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Possessing Her #2

Now You're Mine

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The Protector :
She’s in danger.
Just the thought of this threatens my sanity.
I’ll do anything to keep her safe…
Even things that she doesn’t agree with.
If she thinks stalking her was bad,
Calista’s in for a surprise.

The Prisoner :
Hayden is certifiable.
And I love him.
What I don’t like are his methods of protection.
Except the more perilous things become,
the closer I get to him.
And the secrets he’s keeping from me.

Now You're Mine is Book 2 in the Possessing Her Duet where Hayden and Calista find their HEA. Eventually...
(A complete list of the TWs can be found on the author's website)

260 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 29, 2023

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Morgan Bridges

9 books797 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,344 reviews
Profile Image for Kavya .
240 reviews2 followers
October 29, 2023
I read this book because I wanted to complete it

It's like "oh you killed my father?"
"It was a mistake"
"Oh no, it's okay, who cares"

And that should summarize the book and tell you all about the characters.
Profile Image for Elaine M..
128 reviews2 followers
November 6, 2023
Wow, I hated this... if it wasn't so short, it would have been a DNF. The story has so many plot holes, that it might as well be swiss cheese!

I still stick with my earlier critique that Hayden being a prosecutor doesn't make any sense with how much money he has... but whatever.

Calista is really annoying. She wants Hayden to pay for her to live with him, and pay for her education (things she specifically asked for), but when he gives her a laptop, all of a sudden she doesn't want him to buy her things - and it makes her feel cheap. Really??

When she finds out that Hayden kills her father, it barely affects her at all. She was more disturbed that he was stalking her. Which, yes, is creepy, but he knew she was trying to solve her father's murder and not only kept the answer from her but was the one responsible...

And the ending... oh what a shit show that was. I think the writer just wanted to finish the book because so many things were magically solved and tied up in a neat little bow and then it was just over. It was over so fast, it took me a couple of minutes to realize that the story was over...

I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
Profile Image for Jen ♥.
986 reviews302 followers
November 17, 2023
- Hayden
- Calista/Callie

Book info:
- Violence
- Kidnapping
- Stalking
- Death of a loved one
- Addiction
- Breeding kink
- Non-virgin MCs
- Morally gray MMC
- No cheating
- OMD (mild)
- Age gap (almost a decade older than h)
- Third act breakup

This will be the review for the duet.

"𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆. 𝒀𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆. 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆."


Hayden is a full-time lawyer and part-time criminal. When he can't put people behind bars using the legal system, he takes it upon himself to kill them. You see, they met in her dad's trial, and since then Hayden has been interested in Callie. She didn't pay him any attention because he's on the opposing side.
Her father is a senator; and was accused of killing his pregnant secretary, but he was found not guilty. Hayden can't believe that justice failed him again, so he killed Callie's dad. The interest he had in her never waned; instead, it only got worse as time passed. Up to the point where he started stalking her and invading her privacy.

I honestly enjoyed the first book, and I almost gave it a 5 ⭐. In the first book, Callie had a backbone and always stood her ground around Hayden. She never let him bulldoze his way into her life. I really expected her to remain like this all throughout this duet, but disappointingly, she didn't. In the second book, she became this weak heroine who let Hayden control and dictate her life. The 180 of her character gave me a whiplash. I mean, where was the strong girl from book 1? The one who didn't take shit from anyone? The body-betraying crap prevails, and she completely loses her common sense. Like her best friend said, “You’re going to take one look at his baby blues, or his dick, and become a puddle on the ground.”. I was so frustrated that she became a different person in the second book, because her strong personality is one of the things I truly loved about her.

As for Hayden, I liked his OTT obsessive and possessive nature when it comes to Callie. Like he's all "mine, mine, mine" all the time, and he's 100% certifiable for her. His behavior was still likeable to me in the first book. I enjoyed him getting territorial over her and being unhinged when any man tries to flirt with Callie. He literally embodies the "touch her and you die" vibe, he has no qualms killing these guys. But in the second book, he became so maddening. He took away her freedom and choices; it has become all about what he wants, and Callie has to follow everything he says. He never gave a crap about her feelings; it's his way or the highway, and he always gets what he wants. He went from likeable to detestable in a flash, at least to me.

Things he did that didn't fly with me:
— He killed Callie's father, and the man was innocent.
— He stalked her.
— He breaks into her apartment every night, giving her anxiety and removing her sense of security.
— He manipulated everything so that she'd move in with him.
— He instructed the OBGYN not to give Callie a depo shot, even though she was adamant about being in birth control. He purposely impregnates her to tie her to him.
— He tattooed his surname on her hip when she was unconscious.
— He became a dictator in the second book, and I'm not having any of it.

