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Saint and Lucky #2

Something About Us

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Falling in love was the easy part.

Lucky and Saint are head over heels for each other. It doesn't matter that they met only a few months ago. It also doesn't matter that this is Saint's first real relationship and Lucky's first with a man. They're infatuated, happy, and excited to start their life together in LA.

It isn't as easy as they thought.

Away from home for the first time and feeling like he has to compete with Saint's experienced and cultured friends, Lucky is a fish out of water. Saint is still coming to grips with his recent loss while doing everything he can to keep Lucky happy. The only time things feel right is when they lock themselves away from the world - when they're alone, everything is perfect.

But reality comes crashing back in to challenge them at every turn. Lucky and Saint need to learn how to stand together, as well as apart, if they're to have any hope of making this last. They're learning the hard way that "I love you" is when the real work begins.

Contains mature themes.


First published August 12, 2018

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About the author

Riley Hart

98 books6,258 followers
Riley Hart is the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's a hopeless romantic. A lover of sexy stories, passionate men, and writing about all the trouble they can get into together. If she's not writing, you'll probably find her reading.

Riley lives in California with her awesome family, who she is thankful for everyday.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 147 reviews
September 29, 2018
This book was ... fine.

I realize that's a terribly unsatisfying adjective, but I got nothin'.

This is a low-key, uncomplicated story with mild angst as Lucky gets settled into his new life in L.A. with Saint.

I admit that:

1. I rarely like sequels;
2. I HATE L.A.; and
3. I didn't connect with Saint and Lucky as a couple in the first book.

So that's three strikes against this story right out of the gate that have naught to do with Riley Hart's skill as a writer.

There were a few sweet, not to mention sexy, moments, but mostly Something About Us bored me.

Most of my friends enjoyed this book, so please ignore my unenthusiastic review.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,145 reviews201 followers
August 27, 2018
El primer libro, aunque me pareció mono, me gustó menos que este. Aquí la pareja sigue siendo tan agradable como en el anterior, pero los problemas de la vida real provocan un angst que aunmenta el interés de la lectura y les da a los personajes mucha más profundidad.
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
October 6, 2018
Opposite attract each other : I love that, even more when it’s relationship-oriented.

Second part of Saint and Lucky’s romancing and love life : Lucky, uprooted and insecure, struggles to find his place and Saint still needs to open himself. Both have to deal with the pressure brought by real life.

I liked to see how they fell for each other despite their differences in Something About You, but I loved witnessing how each of them brought their pieces into this relationship and how they made these pieces fit with their love as the ever present board.

I was moved by this second part even more than with the first part. I related a lot to the familial bond from the first instalment and to the difficulty to adjust in a new environment (not sure I could settle in Los Angeles) shown in this second part.
One star removed because I’m not a fan of manties : very sexy scenes nonetheless. And when Riley hart’s writing works for me, I can do only 2 things : root for the MCs and swoon.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,215 reviews257 followers
August 14, 2018


Something About Us by Riley Hart is the beautiful follow up to Something About You. At the end of SAY, Lucky decided to move to Los Angeles to be with Saint. The boys quickly learn that "I love you's" are only the start of a relationship. New relationships, in addition to a new city, a new lifestyle with some self-discovery and unresolved personal feelings can take a toll no matter how in love you are.

What I loved:

-Self-discovery. Lucky continued exploring his feminine side. I loved how open he was and how encouraging Saint was with him.

-I also loved the outlet that Saint chose to work out his feelings of loss.

-There were mutual respect and communication between them and even during their "hiccup," it wasn't written in a way that felt contrived.

-Dual POVs.

-SENSUAL. Riley Hart can write some smexy scenes, y'all!

-This book was romantic as hell.

-And the end left me with no doubts of their HEA.

Typically, I'm not a fan of sequels for established couples, but after I finished book 1, I knew their story wasn't over. Something About Us was everything I hoped and better. One of the best follow-ups I've read; as I said, I usually don't care for them and avoid them like the plague.

