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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Multi-Label Long Short-Term Memory-Based

Framework to Analyze Drug Functions from
Biological Properties
Pranab Das
Assam, India

Abstract:- Drug function identification from the drug The use of biological properties of the drugs is increasing
properties is important in drug discovery. Each year to discover new drug-drug interaction [8, 9, 10] and side
billions of dollars are spent on empirical testing of the effects identification [11, 12, 13, 14]. However, biological
drugs, which is costly, chemical wastage, and time- properties are not yet utilized to analyze drug function. Such a
consuming. The computational experiments would help study efficiently analyzes drug function from the biological
reduce drug discovery time and cost significantly. Most of properties of the drug. In the field of pharmacology,
the existing works have focused on single-label drug biotechnology, drug discovery, development, and design,
function identification. However, the capability of the analyzing the drug functions are essential in discovering new
drug's biological properties (transporter, target, carrier, drugs efficiently. A drug can have multiple drug functions.
and enzyme) has not yet been explored for multiple drug Therefore classifying a drug into different drug functions is a
function identification. Identifying drug function is a multi-label task [15, 16]. The analysis of drug function can be
multi-label classification problem. So, in the present work, carried out using a Multi-Label Long Short-Term Memory
a multi-label long short-term memory-based (MLLSTM). Unlike single label identification classification,
framework has been proposed for identifying drug the multi-label identification approach identify one or more
function. The data related to biological properties has been drug functions at the same time. This work demonstrates how
extracted from DrugBank, and drug functions are the multi-label long short-term memory approach is used on
collected from PubChem. The proposed framework biological drug properties to analyze various drug functions
performance has been found promising in terms of derived from the medical subject heading (MeSH) [17]. The
accuracy, precision, recall, F1, ROC-AUC score, and common problem in multi-label classification tasks is that it
hamming-loss, and it achieved the highest accuracy of faces a class imbalance problem. A multi-label dataset with
95.80%. class imbalance is a complex problem, and the result may be
affected. So, Multi-Label Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling
Keywords:- Multi-Label, LSTM, Biological Properties, Drug Techniques (MLSMOTE) have been used to address the class
Function, Machine Learning. imbalance issue [18].

I. INTRODUCTION This paper employs a multi-label long short-term

memory framework on biological properties to analyze drug
Drug development is one of the essential procedures in function. The literature survey shows that the multi-label
pharmaceutical manufacturing production. Analyzing drug analysis of drug function is addressed before using only a 2D
function is a vital part of the drug discovery, development, and chemical structure. However, analyzing multiple drug
design. The process of the drug development pipeline is a functions for specific drug-using biological properties has not
complicated, expansive, resource-consuming, chemical been explored yet. This type of drug properties may use in drug
wastage, and time-needed process [1, 2]. There is a need to development to analyze drug functions.
analyze drug function efficiently to avoid the maximum cost
and time; hence, different computational methods are The main motivation in this work is to check whether
constantly being developed for analysing drug function. drug functions are trained with the biological properties of the
Computational methods are essential to minimize the time and drug with a multi-label long short-term memory approach to
cost during drug design and discovery [3, 4]. Long Short-Term analyze drug function efficiently.
Memory (LSTM) is a promising computational drug
development approach for a new drug [5, 6, 7]. Several The organization of the work is as follows: related work
methods are applied in drug development experiments to get is summarized in section II. The architecture for the proposed
early information about the drug. LSTM techniques provide framework and drug properties has been described in section
the various benefits that help in drug discovery and decision- III. In section IV, parameter values for classification models
making on high-quality data for well-specified questions. and experimental results have been presented. Finally, in
Recently, LSTM has demonstrated its usefulness in the drug section V, the outcome of the experimental analysis of drug
discovery process. function has been concluded.

