Sex's Surprising Health Benefits


When you have sex, your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood supply to the muscles all increase. Increased blood flow to the skin helps to keep it healthy, whereas increased blood flow to the reproductive organs strengthens and healthier them.

Sex prevents sleep apnea.

Sex is an excellent sleep aid. According to a study published in the journal Sleep, those who had sex at least once a week were more likely to receive an extra hour of sleep every night than those who did not. For a variety of reasons, sex can help you sleep better. First, it stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which promotes feelings of trust and attachment; these feelings frequently translate into more restful sleep. Second, having sex hot vietnam may keep your spouse awake—and not only because they're worried you're faking orgasms! This may make your nighttime routine easier as well: no more tossing and turning while you wait for them to fall asleep so you can eventually give up on attempting to do so yourself and pass out next to him/her instead (or vice versa).

Sex might make you appear younger.

You may think of sex as a means to seem younger, but did you realize it also makes your skin look younger? Sex releases endorphins (the same brain chemicals that cause the runner's high), which alleviate stress and depression. Endorphins also increase feelings of well-being, which can lead to improved sleep habits. Better skin health results from improved sleep quality since it allows your body to restore itself from regular wear and tear. Because most women go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, having a healthy sex life is critical for preserving good-looking skin at this age.

Sex alleviates pain.

You've probably heard that sex cures pain, but science backs this up. When you have sex, your brain produces endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers. These endorphins aid in the relief of headaches, back pain, and arthritis. In addition to these advantages, having sex can help you sleep better. This is especially beneficial if you suffer from insomnia, which is frequently caused by stress or worrying about the future (like future projects at work). Getting into bed with your partner on a regular basis reduces stress while offering time for cuddling and talking about what is important to each person separately; this ultimately helps with sadness and anxiety as well!

For women, sex improves bladder control.

Sex can help women improve their bladder control. Sex may be able to aid with stress incontinence, urge incontinence, mixed incontinence, or overflow incontinence.

As an example:

The involuntary loss of urine caused by physical activity such as coughing or laughing is known as stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Sex has been shown to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which maintain your bladder and urethra as well as being responsible for SUI.

Urge urinary incontinence (UUI) occurs when you have a strong urge to urinate but have little urine in your bladder (and no other symptoms). Sex aids in the reduction of UUI by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder and urethra.

Sex expends calories.

Not only that, but sex increases your metabolism, which implies greater fat burning after the deed is done. And the cardiac advantages don't stop at your heart; they spread throughout your entire body! This includes enhanced circulation throughout the body, as well as improved blood flow below the waistline (ahem).

Sex increases your libido.

Sex also helps men and women reduce pain! According to Stanford University School of Medicine researchers, women who reported more pain during intercourse were less likely to report feeling melancholy in their relationships with their partners over time; in fact, they were happier overall when they had more orgasms (and therefore more frequent vaginal stimulation). Ejaculation can reduce symptoms of chronic prostatitis (chronic inflammation of the prostate gland) by up to 40% in males.

Sex reduces blood pressure.

Sex has several surprising mental health benefits in addition to its physical rewards. For example, it has been demonstrated that persons who have frequent intercourse or masturbate on a regular basis are more content with their lives than those who do not. This could be attributed in part to dopamine, a neurotransmitter released after orgasm that can cause sensations of happiness and pleasure. Again, it's all about how your brain works—when you have sex, you're giving yourself an endorphin rush (endorphins are natural opiates that make you feel good), which then causes dopamine and oxytocin to be released (another neurotransmitter).

Regular sexual activity has been linked to lower blood pressure, higher levels of antioxidants in men, reduced anxiety and depression symptoms, greater happiness levels, increased energy levels, and lower stress hormones such as cortisol - all of which contribute not only to our overall health but also to our longevity!

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