5 Stars!
Profile Image for Ray Flores.
1,451 reviews237 followers
October 16, 2021
[ Re-read in 2021. ]

Story: 4.5/5.
Audio: 5/5.
Narrated by Sean Crisden.

Now that Lucky and Saint are living in LA, things get really complicated but not because they don’t love each other, actually, trouble begins when they realize that mixing their worlds together is easier said than done. On top of that, they’re both dealing with Alice’s loss.

Saint has never been a man that can easily speak his feelings up and so he only finds comfort in his work. Meanwhile, Lucky has a hard time adjusting in LA because he’s always been a man that is proud of honest, hard work in construction. And is clearly that Saint’s life style is always over the top.

His nostalgia for his friends, moving to LA and even the struggle of being bisexual and discovering himself while living in a new town are the things that Lucky has to go through.
Even though Saint is trying to make it easy for him, there are situations that they have to deal on their own.

So, long story short, there is a lot of drama going on, I know, but I loved this book so much, ‘cause, guess what? These are real life situations that we’ve all been through one way or another. I know I sound like a broken record but Riley Hart has magic in her work and she always puts her characters into situations that everybody can relate to.

Riley values her characters, even the secondary ones and I cannot tell you how grateful I am of meeting Alice and Helen’s love story. I absolutely loved those grandmas and more often than not I was wishing I had someone like that in my life.

Is no surprise that I’m completely in love with Saint because he is a kind man that is comfortable in his own skin plus, he always treats Lucky the way everybody should be treated in a relationship. I know there is an age-gap I’m not usually comfortable with, but in this case, their chemistry is so strong that you cannot help but to love them.

The sex scenes and the kinky stuff are just the cherry on top. This book is absolutely perfect and I would highly recommend you to listen to the audiobook too if you can –the narrator really knows his craft and along with Riley, they’re the perfect mix.

Something About You
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 21 books545 followers
January 25, 2023

As if Ms Hart needed to step up her game in the steam and dirty talk department but you won’t catch me complaining. No sir, no ma’am!

At the end of the last book we dealt with a big loss and Saint finally had to push himself to go home to LA.

But Lucky wasn’t ready to let go so he took a giant leap and moved with him. From the get go he was the epitome of a duck out of water but Saint did his best to help him acclimate, perhaps too much, to the point of coddling.

Not surprising there was a rollercoaster of ups and downs but these wonderful men worked through it until it was too much. They realized they jumped too quick and needed to work things out for themselves separately before they could finally come together once and for all.

I’ve always had a weakness for men telling their lovers they’re a ‘good girl’, apparently I like it even better when they tell him he’s a ‘good boy.’ At the very least I’m obsessed when Saint tells Lucky. Swoon!

Once more Sean Crisden did an incredible job, really brought these characters to life.

I loved every second of this and I freaking hated to see it end. I think I’ll always wonder how those beautiful boys are doing.
Profile Image for L Ann.
587 reviews140 followers
August 4, 2023
This was so boring. I wanted to dnf at 86% but managed to skim to the end. That's it. Moving on.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,685 reviews370 followers
August 13, 2018
This is a beautiful extended epilogue in effect for the romance of Saint and Lucky which Riley first gave us in Something About You when two very different people met and fell in love.

In Something About Us, Lucky and Saint have moved to LA and things are mostly going well, but all isn't smooth sailing and this is a book about how the love story doesn't stop once you say I love you but that it carries on and on and is a work in progress.

There's not a lot happens in this one to be fair, other than Lucky exploring his more feminine side and Saint realising he's not properly grieved for the loss of Alice, his grandmother. They're still madly in love but it takes work to keep a relationship going.

It's not overly angsty, there's still a beautifully positive romance which runs throughout this second addition to the Saint & Lucky story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I know Riley's mentioned she had to write this one because neither character would be quiet, and what she's given the reader is a lovely exploration of just how much is needed to continue beyond the expressions of love.

There's some great secondary characters in this one and I would love to find out more about both Aaron and Damon.