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. RELATED WORK Most of the researchers used biological properties as input
features to identify drug targets, drug-drug interactions, and
Meyer et al. [19] identify drug function by employing adverse drug reactions. However, biological properties are not
convolution neural networks on the 2D structure and a random yet utilized as an input feature to a computational model to
forest classifier on the 1D structure. The authors collected analyze drug function.
functions of drugs, chemical 2D structure, and 1D structure
from the PubChem website. Further, they identify single-label The literature survey shows that the multiple drug
drug function for a particular drug from the chemical 1D function identification for a specific drug has been addressed
structure. They also showed how multi-label classification through the only 2D chemical structure. However, identifying
performs to identify multiple drug functions for a particular more than one drug function for a particular drug at the same
drug from the 2D chemical structure of drugs. In [20], the time using biological properties has not been utilized, which
authors employed a semi-supervised method named as has established the principle of the work in this paper.
Multicontrastive based on the 2D structure to identify the
function of a drug. This approach achieves better class III. ARCHITECTURE OF THE PROPOSED
identification accuracy than the different existing semi- FRAMEWORK
supervised methods. The authors collected the drug 2D
structure from PubChem and DrugBank, and 12 drug functions This section describes the problem statement, biological
from PubChem. For implementing their experiments, they drug properties utilized to identify drug function, and the
used the ResNext model. In conclusion, the authors find their framework to solve the stated problem. Let Drug = {Drug1,
approach shows significantly better results than the other Drug2, Drug3, ..., Drugk, ..., Drugm}be the set of drugs, X =
existing approach, such as Pi-model, VAT, MixMatch, and {transporter, target, carrier, and enzyme} be the set of features
Pseudo-labeling. Aliper et al. [21] showed how deep neural of drug properties, and Drug_Function = {Function1,
networks and support vector machine classifiers were applied Function2, Function3, ..., Function l, ..., Functionn} be the set of
on large transcriptional response datasets (gene expression drug function where each Function l represent the drug function
data) to analyze the drugs' pharmacological characteristics for a Drugk with drug features X. A drug Drugk can have
(drug functions). The authors use 12 drug functions and multiple drug function at the same time. Therefore, classifying
consider only those drugs that belong to only one drug function a drug into various drug function can be viewed as a multi-
class. Further, they collected gene information for three cell label drug function identification problem, Fig. 1 presents the
lines for 6p78 drugs over PC-3, A549, and MCF-7 cell lines representation of multi-label drug function for drug using their
from the LINCS L1000 website to analyze drug functions. In corresponding drug properties. Table- I shows the multi-drug
their experiment, the deep neural network model performs function for a specific drug, whose PubChem CID is
better than the support vector machine. 134688985 (drug name: Hyoscyamine sulfate), which has
three drug function; Cardiovascular (C), Central Nervous
In drug development, biological properties may use to System (CNS), and Respiratory (R).Abbreviations and
identify function of a drug. These properties (transporter, Acronyms
target, carrier, and enzyme) are widely used in drug discovery.

Table I: Example of multiple drug function for a drug.

PubChem CID C CNS Dermatological Urological …… R
134688985 1 1 0 0 0 1

Hence, the multi-label identification task is essential to identify multiple drug function based on the biological properties of
drug. The aim of the multi-label identification of drug function is to assign multiple labels (drug function) for a drug Drug k, which
input is related to a collection of drug features (X), and output is a set of possible Drug_Function.

Fig. 1. Multi-label drug functions representation.

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
A. Dataset Description results. So, a method named MLSMOTE has been taken.
In the proposed work, the drugs' biological information MLSMOTE algorithm assumes that a multi-label dataset may
are used to identify drug function. The detailed description of have one or more minority labels. In MLSMOTE, first, select
the biological information and drug function are given below- the minority labels. Once a sample is selected which is belongs
to minority labels, the MLSMOTE finds its nearest neighbor.
 Drug Function After that, a set of synthetic sample features is generated by
Drug function is the adeptness of a specific drug interpolation method.
(bioinformatics substance) to treat the targeted bodily part.
These biochemical substances have been utilized to diagnose,
cure, prevent or treat an ailment of any living tissue, which are
the essential matters of the drug function. The drug function
dataset contains a drug function with its corresponding
PubChem CID extracted from PubChem [22]. Although
PubChem consists of 20 high-level drug function, 12 drug
function have been taken in this paper, described previously in
Meyer et al. Drug function are represented with a well-ordered
list of binary numbers 1 and 0 to indicate the presence and
absence of drug function.

