
Seequent Insights

Help shape the future of Seequent software

Share your user experiences with us

Sign up below to join Seequent’s Insights Programme and participate in user research studies.

Your feedback will help make our software easier to use and drive the future of our technology.

Sign up

Seequentʼs Insight Programme

Why are Insights important?

Positive user experiences make our customers' work easier, faster, and better. User insights enable us to understand their needs and goals, and create the software and solutions to address them.

During an average insight session, we gather feedback on our latest products/services, demonstrate prototypes and ask for your thoughts on the ideas that sit behind them. While every session is unique, we always aim to better understand our users and make design improvements following the feedback we receive.

Studies can take place remotely online through your desktop computer or in one of our global offices. If your session is eligible for a thank-you gift, you’ll be offered a token of our appreciation shortly after the session concludes. If for any reason your role prohibits you from accepting such gifts, we’ll usually reach out again in the future with updates on how your feedback has helped shape the final product.

When you volunteer for Seequent Insights, we’ll collect just enough information to ensure that we can identify you if we think you’d be a good fit for a particular topic or feature we are studying.

What kinds of studies can I participate in?

We adapt our research methods to best address each user experience challenge. Here are some types of studies we’ve conducted in the past:

  1. Remote usability study

    Test our software prototypes remotely from the comfort of your home. Complete in your own time, at your own pace.

  2. Survey

    Questionnaires about hot-topic challenges or new products and service ideas. Completed in a maximum of 10 minutes.

  3. In-person usability study

    Test our software prototypes in-person at one of our global offices. These are in-depth sessions that can take up to one hour.

  4. Interviews

    Remote interviews where we aim to understand a day in your life. We may ask about your Seequent software use or even about other software you may use. Interviews take approximately 45 minutes.

What will I receive for taking part?

We offer a range of rewards to thank you for your time and insights. Rewards correspond to the type of study and level of participation required.*

* Some exclusions apply. We cannot reward government-owned entities.

Woman and man discussing software in front of computer monitors.

Join our Insights Programme

Tell us what you think about Seequent software and services.

Sign up below and we'll confirm your registration. We'll reach out if you are a potential match for a study.

Frequently asked questions

How long is a typical study?

Each session will generally last between 30 – 90 minutes, but can vary based on the type of task we ask you to engage in.

What kind of people are you looking for?

We're looking for a broad spectrum of people over the age of 18. Sign up and we may contact you if you fit one of our studies.

How do I opt-out if I decide it’s not for me?

You can contact us on or fill out the opt-out form here.