RE Holding

About the author

I was born in Iowa in 1979 and now live in the beautiful hills of Missouri with my husband, close to my family. I'm an 80s/90s kid with no fashion sense, but I have a love for grunge and glam rock! I took a long time with my education and ended up earning a degree in educational science. At the time that I graduated, I struggled to find teaching roles, so I ended up working in the science industry for several years and in many different areas (chemistry, biochemistry, formulations, quality, etc.) Due to my love of learning, I earned my Master's degree in pharmacology back in 2017, which eventually triggered the impulse to go to pharmacy school in 2019. I was only enrolled for 2 years because we all know what happened in 2020... Now, I work as a digital project manager (at a scientific company) while writing, crafting, and managing my business, Cliff Cave Books, LLC. I started this business in Oct. 2023 with the intent to use the platform to publish all the future book babies that are swimming around in my head! But I couldn't get enough of that, so I revamped an old soapmaking business, LH Soaps & Sundries, while creating YouTube videos of both endeavors. Come say hi on YouTube or Instagram (@r.e.holding)!

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