Philippe Boukaka’s Post

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Help people thrive by enabling the world's teams to work together effortlessly

Why Going Solo Can Propel Solutions Consultants to New Heights 🔥 In the fast-paced world of Solutions Consulting, there's a rising trend that challenges the widely accepted principle of Collaboration and Teamwork. 🚀 💥 Picture this: A Solutions Consultant, armed with a deep understanding of the product, industry expertise, and unmatched determination, sets off on a solo mission to conquer the SaaS B2B space. With full control over their time, approach, and decision-making, they embark on a journey that ignites unparalleled innovation and delivers exceptional results. 💡 🌟 Now, I know what you're thinking: "Isn't collaboration essential for success?" Well, let's break it down and explore how embracing a more independent approach can actually propel Solutions Consultants to new heights. 📈 1️⃣ Freedom to Innovate: When freed from the constraints of teamwork, Solutions Consultants have the liberty to push boundaries, experiment, and explore uncharted territories. They can delve deep into their creative minds, unburdened by consensus-driven decision-making or compromises. This newfound freedom fuels innovation, enabling them to craft game-changing solutions that defy industry norms and set new benchmarks. 🚀 2️⃣ Swift Decision-Making: Collaboration can sometimes slow down the decision-making process. By going solo, Solutions Consultants are empowered to make swift, decisive choices without the need for consensus or lengthy discussions. This agility allows them to adapt quickly to rapidly changing market dynamics, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition. 🏎️ 3️⃣ Accountability and Ownership: In a team, responsibility can be diffused among members, diluting individual accountability. However, by embracing an independent approach, Solutions Consultants fully embrace ownership of their projects, outcomes, and customer success. This heightened sense of responsibility fuels motivation, drive, and an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results. 💪 4️⃣ Laser-Focused Expertise: Going solo allows Solutions Consultants to dive deep into their areas of expertise and build a reputation as true specialists. With undivided attention and uninterrupted focus, they can hone their skills, stay at the forefront of industry advancements, and become sought-after authorities in their domain. This specialization not only differentiates them from the crowd but also attracts high-value clients and exciting opportunities. 🎯 ✨ So, my fellow Solutions Consultants, let's challenge the status quo. Let's embrace the power of individualism and carve our own paths to success. By going solo, we can unleash unparalleled creativity, decisiveness, accountability, and expertise, propelling us to new heights of innovation and achievement. Are you ready to soar? 🚀 #GoingSolo #UnleashYourPotential #SolutionsConsultingRevolution


Software Demo Coach | Presales & SE Enablement | CGN 🏙️ | BMG 💚🐴


Interesting thought, Philippe! At one point, I had the opportunity to relocate to London as a "1-man sales army". Mostly because I had the product know how as a former SE and was already doing the AE piece of the job for 2 years. My time abroad was a huge success. But we had all the fundamentals already in place. Plus supporting structures in the background to help me. I was fully accountable for my decisions and could move rather quick. But especially in a more unstable economy,i'd love to brainstorm with peers, think out loud and get a second or third opinion 🤔

Natasja Bax 😊

Win more Deals by better Sales Demos | 20 years in demo coaching | 200+ workshops, 2000+ participants | Training, Coaching, Consulting


That's a new way of looking at it. What's your view on the limits of someone's knowledge? Nobody knows everything. At least the SC needs to collaborate with the customer, don't you think?

Daniel Dünschede

Von Daten zu Entscheidungen - das geht auch einfach!


Thank you for sharing this thought process, Philippe Boukaka. I tend to see opportunities in this approach, especially for B2B sales with subscription models. When it comes to large enterprise sales for products that have a wide range of functionality, a variety of target personas, large buying committees, and potential politics involved, going solo doesn´t seem to be my favorite approach. Whilst I would in any case 100% agree, that maximum freedom for SEs brings the best and most creative results, in most cases, there are too many different interactions with way too diverse counterparts in the buying organization that one person alone can handle the whole process. Complex buying cycles need a variety of stewards that take potential buyers by the hand and help them navigate through their process of making a purchase decision. The personas involved (SE, AE, VP Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, Implementation Consulting, Support, Legal, etc.) need to work together like a well-oiled machine, each bringing their unique skills and knowledge to support the buyer minimizing their risk when purchasing.


The interdisciplinary approach and being the bridge builder is a unique value set, very few can pull it off, and the upside is a 10X trajectory. With the right mindset, the day-one student spirit and the appropriate supportive network, this is a match in heaven 🎯

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