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Ride hard. Love harder. Yearn for more.

Houston has a secret. One he hasn’t even shared with his motorcycle club. One that involves rope and dominance and pretty little subs kneeling at his feet.

And he’s fine with that. Prefers it, really. It keeps his life nice and orderly.

But the night Kenneth dropped into his life changed everything. Entranced, he watched the sweet nurse stitch up one of his brothers—and then slip away. Even after he’s gone, his shy eyes full of desperate yearning continue to haunt him.

Houston has an idea of what the boy needs. And he thinks he’s just the Dom to give it to him.

Besides, what good is a carefully compartmentalized life when he could have Kenneth instead?

Yearning is the third book in the Leather & Chrome series but can be enjoyed on its own. The story features a missed connection made right, an age gap, nosy friends with the best of intentions, a possessive biker with a heart of gold, and golden-brown skin wrapped in teal rope

240 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 28, 2022

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Kiki Clark

34 books718 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 138 reviews
Profile Image for Florence ..
894 reviews261 followers
April 29, 2022
4.5 “Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life" stars

“You’re going to be more of a handful than I thought, sweet boy,” […]
“Don’t worry. My hands are big enough for the job.”

I reached for this book because I’ve been really stressed lately, and I just wanted something sweet that would provide me with a lot of cute moments, comfort and kink and this book gave me exactly just that.

I told myself that I would only read a couple of chapters when I started this book, but I was so into it that I read this book in one sitting, which doesn’t happen often for me now a days, so it really tells you how much I was into this book.

I’m in the middle of doing my university finals so I’m all about low angst books with a lot of hurt/comfort lately. Especially if there is kink in them. Those are my absolute favourites, and they always act as the best distraction from my day-to-day life. This book was very low on angst and just full of super romantic moments that made me swoon and some hot sex scenes that I just loved reading. Basically, this book was perfect for this time in my life, and I just loved it, a lot.

Brief summary
Kenneth is lonely and he wants someone to care for him. He meets a hot biker that he thinks would be perfect for the job. Turns out that they are made for each other, and they fall in love.

First, I absolutely loved the relationship between Kenneth and Hudson, it just made me swoon so much and it was just so sweet. I loved how much they care for each other and how they were always there for each other. I just loved how they were each other’s priorities and how they would do everything for each other. Kenneth was just so sweet and just wanted to please and Hudson was just so accepting and accommodating, they were just a lovely pair together and they complimented each other so well.

Also, Kenneth was very anxious, and he worried a lot. I loved how Hudson was always reassuring him and making sure that Kenneth had nothing to worry about.

Second, my absolute favourite type of main characters in books are the really possessive ones, I just love them so much. And Hudson was really protective of Kenneth, and I absolutely loved that. That just worked so well for me, and I loved reading all about it. And I loved how Kenneth was also really possessive of Hudson, that really worked for me.

“And who’s in charge tonight, boy?” […]
“You.” […]
“That’s right. And my rule is I get to tell you all the wonderful things I like about you as I take care of you.”

Third, I really loved how the kink was done in this one. Hudson was just the kind of dom I love in books. He was so sweet and just wanted to take care of Kenneth. I loved how he was dominating but also just wanted what is best for Kenneth. I loved how he always wanted to take care of Kenneth and always did everything so that Kenneth was happy. And Kenneth was exactly the kind of sub I love in books. He was just so sweet, and he just wanted to please and I absolutely loved reading about that. Their power exchange was just really lovely to read about and I loved it, so much. And I loved how they slowly explored different kinks to see what worked best for them. And the steamy scenes were really hot. And included shibari and an anal hook, which are always a big plus in my book. Everything about this part of the book really worked for me.

Fourth, the start of this book showed Kenneth who was alone and lonely, and he just wanted someone to care for him and then Hudson swooped in and did just that and it was just so heart whelming to me. It made me so sad to see how alone Kenneth was and I loved seeing all the comfort that Hudson provided and how he gave Kenneth everything he has ever wanted. That was just so sweet to me, and I adored it. And Kenneth didn’t have friends and he just wanted some people in his life who would enjoy him and care for him. A lot of the book was about Kenneth finding his found family and that was just the sweetest thing to me, I just loved it so much.

“All I know is… I want to be important. To be someone’s priority.” […] “I want to be cared for.” […] “I want to be owned.”

