Symptoms & Diagnosis

Anal Fistula Care At ReSTORA CARE

At ReSTORA CARE we offer a complete range of the latest and most advanced therapies to eradicate anal fistula while preserving healthy tissue and function. We offer you a customized treatment depending upon the position of fistula which is not only minimally invasive but also offers the least chance

What is Anal Fistula

Anal Fistula is an abnormal communication or an infected tunnel present between the lower part of bowel and the skin surrounding the anus.

It usually occurs as a result of anal abscess in majority of cases but in few cases, it can be a warning sign of serious disease manifesting inside your body like

Common symptoms of Anal Fistula

Types of Anal Fistula

In order to decide the best modality for the management of particular fistula, it is essential to understand the position and exact tract of fistula and whether the tract has secondary branches or not. The different types of fistula are:

Inter Sphincteric Fistula: This is the most common type of fistula. Present in around 45% of cases, the tract in this fistula begins between the external and internal sphincter muscles and opens very close to anal opening

Trans Sphincteric Fistula: Present in 30% of cases, the tract crosses both the sphincters and the opening is usually present 2-3 inches away from anal opening. They can wrap the anal canal in U shape fashion making it a horse shoe or complex fistula

Supra Sphincteric Fistula: This type of fistula is present in 20% of the patients. In this type of fistula, tract loops over the sphincter muscles and passes through the major muscles of the pelvic floor.

Extra Sphincteric Fistula: Seen in only 5% of cases, the tract usually starts from rectum or sigmoid colon. It does not involve sphincter muscles and is usually associated with appendicular abscess, Crohn’s disease.

Laser Surgery for Fistula

Proper patient selection is a must to experience the best results with this modality. The surgery is usually done under short GA and involves no cutting of tissues.

A radial laser fiber is inserted into the track and a defined amount of laser is delivered into the tract. The high energy laser beam completely burns and collapses the tract. Since it don’t involves extensive dissection, there is very less bleeding, post-operative pain, and recovery is very fast.

Advantages Of Laser Surgery

Head Doctor

  • Dr Rahul Jaiswal

    Dr Rahul Jaiswal

     17 years experience

    Senior consultant in Advanced Laparoscopic, Bariatric, Laser and Gastro Surgery.
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