#ARC kindly provided by the author in return for an honest and unbiased review
386 reviews23 followers
August 19, 2018
I loved this book hard. I loved that it showed Love doesn't solve everything. Couples can struggle to be together, especially when they have little in common. Lucky is going through culture shock moving to L.A. from small town USA. He's a small town boy at heart and Saint is a sophisticated wheeler and dealer. Lucky struggles with finding a job, and feeling like he's mooching off Saint. He struggles being good enough for Saint's friends and colleagues. Saint is still grieving, and doesn't want to let Lucky in to help him. He's been alone for so long, and he isn't used to sharing his feelings. However, when he does... He brings tears to my eyes with his heartfelt declarations. In reality...would they really last? I just don't know!? However, it's books like this that make me cheer and hope that Love does conquer all!

The intertwining history of their families brought tears to my eyes as well. It was tragic and I could go on, but don't wanna spoil it for others. It was only right that they get their HEA.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
August 16, 2018
This was sweet and felt like a giant epilogue. I love it when we get a follow up and I appreciated the genuine reality of this - relationships aren’t easy and shit happens. Nothing was perfect and Lucky & Saint both had to work on each other and themselves. It really was lovely ❤️
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,391 reviews327 followers
August 15, 2018
When I read Something About You, I didn't know there will be a sequel, in fact I'm very satisfied with the HFN between Saint and Lucky. Small town boy, Lucky decided to venture out of his comfort zone and follow Saint to LA. Something About Us show us what happened next when you said 'I love you' and decided to uproot your life to follow your love one. In many ways, this book give us the raw deal, the challenges and road bumps along the way during their course of relationship.

We finally get to see the confident and successful Saint in his home turf and we find Lucky had a great deal of admiration for his man, but at the same time feeling insecure about himself. Will Lucky be able to fit into Saint life? Lucky is like a fish out of water when he arrived at LA and we see how he struggle with fitting in and embrace his sexuality.

Saint is still a bit close off with his feelings and instead of mourning for his grandmother, he decided to dedicate his effort to making Lucky feel welcome and comfortable in LA. Saint have no issue expressing his love, but he definitely have issue talking about his feelings.

I find Something About Us is an emotional read with minor angst. Seeing both Saint and Lucky love each other so much, but feeling pressure by real life problem is very moving. I'm very satisfied with the way the issue was resolved, which feels natural and isn't dramatic.
Profile Image for Claude.
250 reviews22 followers
August 23, 2018
This was good. Really good.
The book started where we left them. In the car, droving right to Hollywood. Just that. Hollywood. For a small town guy like Lucky (even me!) it’s a BIG step.

I knew Saint was rich but this kind of rich NO. It was a surprise for Lucky (and me haha).
Like all people, the beginning of a relationship is like a honeymoon: we presents ourself in the best light we can. We make some sacrifices that we would not necessarily do after a few months of relationship. As time goes by, less you can adapt so, well the complications begin.
I didn’t think this book will be a hard road but yes it was. They fought a lot all along. Love was really the easiest part between these two.
Saint on one hand tolerated everything. He was so cute and so in love. He didn’t want to lose Lucky so he was more than kind and made time whenever he could.

The beginning is hard on Lucky! Driving, work, home, lack of loved ones. He just had Saint. And sometimes love is just not enough. All along he was fighting to exist in this new universe where he just couldn't see himself accustoming. He was a hard-ass in some things. It was so frustrating. But in the same time so understanding. He’s one of my fav characters of Riley Hart. I tend to forgive him everything haha. He's so endearing.

The epilogue was amazing. But but but I could not help myself and wander about another couple in this…Aaron and Damon? or Aaron and Alex? Really curious about it! Hope I’ll know a little more soooooooon!
Highly recommended. In fact I can recommend all Riley Hart’s books. She’s just amazing. Each saga is unique. And her characters are beautiful. Love her.
Profile Image for Steph's Romance Book Talk.
2,807 reviews1,379 followers
June 27, 2019
4.25 Stars / 4 Steam Fans

This is the conclusion to Lucky and Saint's love story. Lucky moves to L.A. to be with Saint and to explore his new awareness of his lifestyle wishes. The two of them navigate the trials and struggles of a new relationship, new lives, and finding themselves. Once again this section of the story is filled with beautiful representation and storytelling.