Fifth, this book has a little hurt and a lot of comfort. Reading this book made me so emotional. It wasn’t even really sad or anything, but I just felt so bad for the characters and what they were going through, and it just made me cry a lot. I just wanted to hug them all. Which is why I really appreciated how much comfort there was in this book.

I just had the best time reading this book. It made me swoon so much and it was just everything I wanted it to be. This book was such a lovely reading experience for me, and I just adored it so much.

I received an ARC of this book, and this is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for cal ♡.
605 reviews242 followers
June 25, 2022
this book made me feel like i'm this happy small fruity cup... and turns out i don't mind at all. not the greatest but overall i had fun reading this. kiki clark's books keep on pushing the right buttons for me and i am living.
Profile Image for Enay QueerBooklover.
434 reviews180 followers
April 30, 2022
Hot & kinky & sweet, all mixed into one. Sweet ICU nurse sub Kenneth, meets hunky Dom MC club Vice President Houston. We’ve met them briefly in previous books in the series (this is the 3rd book). Kenneth suspects he’s interested in a D/s relationship, and when there is mutual attraction between him and Houston, they set out to explore the dynamic together (Houston is an experienced Dom). While really hot, their BDSM explorations are loving & tender from the outset, which is a great representation of kinks that often are presented in a heavy-handed way. The sensuality & artistry of Shibari is well described too - wish there were pictures!. I’ve loved every book in this series, and looking forward to future ones. While there’s minimal drama related to a stalker, and no real angst, the storyline still flows well as is traces Kenneth’s sexual discoveries & the progress towards love.
Profile Image for Steph (Teacups & Tropes).
791 reviews105 followers
May 1, 2022
3.5/5 ★
2/5 🌶

Thank you to the author who provided an ARC in exchange for an honest review

So I've been wanting Kenneth's story since the first book and this didn't disappoint for me. The beginning was rough, and I mean that I felt SO bad for Kenneth. He got treated like crap by his father, and Tim wasn't much better, and he felt as though everyone hated him. But knowing CJ, there was no way he wouldn't try and make amends with Kenneth and I'm so glad that we got to see CJ and Kenneth talk about their past. That was desperately needed.

And Houston was just so sweet. I loved him. I also loved how much of an expert he was in Shibari. Honestly, I need more Japanese rope bondage in my stories because it is a beautiful artform.

I wish that we got to see Emmett and Rooster here as well, but Joyful actually takes place after this story. I also wanted a little more angst (but that's a personal preference). This entire series is very insta-love and low angst and honestly, it's kind of nice to read that in between some very "feelings heavy" reads. I also wanted more of Kenneth and his job. Like - does he become a contact for the club at the hospital? I wanted that question answered for me and it wasn't in this book.

I'm also hoping we see more of Kip because that boy needs a Daddy hahah.

Tomas gets his book next (and it seems like it'll be MMM yesssss) but I can't wait for Knuckles to get his. It seems we may have met Knuckles' partner in this book but I could be wrong. We'll see.

Overall, a great addition to the Leather & Chrome series!
Profile Image for Ky.
579 reviews78 followers
May 8, 2022
* 3.5 stars *

We have:
A biker
A nurse
A motorcycle club
A BDSM club
Some self exploration
Some intricate bondage scenes
A lot of steam
Great supporting characters
A whole lot of love

Houston and Kenneth meet through mutual friends and they're interested in each other right from the start. There's insta-lust/love, which is something I try to avoid anytime I can, but here I was able to overlook it to some degree.

The fact that the story takes place over several months helped with that, even though the beginning of the relationship was really fast and the general pace of it even later on kept to that theme.

I liked the secondary characters and I'm interested in the upcoming stories so I think I'll keep an eye on this series.

Even though Yearning is the third book in this series you can read it as a standalone.

~ I read an ARC of this book. ~
Profile Image for Anna.
485 reviews
May 1, 2022
Nie wiem jak ona to robi, ale ta seria , jest taka , ze chce ją się czytać. Kinky, ale słodka. Zauważyłam, że książki, w których są przyjaciele lub fajna rodzina , są moim ulubionym.
Jedyna wada za krótka.
4.5 gwiazdki.
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,596 reviews13 followers
June 12, 2022
2.5-3 stars

I am in a mood haha its mainly me but also partly the book haha

I had high hopes and this didn’t live up to it in my head. I did like the shibari, but I don’t know, I didn’t connect with the main characters and I just zoned out a lot which could explain why I didn’t enjoy it as much as I hoped..maybe if I reread it later when I don’t feel a reading slump coming on I will enjoy this more!