 Biological Properties
Biological properties are also crucial in silico
experiments to drug discovery and development. In this work,
transporter, target, carrier, and enzyme are used to classify
drug function. The popular drug information database
DrugBank [23] is used to retrieve the biological information.
After mapping the drug biological properties with the drug Fig. 3. Frequency of class distribution on protein dataset.
function, it contains 1108 drugs corresponding to 12 drug
functions. C. Proposed Methodology
For identifying drug functions, the input is related to
The dataset with biological properties and drug function biological features, and the output is the drug functions of a
has been illustrated in Fig. 2, Where Functionn is the total particular drug. One drug may have more than one drug
amount of drug function (n=12) and transporter, target, carrier, function, so it belongs to the Multi-label task. A framework
and enzyme are the properties of drugs. for the proposed methodology has been represented
diagrammatically in Fig. 4. In the proposed methodology. For
solving multi-label drug function identification task, a multi-
label supported LSTM approach is proposed. Finally,
MLLSTM classification algorithm performance is evaluated
using different performance measures such as ROC-AUC,
precision, hamming-loss, accuracy, recall, and f1 score.

Fig. 2. Dataset preparation for the drug function


B. MLSMOTE for Handling Class Imbalance

The popular and frequent problem in the Multi-label
classification approach is unequal class distribution. When the
number of class are not equal, class imbalance occurs in the
dataset. The dataset with the frequency of class distribution has
been illustrated in Fig. 3. In Multi-label classification learning,
a dataset that has a class imbalance problem is a real-world
obstacle complex problem that can cause result degradation.
Dealing with this type of data is very important to get optimal Fig 4: Work flow of identifying drug functions from
biological properties.

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. PRAMETER VALUES FOR CLASSIFICATION observed that the performance of the MLLSTM does not
MODELS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS improve as the number of hidden layer is increases. The
MLLSTM model performs well on one hidden layer with 64
A. Parameter Values for MLLSTM Model unit, and it achieved the highest accuracy. The performance of
A Multi-Label LSTM framework have been proposed to distinct units on each layer is shown in Table II. In the input
solve the multi-label drug function identification task. The layer return_sequence set to True, Adam is used as optimizer
proposed MLLSTM framework has been implemented in with binary_crossentropy as a loss function. The epoch is set
google colab using Python language (3.7.13 version). Keras to 10 and threshold is set to 0.5. If the probability of output is
and TensorFlow, with the help of sequential API is used to greater than 0.5, then the class label is assigned for that test
build the proposed model. The outcome of the MLLSTM sample; otherwise not. Learning rate 0.001 and tanh activation
framework is varied by the different number of hidden layer function is used for hidden layer, and sigmoid recurrent
and units in each layer. The MLLSTM obtained better activation is set for output layer. The output layer neuron is set
accuracy when the unit of the input layer was set to 16 and an equal number of labels (12 drug functions) and other
dropout 0.2 after that input and hidden layer. Further, it is parameters are set as default.

Input, Hidden Layer Sizes Accuracy Precision Recall F1 Score ROC-AUC Hamming-Loss
16, 16 94.40 % 90.71% 87.34% 89% 97.59% 5.59%
16, 32 94.30% 91.88% 85.52% 85.55% 97.75% 5.66%
16, 64 95.80% 92.05% 91.11% 91.60% 98.15% 4.23%
32, 32 92.20% 91.70% 76.14% 83.20% 97.70% 7.82%
32, 64 90.40% 91.04% 69.28% 78.69% 97.46% 9.64%
Table II: Results of the MLLSTM approach on biological properties to identify drug functions.

B. Results
The outcomes of the experiment to identify drug function
have been discussed in this section. The biological properties
(transporter, target, carrier, and enzyme) were utilized to
determine the drug function by employing a multi-label LSTM
framework. The performance of the MLLSTM framework on
biological properties has been presented in Table II.

It can be observed from Table II that the performance of

the MLLSTM with input layer unit 16 and hidden layer unit
64 is comparatively better than the other hidden input layer
unit. The MLLSTM model achieved the highest accuracy of
95.80%, precision score of 92.05%, recall value of 91.11%, F1
score of 91.60%, ROC-AUC score of 98.15%, and hamming-
loss of 4.23%. The ROC-AUC score of the different hidden
units of MLLSTM is of the proposed framework shown in Fig. Fig. 6. ROC curve of MLLSTM classifier on biological
5, Fig. 6, Fig. 7, Fig. 8, and Fig. 9. properties for input and hidden layer unit 16 and 32

FIG. 5. ROC CURVE OF MLLSTM CLASSIFIER ON BIOLOGICAL Fig. 7. ROC curve of MLLSTM classifier on biological
PROPERTIES FOR INPUT AND HIDDEN LAYER UNIT 16 AND 16 properties for input and hidden layer unit 16 and 64
RESPECTIVELY. respectively.

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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