Lying is one of the things I hate in romance fiction, and Hayden did this for the majority of the story. He knew Callie would be hurt if he told her the truth, so he decided not to tell her anything. But secrets won't stay buried forever, and when he was forced to tell her all the things he did, he was not even sorry or remorseful about them. Maybe if he did show some guilt, I could let it pass, but he didn't, and that annoyed me more than ever.

There's a two-month breakup in book 2, when Callie runs away after finding out that Hayden is her dad's killer. But she loves him and is willing to get over that fact. She eventually talked to him, and they got back together. The ending is HFN (engaged and pregnant), and there's an extended epilogue two years later.

Overall, I didn't know how to feel about the story. I liked the first part of this duet, but the second was a letdown. But if readers want an unhinged, obsessed, and possessive MMC they should go read this. Hayden's craziness knows no bounds, and I'm sure some will love and swoon over him and the things he did for Callie.

PS. Harper's the one bright side in this story. She's the best friend worth having. I love her character more than the MCs. 😂
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Yaq.
4 reviews15 followers
December 21, 2023
I would have preferred a lobotomy
Profile Image for Ariela .
174 reviews
November 5, 2023
He stopped her contraceptive methods without her knowing, he locked her up against her will, the girl was recovering and he f*@ked her. He tattooed her when she was UNCONSCIOUS. He didn't take no for an answer. He killed her dad. BUT HAPPILY EVER AFTER y'all.
Profile Image for meg *ੈ✩‧₊˚ (semi-hiatus).
81 reviews82 followers
January 5, 2024
i will say, this book was way better than the first in my opinion, mainly cause there was more to the storyline/plot in this book. but my gosh the tension between the two main characters?? on top, they're ADULTS behaving like bratty kids.

otherwise good series 🫡
Profile Image for Brittnye Denman.
87 reviews
November 17, 2023
For the people who actually liked this book: are you ok? Please get the help you need.

In the first book I saw his red flags, like how he wanted to own and possess her. But I ignored bc I liked how protective he was and how much he cared for her. But he went from creepy to downright delusionaly insane and criminal. He controls when she can leave the house. He has to control every part of her life. Then he bribes her doctor to manipulate her birth control so he can get her pregnant WITHOUT HER CONSENT?????? Then while she’s unconscious he gets his name tattooed on her? He thinks her body is his own toy to do with as he pleases. She doesn’t get to make any decisions for her life. When she was upset with him he would still force himself on her. He’s using all these methods to control her like she’s a toy.

I never DNF a book. I tried so hard but I couldn’t finish it. I was done. This was the most toxic thing I have ever read. This man deserves prison. He creeps me out and gives me the ick.
Profile Image for Kursed Reads.
648 reviews6,178 followers
November 22, 2023
Picking up where Once You're Mine ended, the second part of the Possessing Her duet finds Callie dumbstruck. Finally happy, she’s at a loss for how to move forward amid the lies and deceit. Yet for Hayden, who has declared “now you’re mine” there is no question. 
This duet was an edge-of-your-seat read. The fast pacing and never-ending stream of danger and twists wrapped in smutty goodness had my head on swivel. My only issue with the story is Callie’s reaction to one of the major revelations. While it is fiction, I’m not sure her recation was really plausible. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the suspense and the uber obsessive/possessive demeanor Hayden exudes. While these were my first reads from the author, they won’t be my last!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Burn: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Darkness: 🖤
Heat: 🌶️🌶️
Range of Emotions: 😩😳🥵🥺😍
Ending: 💗 {HEA}
POV: 👫🏻 {Dual}

🗂 Genre: Dark Romance

✨ Tropes: Alphahole, Forced Proximity, Manipulation, OTT Jealous/Possessive, Tracking/Spying

💋 Kinks: BC Tampering, Branding, Cum Jammer, Domination

⚠️ Warning: This steamy read will leave your panties wet and reaching for BOB.

🚩 Safety Squad: There are potentially triggering elements. If you have any hesitation, check the warnings before diving in. Otherwise, blind is best!!

📣 Type: Now You’re Mine is the conclusion to the Possessing Her duet. This series must be read in order.

