Dr. Amaya Espíndola, MRCVS

Conventional medicine is just one
of the available choices.

Have you tried holistic medicine?…¿What does it mean?


Scientific knowledge is ever-evolving, and staying informed about developments can pose challenges. Being part of international study groups, like the RFVS, allows me to access the latest updates and engage in critical discussions with colleagues from different countries.


A 15-minute consultation doesn’t allow for extensive discussion of all your concerns. Collaborating as a team is crucial, and that’s where second opinion veterinary specialists play a vital role.


If you find treatments becoming repetitive with seemingly no additional alternatives, or if you sense something is amiss but feel unheard, it’s the right time to seek guidance from a holistic veterinarian.


Each cat is an individual, living within a unique family system. International guidelines assist in providing focus, but it’s crucial to then have the courage to explore new paths.

How about starting with a GIFT?

Felvet for Cats - Dr. Amaya Espíndola Cat and Nutrition Specialist Holistic Vet Landing


With this guide you will learn to:

  • How to make the right decision when adopting a cat
  • The key foundations to your cats wellbeing
  • Nutritional Tips
  • And more…



I’m more than just a vet. Each consultation unfolds a unique story, and when your feline companion faces a challenge, I’m here to guide and explore every conceivable option. Some may resonate with ease, while others might require an extra hand, but in the end, together we embark on a journey filled with endless possibilities, striving for genuine and complete health.

Felvet for Cats - Dr. Amaya Espíndola Cat and Nutrition Specialist Holistic Vet Landing
Felvet for Cats - Dr. Amaya Espíndola Cat and Nutrition Specialist Holistic Vet Landing
Felvet for Cats - Dr. Amaya Espíndola Cat and Nutrition Specialist Holistic Vet Landing
judy morgan


Kidney disease cats
transition diet to a cat
amaya espindola

About me…

I’am Amaya and this is Felvet (since 2013)

Veterinary surgeon (MRCVS), Certified in Feline Medicine, Master in Veterinary Nutrition and President of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society.

Despite being a feline veterinarian with many years of experience, as a young girl I really didn’t like cats! However, I discovered that I had a special connection with animals and cats helped me to find my true self. 

On my path as a veterinarian and artist, I discovered that there is also “art” in “science”, in every cat, and in every diagnosis. We just have to stop and listen before we take action. This translates into a unique and holistic approach to feline health and wellness that goes beyond conventional medicine.


Previously, I worked with the ‘Heart Cat and Soul’ programme, where 100% of the cats that took part improved in their condition, and their guardians felt capable and empowered to tackle new challenges.

Today, new paths are emerging, but I wanted to share the lovely words that my clients leave.

Some have ventured to share their stories in video format, while others have expressed themselves with beautiful words.

"After trying the HCS method more focused on behavioural therapy by natural means, with patience and dedication from everyone for 3 months, we have not only solved the family problem: we have all gained in health and quality of life. And that is priceless."

Valentina, Louis y Frida

"What I liked most about Amaya, apart from her infinite knowledge about cats and the feline world, is that she is a very approachable person, who talks to you without technicalities (like a vet) and with examples so that you can see from your cat's point of view."

Sonia Torres

"My experience with Amaya has been great, my cat Shippo was very reactive, which made him very difficult to handle. I felt lost and didn't know how to approach or manage the situation. Amaya taught me to understand and understand that his aggressiveness came from a disorder; hyperesthesia, and thanks to her guidelines, therapies and recommendations, my cat does not need conventional medication. Now Shippo is much calmer, more affectionate, he is tolerating visitors at home and he is very handsome!"

Eva Rubio

"Having three cats with such a difference in age (15.9 and 1.5 years) and getting along with each other is not easy. Since my older cat was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, I have turned to Amaya to help me make the transition to BARF for all three of them and get rid of the kibble once and for all. With the little one there was no problem, but with the other two it was a bit more complex. The help of an expert nutritionist is very useful".

Gerardo Barsi

"After the experiences with my cats and Amaya, I can only say thank you a thousand times, for your great professionalism and empathy as a person. She accompanied and advised us during several difficult moments, such as Moka's aggressiveness when she came home, Julian's illness, even when we didn't have the desired end she was by our side, and advising us in the subsequent adoption of Mowgly."

Yasmina Yepes

"I have three cats, Amaya has treated them through her therapies and they have improved remarkably. In particular one of them, Carey, suffers from chronic asthma and thanks to her method I have reduced the use of drugs to treat her. Recently we have introduced an adult cat -Dixie-, with behavioral problems, and little by little we are seeing improvement in her attitude towards the rest of the cats, no doubt that it works. Thank you very much Amaya for the time, love and professionalism with which you treat cats and humans."

Marisa López

Frequently Asked Questions

What happened with Heart Cat & Soul programme?

If you have been part of the program, you will understand that it involved complete dedication to the patient, something that I can no longer offer due to other commitments today. A new journey begins, and I hope to see you there as well.

Can I focus only in nutrition?

Most of the time, we change our cat’s diet because they are suffering from a certain illness. In such cases, the diet becomes a part of the treatment, alongside the transition and adaptation to it.

If your cat is healthy, you can change the diet during the ‘STARTER’ consultation.

How does the evaluation call works?

It’s a call lasting max. 20-30 minutes to assess the case, provide my professional opinion, and establish the steps to follow. It’s advisable to send the clinical analyses before the call. It’s an affordable way to evaluate if we can work together.

What diseases do you treat?

I work with both healthy and sick cats. Most of the cats with illnesses that I work with have kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, intestinal disease, lymphoma, or a combination of these diseases.

Why your fees are not those of a conventional veterinarian?

Conventional medicine may provide brief consultations in which an entire life has to be resolved in approximately 15 minutes.

My consultations delve into the root of the problem, requiring an in-depth study of the case and personalized treatment.

Do you do home visits?

No, I do not do home visits or home consultations. I will be giving some of services in Mallorca.

Can you work with dogs?

My specialty is feline medicine, but my veterinary training and years of experience working with dogs also allow me to offer some of my services for dogs. Contact me, and we can discuss it.


Contact Me

8 + 7 =

(34) 654829893