I hope I get out of this almost slump I am in… it’s not fun hahaha
Profile Image for 25 Readings Or More.
705 reviews155 followers
December 21, 2022

Ahhh these bikers make me so happy 🤩🤩
I could read their stories forever, and I mean it because I want everyone's.
The next one won’t come out soon enough for my liking 🥺

Just like the previous ones, Houston and Kenneth' story is fast: their attraction, and then love, almost immediate. But here we have a D/s relationship, and even if i love Daddy/boy dynamic, I enjoyed the change.

I have few things to point out about Yearning tho....
Some moments, or better conversation, felt a little rushed. Things, i believed were important steps in their growing love, were just outlined.
But in the end it's still a good book.
Profile Image for Alex (HEABookNerd).
2,002 reviews
March 18, 2024
I'm loving this series so much and YEARNING was another fantastic addition. I loved Houston and Kenneth to pieces and they were so soft together. This was the kind of low angst, tender, kinky romance that I needed right now. Yes, it's insta-love but I just don't care.

I adore the Devil's Hands MC guys and I really enjoyed the more formal incorporation of BDSM into the clubs' interests. I hope the demonstrations and parties will continue in future books. There's also plenty of Tank, CJ, Six, and Ollie in YEARNING and as usual, CJ and Ollie were a hoot. I really appreciated that Kiki Clark included Kenneth's developing friendships with CJ and Ollie and that she gives him a support system outside of Houston.

I'm also really intrigued by some of the hints about Knuckles that we got and I'm looking forward to more books in this series!

Content Warning: past toxic relationship; brief mention of an emotionally abusive parent; sibling who does not accept the BDSM lifestyle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Favorite Quotes:

“You really need to stop saying such nice things,” Kenneth whispered.

Houston chuckled, rehanging the towels he’d used. “No, you need to get used to hearing such nice things. I don’t know who made you feel like you weren’t worth sticking around for, but they were dead wrong.”

- - - - -

He knew his boy hadn’t always felt loved and cared for in his life, but never again. It was his job— his honor and privilege— to pamper and love him. Own him.
Profile Image for Grace ❤️.
301 reviews11 followers
May 1, 2022
2.5 ⭐️

To be completely honest I was a little disappointed in this one.

I have LOVED this series! It is so fireeeee and I did really like the shibari but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to save the meh chemistry between Houston and Kenneth.

I thought their relationship, despite being intense and kinda sweet, was just sort of bland. Their connection wasn’t based on anything really and they barely talked or at least they didn’t talk much on page. It was just a bunch of vaguely kinky bedroom experiences and a lot of Houston calling Kenneth sweet boy all strung together with little substance.

Nearly all of the interesting parts of the story like Houston telling his family about Kenneth and him meeting them, Kenneth telling really anyone about Houston, and the most confusing, a random and pointless cameo by Houston’s brother who I kid you not had zero actual dialogue during the entire scene and no conclusion to the drama, were just summarized in passing. I found myself enjoying Ollie and CJ and their dynamic the most during the whole book which is not great when they aren’t supposed to be the focus…

I LOVE Kiki Clark’s work normally but this didn’t live up to my expectations at all unfortunately.
Profile Image for Steph.
636 reviews10 followers
April 27, 2022
I've been so curious about Kenneth since book one. Not gonna lie, I was fully prepared to dislike him. I didn't at all. He's everything I'd hoped he would be. Houston was the perfect partner for him. This was a one sitting book for me. They were just so sweet. I'm seriously reconsidering my stance on instalove because of these two.

We were introduced to a few new characters in this book. The author wrote them in such a way that I'm insanely curious about them. But it didn't distract from Kenneth and Houston's story.

This book is my current favorite in the series. Which is super weird for me to say. I didn't think I'd like it as much since there isn't any Daddy kink. Turns out Houston's ropes were better.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for ❁Ila ☽20 pages to the wind☾.
41 reviews11 followers
September 12, 2022
Aww, these books are just filled with soft boys and their loving, protective daddies/doms!! It's filled with all the shaking and shuddering and tenderness that I did not expect from biker books😂

I do love a good ole rough and tough biker, but these guys are so sweet and that's a nice change of pace!