This specific video review will be included in the June 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.
Profile Image for MiaReadsMMBooks  .
390 reviews64 followers
August 14, 2018
Something About Us' is an excellent depiction of what really happens after you get your #HEA. I really appreciate the fact that Riley has returned to Saint and Lucky's love story to show what happens after.

Whilst some won't like it, I think it's important in romance to also provide the opportunity to see what happens after the scene fades to black and the #HFN/#HEA has been established. Yes there's love but there's also the struggles, the jealousy, the silly miscommunications, the mistakes, dealing with grief and grievances, the passion, the doubts and all the realities of working into each others life.

I enjoyed revisiting this couple, of watching them struggle to keep their connection and the way they fought to keep it together, both individually and as a couple.

#HFN 👬
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,749 reviews291 followers
January 6, 2019
Fantastic audiobook!! 3.5 Stars.....This second book is angsty when compared to the first. This is what happens after the “I love you’s.”

The short and quick of it is that this one dragged at times due to relationship issues between Lucky and Saint. They weren’t communicating and that drive me crazy. Yet, isn’t that the reality of relationships?

I really liked Lucky’s growth in this one—it took time, but let’s just say that more lace and glitter is involved!

All in all, a great pair of books superbly narrated by Sean Crisden. These are NOT standalones. These are HAF!!!!
Profile Image for Mimi.
2,216 reviews
September 1, 2018
4.5 stars

Great second book in this series. I loved both Saint and Lucky but I also hated them. They struggled so much with the issues and the problems they had but throughout it all their love didn't falter.

I'm really glad I read this series and hope we can get one more book.

Profile Image for MillsyLovesBooks.
807 reviews36 followers
August 14, 2018
I loved Saint and Lucky in Something About You, and was over the moon to know we were getting a follow on story of these two loveable characters.

At the end of Something About You, we saw Lucky and Saint drive off to start their life together in LA. Things are mostly going well, but all isn't smooth sailing while they navigate this new change for both of them. With Lucky like a fish out of water in a new city and Saint not grieving over the loss of his grandmother Alice. Is their love strong enough to get them through this new challenge.

This isn't an overly angsty storyline, and Riley Hart has given us another beautifully positive romance. Of how two very different people can be absolutely perfect for each other.

I thoroughly enjoyed it!!

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Profile Image for Jess A Jaye.
511 reviews19 followers
August 8, 2018
I seem to have gotten a bit slack lately when it comes to reading new releases from Riley. I have no idea why as I freaking love everything she's written and Something About Us is no different.
Something About Us is in essence an epilogue to Something About You where we met and fell in love with Lucky and Saint. In this book we get to see what happened after they got their HEA, well actually in was more HFN in the first book.
I really enjoyed watching Lucky and Saint navigating their way through their new normal. Falling in love was easy but the challenges come with what's next. Both men are trying to fine himself. Saint has found himself in his first serious relationship and that's new ground for him. He's still grieving the lose of his recently found grandmother and realisation of how much family he has missed out on over the years. Lucky has moved from small town to LA, he's in first relationship with a man, trying to fit into a world that's a million miles from his own. Neither man are perfect and they make mistakes but they are perfect for each other. But their relationship does need work. And I loved that. I love seeing a relationship that felt so real, that wasn't all fairytales and sunshine. I loved seeing what came next for these two. And although their struggles made me feel a little heart sick at times it was well worth it.
And can we talk about how hot and sexy Saint and Lucky are together. They steam up the pages so good. It was adorable seeing Saint further help Lucky explore his kinks and what hot sweet kinks those were.
Another amazing read from Riley!! It's certainly prompted me to go and get the missing couple of her recent releases that aren't already on my tbr.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,089 reviews471 followers
October 10, 2018
A Joyfully Jay review.

