Take part in the Great Big Green Week: 8th - 16th June 2024

Get involved in the Great Big Green Week

Let's swap together for good

Get inspired by the swaps communities are making every day to help create a better tomorrow.

The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.

Get involved by attending an event in your local area, or by sharing how you're taking action to tackle climate change and protect nature online.

Find an event near you
Share your swaps

"We ran an event during Great Big Green Week 2023, inviting local people to visit a Victorian retrofit house to understand how to upgrade old homes to be more energy efficient. Visitors swapped tips on things like insulation, ventilation, sustainable heating and solar panels, learning how to make their homes warmer and more eco-friendly to save money as well as the planet. We're looking forward to more swaps events for Great Big Green Week 2024!"

Judith, Sustainable St Albans, SusFest and Great Big Green Week event organiser

How to get involved

There are plenty of ways to get involved in the Great Big Green Week, whether you take part with your family, your community, your place of worship, your school or your business.

Get your school involved
Get your organisation involved


Make sure to add your event to the website so others in your local area can find it. Visit the links below for support engaging your local politicians as part of Great Big Green Week, and don't forget to browse our training sessions and resources.

Add your event
Engage your politicians
Browse resources
Find a training session


Find out more about the Great Big Green Week, what type of events take place, and how you can take part.

About the Great Big Green Week

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See what communities and organisations are planning for Great Big Green Week on our social media wall!
Share your posts using #GreatBigGreenWeek to appear here.