I enjoyed Houston and Kenneth's book the most so far, but I do think that the time/event skips do take away from the stories at times and they could definitely be more developed but otherwise, very quick, cute reads💖
Profile Image for Ashley (Red-Haired Ash Reads).
2,847 reviews166 followers
October 11, 2023
Series: Leather & Chrome #3
Rating: 4 stars - It was really good

This series has been such a surprise for me. I never expected to fall in love with these kinky men and Daddy kink but I have. Kenneth and Houston’s story was such a wonderful, low angst, and kinky romance. It was just what I didn’t know I was needing.

Kenneth has been briefly mentioned in the previous books. He was Cj’s roommate and comes to the club to fix up Six when he is injured. He is a shy, caring, and very submissive man who just wants someone to take care of him. I adored watching him come out of his shell and embrace his submissiveness and let go of his fears. I also loved seeing his friendship with Cj and Ollie develop.

Houston is the VP of the club and up to this point we haven’t learned a lot about him. I enjoyed getting to know him and his kinks. I absolutely loved watching him care and praise Kenneth. He really brought Kenneth out of his shell and showed him that he can be himself. I also liked that he pushed for the incorporation of BDSM into the club's interests because other people had expressed interest in it. I hope we see more demonstrations and parties in future books.

Overall, I adore the Devil’s Hands MC guys and I can’t wait to read the future books, especially the president’s. I also can’t wait to find out what is going on with Knuckles.

Trigger Warnings: domestic violence discussed; death of children discussed; past toxic relationship; brief mention of emotionally abusive parent; sibling who does not accept MC’s BDSM lifestyle;
Profile Image for Vero Exposito.
502 reviews4 followers
May 2, 2022
4.75 Stars

I loved Kenneth and Houston. They were so amazing and cute. They melted my freaking heart. I also enjoyed seeing the other characters from previous books. It’s so fun to come back to these books, it’s one of my favorite MC series.

There isn’t much to say. I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to get Tom's and, I think Knuckles is getting a book. If I had to guess Knuckles would be with Zachary, which I already ship them together. Anyways I definitely recommend this. If you read it, enjoy! Bye bye!
Profile Image for S.M. LANYON.
340 reviews10 followers
April 29, 2022
Yearning is the third instalment from the series LEATHER AND CHROME by Kiki Clark and let me tell you it is hot 🔥 Like stupid hot, like she killed it hot, like this is fantastic Ohmygodyessssdaddyyyy hot🤩

Kenneth and Houston are a fantastic match made is BDSM heaven. Their personalities compliment each other and bring this rich substance to their budding relationship, that neither of them had experienced before 🖤
Yes, kink is an essential part of their romance, but above all Houston really put his best foot forward for Kenneth, making sure he always felt safe, loved and appreciated. He remains in control making sure his boy never has to want for anything, and that level of devotion was overwhelming and beautiful 🖤His personality is charismatic and captivating. Houston in my opinion remains a very complicated character and that bit of mystery makes him even more irresistible 🖤

Kenneth has a real character growth in this book. Essentially I knew he wasn't a bad guy from the events that transpired in book one, but he definitely needed to make some amends with CJ and I just loved their hilarious breakfast reunion 🙈🖤 He was so sweet and caring, so genuine and open, so freaking ready to have Houston in his life, that when it finally happened I was happily grinning on the couch, definitely not clutching my ipad too hard🖤 Their chemistry was off the charts, the blazing heat that rolls off the pages is just delicious 🖤

Imma just interject a note here to say, I love how Kiki Clark introduces new things about sexual play in her books, and she does that in a very sensitive educational manner.🖤

All the cast from the previous books 1&2 is making an appearance. CJ and Ollie are hilarious, wonderful and the besties I wish you all to have 🖤
Love me some Tank always, so his cameo did not disappoint 🖤
As far as Knuckles, oh my god, I need his story🖤 to say I am dying with curiosity is an understatement 🖤 Is he? Isn't he? And how Houston took care of him🖤so sweet🥺🖤
Profile Image for Heather Duff.
1,158 reviews29 followers
April 26, 2022
What a sweet and kinky, low angst story.

I’m not sure why I don’t read more d/s because I do really enjoy it. Especially when the characters are so charming.

Houston is a sweetheart of a badass. Kenneth is a kind-hearted nurse, who’s successful at work but not so much in his personal life. These two fit together beautifully. Kenneth is a natural submissive and Houston is the most caring dom. Kink is obviously a major part of their relationship, but the care and devotion that Houston shows, ensuring his sub feels safe and secure is swoon-worthy. And Kenneth, wanting to make sure his dom also feels special and loved was perfect. Such a tender romance.