3.75 stars

Something About Us directly follows Something About You and is not intended to stand alone. This book follows Lucky and Saint as Lucky moves to LA to be with Saint. I liked the first book and was interested to see what the next chapter would be for the guys.

The story followed an expected track as the guys encounter growing pains they weren’t anticipating. They know they love each other, but they didn’t realize how much work it would be to fit each other into their lives. Lucky is out of his element in a big city and while Saint has plenty of money for the both of them, Lucky is eager to find a job. Saint is dealing with the changes in his life that come with being in a relationship for the first time, as well as dealing with the emotions of losing his grandmother. Saint and Lucky want to talk to each other, and they do about some things, but they also get defensive and don’t know how to talk about other things.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.
July 5, 2023
I loved this book just as much as the first one even though it felt completely different. In this book Saint and Lucky are already in love and Lucky moved to LA to be with Saint. It’s a new experience for Lucky so I was really interested in how it was going to go. Riley Hart did an absolutely amazing job of showing us what happens after the typical HEA!

It was not an easy ride for these two at all once they got back to LA. What I absolutely loved though was all the issues they had together and individually to work through were real, important issues. They weren’t trivial things for the most part and weren’t added just to get a rise out of the reader or cause unnecessary drama.

I absolutely recommend this duology and really hope you love it as much as I did. I cannot wait to read more by this author as she never disappoints! Again I listened to the audio for this book and the narrator did a fantastic job!
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,404 reviews105 followers
September 9, 2018
ARC provided by the publisher through Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words in exchange for an impartial review.

I had the pleasure of reading this immediately after completing Something About You, book one in the series. Both books were terrific, and this one seamlessly built on the foundation Lucky and Saint began in book one.

Lucky leaves his family and small hometown for the first time in his life as he accompanies Saint back to his world in LA. Fascinated, frightened, and frustrated all come to mind when I think of Lucky’s first weeks with Saint. The traffic is overwhelming and dangerous, and he’s unemployed and feeling down because not only is he not contributing financially, he knows he’ll never earn enough to be Saint’s equal. Speaking of that—Saint has friends and acquaintances, a job, and an important role in society as a supporter of AIDS research and other charitable organizations in the LA area, and the few times Lucky is included, he’s most definitely an outsider.

Though he finally obtains a job in construction, he continues to feel “less than” and Saint inadvertently feeds into that by not including Lucky in his after-work get-togethers and by avoiding taking Lucky to his usual West Hollywood haunts. And on Lucky’s end, he commits a relationship no-no by not telling his boss and coworkers that he’s bisexual and living with a man.

But in the house? In their little love bubble? The two are solid. Or so it seems. Each is holding back a bit, Saint out of habit, Lucky out of fear of the unknown. It takes a crisis for them to finally take a break and work on themselves so they can be healthier together.

I loved the way the author worked to build this relationship from the ground up, knocking down the bad bricks, so to speak, and starting again each time to cement a solid relationship. Yes, I know that’s a terrible pun, but it fits. But most of all, I loved the way Lucky allowed his softer, more feminine side to not only come out but to come out with no fear. Starting with a discussion of wearing feminine underwear in book one, Lucky owns it in book two, and ultimately is solidly okay with his desire to be feminine in some ways on some days.

After a lot of work individually and together, the two eventually manage to merge their lives completely, and the story ends on a solid HEA. I highly recommend this series to all who love an MM romance, interracial couples, genderfluid characters, and a crossover visit from other characters. I nearly forgot to mention Lucky stopped at a restaurant in Virginia to see Nick (Crossroads). He and Saint first stopped there in book one when they discovered the restaurant on their way to DC and met the owner, Nick, and his partner, Bryce. I loved both vignettes as they were seamlessly woven into this series. This is a story I can most highly recommend but if you can pick up book one first? All the better. Though this can be a standalone, it really needs book one to complete your enjoyment of the characters.
Profile Image for LauraSt.
1,437 reviews47 followers
September 1, 2018
Amazing road to love and acceptance!

