Town of St John, IN

Park Activity Fees

Please complete a separate registration form for each participant and/or activity.

Click for more information.

I, the undersigned participant, or parent or guardian of a participating minor child, acknowledge the risk of personal injury, death, damage, and loss associated with the participation in any and all activities associated with the below program(s). I assume the full risk of personal injury, death, damage and loss associated with the participation in any and all activities associated with this program(s). In consideration of the permission to participate granted to me or my child or ward, I hereby release the Town of St. John, Lake County, Indiana, the Town of St. John Park and Recreation Department, and their respective officers, agents, and employees (collectively "St. John") from any and all actions, cause of action, damages or claims which I, my heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, or my child's/ward's heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, may have against St. John for any personal injuries, death, damage, or loss resulting from, or in any way associated with, participation in this program(s).

I, the undersigned participant, or parent or guardian of a participating minor child, have read this waiver and release and fully understand the terms of same and the details of the program(s). I execute this waiver and release with the full knowledge of its terms and significance.  