It was also pretty great to see Houston opening up to his club family. This brings up the host of characters at the club that are a part of this series. They are wild and fun and endearingly loyal.

If you are looking for a light and cute d/s story, this definitely fits the bill.

< ARC provided by GRR and this is my honest review >
Profile Image for Nile Princess.
1,380 reviews169 followers
May 4, 2022
3.5 I liked this couple better than CJ and Tank. The pacing here felt better and I loved the way Houston took care of Kenneth, and Kenneth took to shibari etc immediately. I will say that Houston's terms of endearments never really worked for me. Him calling Kenneth 'sweetheart' and 'sweet boy' felt off, even to the end. Also, I had no real clue what Kenneth looked like. At some point it's mentioned he had curly hair and his mom was Cuban American and I was like, 'Thank God,' cause I was flying blind. Even then, that's really all we got. I didn't really know how tall he was, what his body type was or even his eye color. It was very distracting. There was zero resolution with Houston's brother. Why bring him to dinner if nothing was said after the introductions? If this was a set up for him really being a sub, we needed more and if not, it was a waste.

Having said all that, I'm enjoying this series! I am trying to decide if I want to read Six and Ollie's book because I'm really interested in Six but Ollie sounds like more than I want to deal with. I am totally looking forward to Tomas, Knuckles and Houston's mentor's book. I don't know who will end up where but I can't wait!
Profile Image for CamJamBerLynnn.
152 reviews
July 17, 2022
This series man. I mean COME ON! It was so good I listened up to like chapter 10 on audible and had to like download and binge read the rest 😭
I can't help but to fall even more in love with these guys as they fall for each other!
Kiki is a literal literary GODDESS. The way these two were written, its even more swoonish than the other two damn books! To watch the coming into self and Houston & Kenneth both over come trauma and basically mild ptsd together and have such trust in each other. GAH! *chefs kiss* perfection.

Oh and the sex? The fucking scenes? Yes I mean actual scenes cause its a BDSM book in ever way. This was 🥵 girl.

Usually by the 3rd or 4th book I feel like authors get repetitive but nope, not with this she didnt. I can't wait to read the rest of their stories. Period.

Profile Image for Emmy.
123 reviews9 followers
April 26, 2022
The first two Leather & Chrome books gave us the perfect combination of humor, kink, possessive bikers with hearts of gold, and found family. The third installment, Yearning, is no different.

In this one we get:

- Age Gap
- Possessive Dom Biker
- Adorable Nurse sub
- Hurt/Comfort
- Low/No Relationship Angst
- Found Family
- An*l Hook 😏🫣
- Bondage/Shibari

We also get some glimpses of club life in the Devil’s Hands MC, some hilarious appearances from the ever-growing “Property Of” Twink squad, as well as introductions to some new elements, like Houston’s *other* club the House of Bacchus, his former Dom mentor Zachary, and his estranged brother (who I will be needing more info about stat).

I can’t wait to see more of this cast of characters! Now I’m anxiously awaiting our polyamorous prez Tomas’s book (featuring Ollie’s friends Mason & Vinnie from book 2? 🤞🏻)

**ARC provided by author in exchange for honest review**
November 28, 2023
Sweet and sexy, dominant and submissive - Yearning was a joy to read!

Sweet pediatric nurse, Kenneth and MC club VP Rooster meets briefly in previous book in the series, but even though their meetings are only for a few minutes it leaves both men with the impression that the other could be someone very special to them, if they allow it and if their paths cross again.

Their paths do cross and the attraction is still there - as is the very real undercurrent that both men are into D/s relationships. Kenneth has the curiosity and enthusiasm and Rooster has the patience and experience. I really enjoyed how these two explored their kinks and interests and how it was always portrayed in a loving and fun way. Doms can sometimes overpower their subs in romance books (comes with being a dom probably?) but here Rooster takes charge AND is kind and sweet and caring.

And the Shibari? ugh, I loved it! I love the art of Shibari and am always excited to see it portrayed in romance books and here it was done very well.
Profile Image for Birdee.
352 reviews
May 8, 2022
3/5 stars

This was my least favorite in the series so far, the characters sadly fell flat for me
Profile Image for Judy Ferrell.
Author 20 books84 followers
May 9, 2022

Houston is a Dom who practices Shibari. Kenneth is a nurse who has been a help to the club before. A new pair for the club.
Profile Image for Sam&Dean.
664 reviews9 followers
May 7, 2022
I super hate giving this book 4* instead of 5, but I just felt it was kinda meh, just ok. This series started as one of my absolute favorites since Tank & CJ are one of my all time favorite couples, both with how they met and how their relationship developed and how much they just completely totally adore each other. Plus I’m always a sucker for daddy kink. Tank was the ultimate daddy ‘goal’.