🛑 Be Advised: My Goodreads shelves are … explicit in both senses. As such, they could be considered spoiler-y.
11 reviews
October 31, 2023

Just to be clear I didn’t finish the book. I loved the first one it was awesome, but this one kept bothering me for some reason and I couldn’t put my finger on it until I finally opened myself up to my own experience. Just because someone says they love or have your best interest doesn’t mean that when they push your boundary or manipulate into saying yes that it’s not sexual assault. This book is FULL of that and the fact that the author had the FL questioning herself about her decision on this is what bothered me the most. I would understand more if that was her kink but it’s not. The MMC just doesn’t care enough to listen to her no. It’s that simple. Every time he touched her after that even if her body responded (that’s pure biology btw) it was rape. This is all my opinion and based off my own experience and what therapy helped me realize. Read it, don’t read it, it’s up to you.
Profile Image for Lexi.
19 reviews10 followers
June 4, 2024
"I'll always chase you," I said to the empty room. "You can trust that."

This was my first series/ book in the dark romance genre. And I absolutely LOVED it. Despite being on vacation, and having other stuff to do, I found that I could not put these books down.

There were some parts where I did not like as much, like I could not see a certain part happening. (I like to envision as I read, and for some parts, it just didn't flow), so that is why I have it at four stars. I did like this one better than the first in this series. I found it more interesting, and my jaw was dropped for the majority of the book.

I would recommend this to anyone, and it would be a great book to get into the genre of dark romance. It will keep your attention and will make you want to just keep going, and never stop. I am sad that I am done with this series, and I was heartbroken when I couldn't turn the page again.
Profile Image for Heather myfriendsdontread.
155 reviews682 followers
May 18, 2024
This story is so freaking bad, but for some reason, I was entertained.

However, I’m not at all convinced they would actually love each other or stay together. If I had to bet on a fictional couple that would break up, it would be this one.

Also she never learned that he had her doctor put her on a fake birth control and purposely got her pregnant? I thought that would come up, but I guess not 😂
Profile Image for valreads.
263 reviews39 followers
January 13, 2024
Absolutely loved Hayden and Calista. ❤️❤️
I’m glad I went into the duet blind, never once was I bored. It’s captivating and I had a great time reading it.
Also loved Harper, she was a great friend and girl had a good sense of humor so that’s always a plus 😚

Though I have some complaints from this part of the duet.
1- There was no epilogue😫, I wanted to see them an year or two later.
2- It was never revealed to Calista that her birth control shot was tampered.
3- Callie wasn’t really upset after finding out Hayden was the killer when the entire reason for her connecting with Hayden was to find out her father’s “killer” I expected some drama but there wasn’t really so.

Anyways, it was still an amazing read hence the rating. ✨
Profile Image for Amina Cherki.
380 reviews16 followers
January 25, 2024
Book 1 was okey but book 2 FUCKING DISGUSTING.
I really need women to stop writing about non consensual tropes !!! This men switched her birth control even though she said she’s not ready for a kid, forced her into an island with NO CLOTHES, tattoed his name on her body WITHOUT HER CONSENT !!!! How come a woman writes this stuff !!!
Profile Image for (betts) ⚜.
293 reviews155 followers
April 27, 2024
I hoped this could be better but..

both the MC become even more the worst part of themselves.
A doormat has more personality than Callie, the girl is the embodiment of stupidity and in this book she's either laying unconscious or sleeping. When she talk she barely makes any sense for how incoherent are her thoughts.
Hayden, boi, I get that this is a stalker romance, but the guy is not even good at it. He basically becomes a dictator, he's an hazard to Callie's mental health, he constantly ignores her well-being and her basic needs, and let's not talk about how ignores again and again her perfectly sane and reasonable wishes.

I'm sorry but he didn't even had the slightest character development, more so he was better at the beginning of this duet.

I don't even want to talk about the other problems in the whole plot, I don't feel like it and I don't want to waste time.

So disappointed.
Profile Image for Lauryn Adams.
55 reviews
February 23, 2024
2.5 ⭐️… maybe.

WTF BookTok? This ain’t it. The FMC is a moron, and the MMC…. No.

This is a dark romance duology, I absolutely understand the MMC doing some fucked up, unhinged, unforgivable stuff… but his character isn’t written well enough to get away with that shit. The pacing needed some work, and there are plot holes that didn’t make sense. And we just ignored shit that should have been addressed. Like the MMC lies about something LIFE ALTERING, and it never gets addressed.

If a book gives me the feels, I will absolutely forgive a little poor editing. I don’t forgive this one. There was a sentence that was just never completed, and a new paragraph began. Then there were the typical editing problems you see with self published books (no hate to self publishing).

