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Sun, Sep 18


Zoom book event

Literary Modiin - September 2022 Author Event

Join Literary Modiin for our September Author Event, featuring Zibby Owens (Bookends), Marcus Pactor (Begat Who Begat Who Begat) and Hila Ratzabi (There Are Still Woods).

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Literary Modiin - September 2022 Author Event
Literary Modiin - September 2022 Author Event

Time & Location

Sep 18, 2022, 8:00 PM GMT+3

Zoom book event

About the Event

About the authors:

Marcus Pactor's latest book is Begat Who Begat Who Begat (Astrophil Press). His first book, Vs. Death Noises, won the 2011 Subito Press Prize for Fiction. His story, "Megaberry Crunch," was selected for Best Small Fictions 2021. His work has most recently appeared in Always Crashing and 3:AM Magazine. He lives and works in Jacksonville, Florida.

Hila Ratzabi’s poetry has been published in Narrative, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere. She is the author of the chapbook The Apparatus of Visible Things and the recipient of numerous fellowships. Ratzabi previously served as editor-in-chief and poetry editor of Storyscape and holds an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. She is currently the director of virtual content and programs at and lives outside Chicago with her partner and two children.

Zibby Owens is an author, podcaster, publisher, CEO, and mother of four. Zibby is the founder of Zibby Owens Media, a privately-held media company designed to help busy people live their best lives by connecting to books and each other. The three divisions include Zibby Books, a publishing house for fiction and memoir, Zcast, a podcast network powered by Acast including Zibby’s award-winning podcast Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, and Moms Don’t Have Time To, a new content and community site including Zibby’s Virtual Book Club, events, and the former Moms Don’t Have Time to Write.  She is a regular columnist for Good Morning America and a frequent guest on morning news shows recommending books. Editor of two anthologies (Moms Don’t Have Time to Have Kids and Moms Don’t Have Time To: A Quarantine Anthology), a children’s book Princess Charming, and now a memoir Bookends: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Literature, Zibby loves to write. She regularly pens personal essays, starting with her first one in Seventeen magazine in 1992. Zibby lives in New York with her husband, Kyle Owens of Morning Moon Productions, and her four children.  Follow her on Instagram @zibbyowens

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