What can I say? I couldn’t have expected less, another amazing story by Riley Hart.
Most stories have their HEA’s and everyone says I love you and none of the characters can live without the other, and they love across seas and leaving everything behind, but really, what happens after? After you leave everything you know behind and only count on love to push you through.
Well, Saint and Lucky’s story was a GREAT AMAZING AWESOME book about exactly that, and I couldn’t have been happier, definitely a must read if you fell in love with these men in book one, you won’t regret it. Not only that but this book also gets 5 FLAMING STARS because HOT doesn’t even seem to cover 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Profile Image for BR11.
647 reviews17 followers
August 21, 2018
Riley at her best. And who doesn’t want to read more about Saint and his pretty boy? This book is hot, sweet, romantic and, did I say hot? Lucky and Saint surely know how to burn those sheets while figuring out how they will merge their two very different lives.
Books 1 and 2 recommended.
And do I sense a story for Aaron with Lucky’s sweet boss? I’ll definitely be on the watch out for it.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,815 reviews103 followers
September 9, 2018
I loved the first book and was really happy that there was a second book - especially as there were a lot of open points.

I thingk this one showed all the troubles a couple has, if they from two very different places ur cultures or family backgrounds.

all in all it was very well done!
Profile Image for Meg (queer_book_recs).
904 reviews64 followers
January 14, 2022
Satisfying conclusion to Saint and Lucky's story

Saint and Lucky's relationship has some growing pains as they try to fit into each other's lives. I enjoyed this and am happy with how it all worked out.
290 reviews
August 17, 2018
Something About Us is the follow-up to the fabulous story about Saint and Lucky. I absolutely loved the first book, Something About You. I thought it was a refreshing story without all the usual hang-ups characters have when dealing with vast differences like race, class, etc. Usually, the characters let their preconceived notions about the other get in their way. That was not the case in Something About You. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Something About Us. In this book, we learn that while the characters had a difficult road while falling in love, the road to stay in love is much rockier and bumpier. And the bumps are almost always self-inflicted due to a lack of self-awareness and honesty with themselves and each other. It was almost formulaic that once these two lovers found common ground, something else would pop up to get in their way.

It’s hard to explain… When Lucky and Saint left Cottage Grove, VA and moved to LA, it almost felt like they both were “a fish out of water” - Lucky in terms of environment and lifestyle and Saint in terms of how to be in a relationship. They both were just constantly uncomfortable, which just made the book overly angsty. And maybe they were missing the characters like Saint’s grandmother and Lucky’s bestie Sienna to bring them out of their own heads. And that made Lucky and Saint just a little less likable and relatable.

Their chemistry was still off the charts hot which was great to see. Their difficulties in relating to one another in almost cliche scenarios was hard to read.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
Profile Image for Cee Brown.
1,307 reviews35 followers
August 19, 2018
♥¸.•´♥¸.•*´♥¨) ♥¸.•*¨♥
(¸.•´♥ (¸.•`♥There was just something about them...

I did not want it to end. But every story has a beginning, a middle and an end. And for Saint and Lucky, their ending was only their beginning. I hope to look back one day with fond memories of my time reading about their passion, their struggles and their need to become one. Yes, Riley Hart, that is a hint to throw us readers a bone and give us a wedding and a honeymoon. I'll ever take a novella.

Saint and Lucky were back, making a life together in Los Angeles, but things just felt off, not that they would admit it to the other. Lucky had mentioned: "Things can't be perfect all the time. Relationships are work, and people struggle." But, were they willing to put in the work despite the love between them when so much was left unsaid?

Lucky was finding it hard to survive in Saint's world, and despite missing home, he was willing to go with the status quo. Saint would do anything for Lucky, but he could not share his innermost feelings. It would take one sentence to place a bridge between the lovers, and only one speech to bring them back together. After the I love yous, how did you survive? One click this fabulous book and find out how Saint and Lucky did it. 4.5stars.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 147 reviews

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