I generally just rate on how a book pulled me in and if I could connect with the characters…. This just wasn’t for me. And I stan for dark romance.

Better luck next time BookTok!
Profile Image for Clara.
205 reviews31 followers
March 3, 2024
Si pudiera darle menos estrellas se las daría.
Me duelen los ojos.
Respetuosamente, esto fue horrible.
Profile Image for Erica Haas.
40 reviews
March 1, 2024
this felt like it could have been in the first book… a lot of back and forth, the actual issue was barely even addressed, and the ending felt rushed… also, no epilogue?
Profile Image for A. Reads.
80 reviews
February 22, 2024
Just when I thought I couldn’t hate the main characters more, I was in for a nice little treat! 😜

The first book made me laugh but this one made me writhe in agony.

Calista forgave Hayden after she found out he was her stalker after like 2 days. Then Hayden controls and dictates every last thing that she does. That’s something I never get when it comes to authors writing about “possessive” men; they fall for a woman because they’re “not like other girls” but then they enforce changes that make them a shell of a human being, forced to obey and not have free will. Like?? 🤡🤡 There’s a better way to go about that instead of portraying a man siphoning out every drop of who that woman was because they want to keep them. That’s not how winning someone over works.

With that being said, Hayden also ensured that Calista got a fake birth control shot when she was trying to practice safe sex so he could impregnate her to manipulate her further because she’d “soften” on him if she was pregnant. WHAT THE HELL 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 (I love dark romance but that was just too much for me lmao). Not to mention the fact that he doesn’t want to love her? Just control her bodily autonomy and her mind? Cool. Love that. Hayden is just sooooooo dreamy! 😍

Gonna also touch on how I-sleep-through-everything Calista woke up in the morning with the tattoo “Mrs. Bennett” on her hip. She was mad about it for like a second. How the hell do you brush off the fact that you didn’t consent to a tattoo, nor that you DIDN’T WAKE UP WHEN HAYDEN TATTOOED HIS LAST NAME ON YOU WHILE YOU WERE ASLEEP?????? 😫🫣 Absolutely unfathomable how something like that could happen then be like 🤷‍♀️ lmfao.

Also going to mention the fact that Calista periodically through this duet put up a no sex boundary that Hayden somehow always violates, then she says that he never does?? He’s always like “I’m gonna seduce you back into having sex” by touching her and doing mouth shit?? Is that not a form of sex? Then she has the nerve to say he’s always respected her and her boundaries, even when he stalked her??? And he also killed her father but that’s okay?? GIRL, BYE! 👋🤡 Hayden has done nothing redeemable! He remedies everything by getting her some material item then he’s like “me man, me want sex” and Calista is like “okay pookie!!! 😍 Me too!! ❤️”

Despite all that, nothing really happens until like 70% in. It’s just Calista and Hayden throwing little tantrums then having sex, ignoring what little plot there was supposed to be. Luckily this duet was around 200 pages each so it could’ve been worse, but I still ate up this awful story because of the absurdity. I lowkey enjoyed all the juvenile brainlessness that played out, just like I had the first book. It was so bad that I couldn’t stop reading 🫣 This author definitely knows how to provoke a reaction and I won’t sit here and lie about how it got me reacting lol 🤡
Profile Image for Olivia ♡.
225 reviews84 followers
May 30, 2024

ate this uppp and all the growth between both characters.
this duet was so fun and unhinged 😭
Profile Image for Karly Rose.
162 reviews33 followers
March 9, 2024
(3.75/5) Picking Once You're Mine leaves off, Now You're Mine by Morgan Bridges is a fast paced completion to the Possessing Her duet.

What I enjoyed:
👉 Pacing
👉 MMC's 🌶️ quotes
👉 Twists
👉 Suspense & mystery

Where it could've been better:
👉 FMC's reactions didn't feel believable, in my opinion
👉 Villain could've been better developed
👉 There are some minor loose ends/plot holes
👉 I wish Morgan Bridges would've included an epilogue—the end felt abrupt

I'd like to repeat the commentary on the 1-2 star reviews I've seen: while the MMC is an attractive, billionaire lawyer, he is an obsessive, compulsive, stalker and m*rderer. While he has a "soft" spot for the FMC, he is an extremely flawed, morally black character. Expect going into this book that you will 100% not agree with what he does and it is disturbing.
December 27, 2023

i didn’t like this one nearly as much as the first simply bc i wish the plot was developed better with more detail but it was still really good. hayden was quite insane but i still loved him🤭
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,344 reviews

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