Guardian Angel

It is every parent ’s wish that their children can have a knowledgeable role model around to assist in advancing academically, discovering self-worth and expanding worldview.
Our Guardian Angels understand what your children are going through, and most importantly – how to “Just Do It”, because they have successfully navigated the process themselves.


Explore The Art World From Home
Learn about influential artist and historic figures through carefully planned lessons that are also so much fun!

Enjoy tales and activities created by Ivy-League professors to engage children in their learning.


Establish a solid intellectual basis from the start.
GoGoRead is purposefully designed to cultivate critical reading and comprehension skills, conversations will remain casual and fun to promote, ultimately, a love for reading and learning.

Digital Library

Unlimited access to all classes from the comfort of your own home.
Students and families in Vancouver have trusted the founders of GOGOWHIZ for over 20 years to help them achieve their academic goals and enroll in their dream schools. We seek to empower students all over the world with the opportunity to attain their goals by utilizing cutting-edge technology.

SAT SSAT High Score Guarantee

Targeted entrance testing, analysis, and planning of demand courses

Strong IVY Ivy League teaching and research team, compiling teaching materials

Professional counseling, follow-up of students’ homework completion, parents keep abreast of learning status

Regular assessments to analyze learning outcomes

Read With Us!