Ollie & Six we’re cute but I felt like things were starting to venture out of my interest range for MM books. Ollie was hilarious and kept me interested but I wondered if I would continue with the series if Yearning had similar tastes. Ollie was the ultimate twink and I could only hope to find a friend as loyal and funny as him IRL, but not so much as my romance main character.

Behold! Yearning was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!! There was no daddy kink (I’d say I missed it but not with how possessive Houston acts;). Kenneth reminded me a tiny bit of shy awkward CJ back in book 1. I really liked seeing him become comfortable with Houston and see him come out of his shy shell and even become a little bit bold with Houston.

Why only 4*?? I actually just was not feeling the connection between these 2. I KNOW the author can make me have all the feels since I loved Book 1, but I just felt like there was no drama, no hurdles, no big reveals, nothing to bring our couple closer together. It was like they meet, go on 1 date and see each other every day after that and live HEA, the end…. Houston was supposed to be a Dom and even belonged to a BDSM but I wouldn’t even call this BDSM lite. There was literally no kink factor whatsoever. Houston was a big fan of Shibari (Beautiful Japanese style bondage with intricate knots and rope patterns), but there was very little detail about it (basically it felt like he just tied Kenneth up and they had sex then he untied him). When he gave a sample class showing Shibari he didn’t even do it, he just had his boyfriend reveal his upper torso tied in a pattern that was done in advance. There was hints of Kenneth slipping into sub space but even that felt vague and not detailed.

I think author used this book to possibly take this series in a different direction, where the motorcycle club is introduced to BDSM through a series of classes hosted by Houston and his club friend. There’s a tiny moment with Knuckles where we see where this is headed (more a D/S path than daddy kink).

There were a few missed opportunities to introduce conflict/ resolution with Kenneth’s history of being neglected/ abused by his family/ parent (we meet some siblings but nothing resolves) as well as the conflict between Houston and his twin brother (not speaking, see each other, no resolution & still not speaking).

I will definitely be picking up the next book in the series (could it be Knuckles or is Tomas? I’m still excited to read both their stories!). But I just didn’t get all the feels with Houston & Kenneth.
Profile Image for Jess.
152 reviews
February 21, 2024
I have really enjoyed the Leather & Chrome series; the first book being the best; the second was nice but this one really missed the mark. I found it quite boring and there was no substance to either of the MCs or the overall story. It was a shame really because it could've been so much more.

There just wasn't anything to the relationship - there was no spark, the heat was almost non existent and seemed like the actual story was still on the editing and tweaking side. It seemed to lack any kind of communication, no actual building of a relationship and it was almost like insta-love.
One MC who has never been a submissive is suddenly one? Surely, surely, there would be more to it than a brief conversation (that happened off pages) to jumping into bed? There was something really missing which in-turn made the entire book miss the mark

I felt the previous two books flowed a lot better, there was obvious development as well as a plot but Yearning - not really. It was just a bunch of words with Ollie and CJ making appearances to just fill out the pages.
I didn't feel like there was any type of on-page aftercare either after scenarios which would've been nice to read because to me that shows a strong bond between Dom and Sub - I have read other books with BDSM where the sub goes into sub-space and the Dom is there to make sure they're okay and support them through the process; that wasn't there.
I may be looking into this too much but I as I said above - I have read other books with BDSM and I remember one thing from another book. The Dom explains to his potential new sub (who has never been a sub before) he says that the sub in the one in control even though the sub has to give control. I didn't feel that Kenneth or Houston had that kind of deep connection and level of trust.

I do feel that BDSM based books does require a bit of research to be on the right side; this book could've been on point if there was more too it.

