Vote Repellent

Alabama and Louisiana both gave their electoral votes to George Wallace’s platform of de jure racial segregation and forcing women to reproduce in 1968. In the 2016 election both States went heavily for the party with the platform most resembling the Dixiecrats’ racial collectivism and planks urging the initiation of force against women and physicians.

Alabama gave the Republican Party a 15% overkill victory, and netted the Libertarian ticket 36% fewer votes than the reported national average. Libertarian votes there amounted to only one-seventh the amount needed to cover the gap between the two Kleptocracy parties. Alabama plainly needed seven times the libertarian voter turnout to qualify for message-sending, law-changing spoiler vote clout status in the rough-and-tumble earning of respect as a force to be reckoned with in George Wallace territory.

Louisiana voters handed antichoice prohibitionist Republicans an 11% lead over the other looters, and dismissed Libertarian candidates even more brutally than Independent American Party fans in Alabama. The LP ticket there got 42% fewer votes than we earned on average in These Sovereign States.  That’s less than an eighth the turnout needed for the law-changing spoiler vote status that forces Kleptocracy parties to drop cruel planks to keep from losing perks, paychecks and political power. 

Commies for McGovern!

Message: The Libertarian Party demands uninspected entry of strangers!

So where would you look to recruit false-flag infiltrators to make libertarians look like the kind of fools that have never read the Constitution, worked under oath or even bothered to learn the definition of government, rights or law?

Here is the text of a “resolution” sent to the National LP by persons claiming to represent what few libertarians voted for our unadulterated 2016 platform in those states:

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party of Alabama believes that the only proper role of law is in the protection of the natural rights of individuals from the initiation of force or fraud;

WHEREAS, no individual has a natural right to prohibit consensual visitation to or consensual habitation on the private property of another individual;

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party believes that eminent domain is a violation of private property rights;

WHEREAS, we affirm the right of individuals to set whatever standards they wish for entry onto their own private property but not that owned by others;

WHEREAS, we believe that all individuals have the same natural rights regardless of their citizenship;

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party acknowledges that economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Libertarian Party of Alabama condemns and opposes efforts to build a governmental border wall.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Libertarian Party of Alabama supports open borders.

Maybe it’s not brazen sabotage at all. Perhaps open borders means what the US currently has: ports of entry at which travelers may produce visas and inoculation documents and be inspected by Americans against lists of persons known to be violent or dangerous–as in the LP Migration plank before it was gutted by Platform Committee personnel AFTER our record-setting capture of national spoiler-clout status. But what would be the point of that? Indeed, what was the point of damaging the plank to make voters perceive it as an enticement to uninspected entry? What better way is there to repel voters than setting us up as anarchists aiding and abetting reckless endangerment?

Would it not be more honest to say that they who presume to speak for those scarce LP voters want uninspected entry to not be a deportable offense? That would be easily understood as pressure to change federal law. Pitifully hopeless pressure, true enough, from states that were utterly lacking in libertarian spoiler votes even when our platform was mostly sensible–but clear enough to understand as a demand from Whitney Bilyeu, Thomas Knapp, Alex Merced and C.A. Harlos that any and everyone walk or climb right in. Even the locust-swarm of illiterates that recently attempted uninspected entry at the California stretch of the U.S. border at least had the courage to say what it is they figure the world owes them. 

For clear and accurate simultaneous interpreting of Latin American news, legislation, contracts or court cases, get in touch.

Brazilian sci-fi from 1926 features a lovely scientist’s daughter touting prohibition and racial collectivism while exploring presidential elections 302 years in the future in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Three dollars on Amazon Kindle

Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929, is now available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, each at the cost of a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian blog

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