Male Breast Reduction surgeon in Delhi

Gynecomastia Cost in Delhi Ranges From Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 90,000

Do you feel embarrassed because of your female like breasts? Male breast reduction surgery or gynecomastia is the best solution for your problem. We see that men are also facing mental trauma and social embarrassment because of the size of their breasts. They also face unwanted comments from others among their social groups. With male breast reduction in Delhi, one can get rid of all these concerns.

Gynecomastia or male breast reduction is one of the most common procedures done at our clinic as we provide the most effective surgery for gynecomastia in Delhi. Male breast reduction is the treatment that can help them to reduce the size of their breasts which are making them look feminine. It is a surgical procedure performed both under local or general anesthesia involving removal of excess fat and tissues along with liposuction of the glandular tissue to reduce the size and give a firmer and flat chest.

Many other reasons are also here that why your breasts could have enlarged:

  1. Hormonal changes during puberty
  2. Excess weight gain
  3. Intake of drugs and steroids
  4. Rise of estrogen levels with the growing age

We have the expert gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Mrinalini, who, with her years of experience, has listed individuals who fall under the category of candidates who are best suited for this surgery.

The ideal candidates for male breast reduction surgery are:

  1. Those who have realistic expectations from the result
  2. Overall good health
  3. Want to get rid of social embarrassment
  4. Do not want to hide the enlarged size of breasts under the loose clothes
  5. Suitable body weight to undergo the surgery
  6. Good skin elasticity

Interested in getting male breast reduction surgery? Book an appointment with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a leading male breast reduction surgeon in Delhi, at Aestiva Clinic.

Benefits of male breast reduction surgery

  1. Boost self confidence
  2. Improve overall body proportions
  3. No mental or social trauma
  4. Firmer, flatter and contoured chest
  5. Physical activities can be easy to perform

To learn more about the benefits of this surgery or about gynecomastia cost in Delhi, pay a visit to our clinic.

Post Procedure

  1. Patients are advised to wear compression garments to ensure support and tightening the skin.
  2. Heavy exercises are prohibited because it will put stress on the treated surgical area.
  3. Healthy lifestyle and stable weight will help patients to keep the results for the longer period of time.
  4. Smoking and drinking should be avoided because it will delay the healing process

To know male breast reduction cost in Delhi, consult Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic.

Male Breast Reduction Cost in Delhi Ranges From Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 90,000

Gynecomastia/Male Breast Reduction Cost

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