivity. Material removal tasks that once took hours can be completed in a fraction of the time. For example, a cobot can reduce a 12-hour sanding job to just 3.5 hours. Moreover, cobots ensure precision and uniformity, reducing the need for additional manual touch-ups. Manufacturers report productivity gains of at least 50% and as much as 300% by using cobots.

Reduced health risks. Unlike humans, robots don’t suffer from musculoskeletal injuries or respiratory issues caused by grinding, sanding or polishing. Cobots mitigate health risks associated with repetitive tasks, keeping workers safe and minimizing downtime.

Addressing labor shortages. Cobots take on physically demanding or undesirable tasks, helping companies maintain productivity levels even in the face of workforce challenges. They remove the need to hire for high-turnover positions, lessen the need to replace retiring workers as the manufacturing workforce ages and allow experienced workers to be redeployed to more skilled positions.

With these tangible benefits and at a lower cost than large-scale industrial robots, cobots are an attractive investment. Manufacturers of varying sizes and industries report realizing ROI within a year.

Start Simple

Kane GRIT ST grinding

Kane Robotics’ GRIT ST cobot sanding metal components.

Integrating cobots into manufacturing for material removal doesn’t have to be complex or costly. Here’s how to get started.

1) Follow the 80/20 Rule

Cobots should complement human workers, not replace them entirely. Assign cobots to handle 80% of the repetitive tasks, reserving more complex activities for human operators.

2) Right-size Your Investment

Avoid overcommitment to robotics solutions that may be more than what’s needed. Cobots are cost-effective and can be deployed swiftly, making them ideal for SMEs looking to enhance their operations without breaking the bank.

3) Start Small

Begin with a single cobot system to gauge its impact on productivity and efficiency. Solutions like Kane Robotics’ GRITTM offer a quick return on investment, often within just a few months.

Cobots are a simple way for enterprises of all sizes to begin their journey toward embracing smart manufacturing practices. By starting with targeted applications, SMEs can experience the benefits of cobots firsthand before scaling up their automation efforts.

Level Up

Cobots are a game-changer for small- and medium-sized manufacturers seeking to streamline operations and stay competitive. By offloading tedious and hazardous tasks to cobots, companies can boost productivity and save on labor and healthcare costs. Equally important, they can empower their workforce to focus on higher-value activities that require human judgment and expertise.

With the global collaborative robot market projected to reach $27.4 billion by 2032, SMEs that take advantage of cobots for material removal are sure to stay ahead of the game in any manufacturing scenario.

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