In a way, this book could be a good starter for those wanting to read BDSM before progressing to more in-depth/deeper portrayals
Profile Image for Emily Hernandez.
1,115 reviews18 followers
April 25, 2022
Kenneth and Houston's story filled me up with syrupy sweet warmth, and I wanted to bask in the tenderness of their connection all day long. Kenneth was quite possibly the sweetest sub in existence, and he stole my heart just by being his caring, shy self. His attraction to Houston was super obvious, and I was so proud that he worked up the courage to ask him out on a date instead of waiting for Houston to make the first move. Even though that date may not have been the romantic wooing they had planned, that night was when I realized how absolutely perfect the two of them were for each other. Houston was assertive and caring and comforting, and Kenneth soaked it all up and shone brightly under his guidance and praise. I can't even describe how happy it made me to watch them get to know each other better, explore their kinks, and sink into their power dynamic around others. Houston certainly knew how to tease out Kenneth's pleasure during their scenes, and the rope play they experimented with was surprisingly steamy. I honestly could have spent this entire book reading about nothing more than Houston and Kenneth being sweet and in love, but the interactions they had with their friends, family, and the rest of the MC elevated the overall storyline. I was thrilled to see CJ and Ollie take Kenneth under their wing, especially given their tense history, and knowing how happy it made Kenneth to have his friend back made it even better. If I had any doubts about how much Houston loved Kenneth, the way he easily opened his arms to the rest of his siblings showed what an incredible man he was. I wish he'd been able to get some closure with his own estranged family member, but some things just take time. All in all, I thought this was a beautifully written, caring Dom/sub story with lovable characters and a satisfying story arc.

**I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. This review expresses my honest thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Amur Thera.
557 reviews64 followers
April 29, 2022
The good
+ Houston providing Kenneth with the trust and patience he needs to start believing in the possibility of being loved
+ Kenneth coming out of his shell
+ Houston's talk with Knuckles
+ Houston showing Kenneth the possessiveness Kenneth craves, but still checking to make sure it's okay with him
+ Houston's family claiming Kenneth's
+ Kenneth and Houston doing domestic things together but not together (like one watching baseball and the other reading, together on the couch)

The neutral
o I don't really know what to think of all the subs getting their tattoos in the exact same style and font. I'd like it if they were a bit more personalized, even when the text remains the same

The bad
- I felt like neither the plotline with Kenneth's family nor that of Houston's family was resolved.
- Zachary is supposed to be a professional Dom. Yet, he outed Knuckles (someone he doesn't know) in front of an audience he doesn't know. Wtf?
- The demos were very hyped, but I think the bondage demo fell flat. I thought Houston would tie Kenneth in front of the audience and explain what he was doing. Instead, Kenneth just showed off the result and that was that. How is anyone supposed to learn something from that?

This book was a great read. Unfortunately, it wasn't as polished as the other books in the series. However, I think Houston and Kenneth are adorable together and I'm glad they got their HEA. Would still recommend the series to those who like big bikers with soft hearts and a slightly kinky side.
Profile Image for Mac-Daddy.
52 reviews6 followers
August 14, 2022
I really wanted to like this one as much as the others. I LOVED Reckless, and Temptation was a close second. But with this one, it felt like Clark was trying to… maybe just get it over with? Something was missing. First of all, the chemistry wasn’t really there. I actually went back to book two to reread the scene in which these two characters first meet (when Kenneth is sewing up Six and Houston walks in and says, “Hey, gorgeous”) and it was super cute, but it didn’t carry over. The development of their relationship didn’t happen on page. It was like the whole middle of the book was skipped. Multiple important scenes happened off page and were just summarized in passing, like Kenneth and Houston discussing limits and what they liked/didn’t like, Kenneth meeting Houston’s family, etc. The kink was basically non-existent, just really the use of “sir” lol. And the shibari was not exactly explored in the way I’d hoped. Which leads me to the multiple side plots that were left totally unresolved. The big BDSM party that Houston wanted to throw just petered off and I guess will happen in the next book? All we had were mentions of demonstrations happening (again off page) and the one at the end that wasn’t actually a demo because Kenneth was already tied. Plus the drama with Kenneth’s dad and Houston’s brother. It felt like there were all these great ideas and Clark just got overwhelmed with or uninterested with writing it so quickly tried to just finish it. Or maybe she was feeling the deadline pressure because I do remember her mentioning she didn’t like it and had to start over which pushed the release date back. The one other thing that turned me off was the incessant inner monologue. Lots of telling and not much showing, which I really can’t stand and I haven’t seen in her other writing. Overall, Kiki Clark is a talented writer and this isn’t a criticism of her, I just think this one particularly felt sort of rushed and unfinished. I’m hoping she gets the inspiration to keep going with this series though, because it’s overall a great one for kinky low angst sweetness.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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