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Five years ago, Nyla stole two million dollars from me and disappeared.
Now she’s resurfaced, and I’m determined to settle her debt…one way or another.
Hiking in the mountains in my underwear while being hunted by hitmen wasn’t something I thought we’d be doing when I woke up this morning, yet here we are.
If we can settle our issues and work together, we just might make it out alive—if we don’t kill each other first.

I conned the con five years ago, but he took something I wasn’t prepared to leave behind—my heart.
Now I’m stranded in the wilderness with the one person who has every reason to hate me, and we have no choice but to work together, or we’re dead.
It turns out surviving the elements and the men who are searching for us is the easy part.
The hard part is being close to Dagen, coming clean, and looking him in the eye. Those same eyes I see every time I look at the daughter he doesn’t know we have.

* Wild Saint is the third book in the Vicious Empire dark romance family saga series.

356 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 1, 2022

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About the author

Luna Kayne

20 books160 followers
Follow Luna on BookBub for the latest on sales and new releases: bookbub.com/profile/luna-kayne

Luna Kayne is a multi-genre romance author located in Canada. She writes dark romantic suspense with a hint of humor and a heaping dose of angst. Her men are dominant and often stubborn, and her women are often underestimated.

Luna is the pen name of author Sheri Landry who writes non-romance. She enjoys gardening, dislikes long winters, and she doesn’t understand how commas work (thankfully, her editor does).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews
Profile Image for Brittany.
434 reviews37 followers
October 31, 2022

“Because you hold everything I am in your hands. I will topple worlds to protect you, or I will die trying, and that is both terrifying and liberating all at once.”

This is the third book in the Vicious Empire series and I’m obsessed with this series. I couldn’t put this book down. This series keeps getting better and better.

The book starts of where the last one left off Dagen going to Alaska to settle the debt Nyla owns him and get back something vital she took that he needs. Dagen has not stop thinking about Nyla for the last five years ever since she conned him in the desert. When they finally meet again neither of them thought their plane goes down in the wilderness all while trying not to get kill by hitmen. These two have had intense chemistry the first time they meet and it hasn’t gone away in the last five years. So now they have depend on each other to stay alive and get out of this mess their in. Their connection and chemistry only grows more while they are in the wilderness.
I enjoyed that the longer their together the more they open up to each other and she finally time him the secret she been hiding for the last 5 years, that they have a daughter. They definitely didn’t disappoint in the spice department. The forest and car scene were so hot. This book has a bit of everything drama, adventure, secrets, romance, tension, and a twist you don’t see coming.

I can’t wait for the last book in the series.

I would recommend if you like:
🖤Dark romance
♥️Romantic Suspense
🖤One Night Stand
♥️Forced Proximity
🖤Steamy scenes 🔥

Thank you Candi Kane PR for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Katie Murphy.
665 reviews70 followers
October 19, 2022
To say I am speechless is and understatement. AND THAT GOD DAMN CLIFFHANGER😫 I had my theories about Elia’s heir but OH MY GOD..

Right I’m getting off track. I was very very excited going into this book. This entire series is addicting, like I was hooked from Cruel Saint but as the books go on this series just gets better and better and key questions are answered!

This book follows Nyla & Dagen and this couple did not disappoint. They first met 5 years ago when Nyla was sent on a job to intercept Dagen. She could of easily been in and out but she of course wanted more, and when she was finished she left him tied to a tree #badass😂 5 years later Dagen tracks down Nyla as she has a vital piece of information that everyone wants to get their hands on.

The chemistry of this couple is just explosive, even after 5 years of not seeing each other it is clear that they pined for each other. The tension in the early chapters and the SPICE was absolutely perfect. And may I say Dagen swooned so hard for his woman, like his brothers Ryder & Cole before him he met his match. Damn where can I find a Saint brother🫶🏼

I am absolutely in love with this series and I will praise it to the high heavens. The romance of each couple in the books is beautiful and but I love how it connects with the overall plot that started in book 1.

Finally, I need to mention it again.. THAT CLIFFHANGER. I knew since reading book 1 that the couple whose book I wanted the most would be Lennox and Sloane, and book 3 really set up for what will be a crazy ride. Their book is a NEED, please GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE.

Crime family✔️
Murder Mystery ✔️
Suspense/Plot Twists✔️
Possessive MMC✔️

Thank you to the author for providing this Arc for my honest review
Profile Image for Miakoda.
99 reviews1 follower
October 24, 2022
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This- I've been addicted to this series since book one but WOWWWW... I never thought it would grow to this point. If you thought that book one and two were a tailspin? This one sent me on rollercoaster around the world. My mouth practically hung open for so many parts.

Book three covers, Dagen heading on a mission to Alaska to find not only an old one night stand to save his family but to collect on the debt that this lady owes. Nyla is a quick witted fire demon similar to Harlow but is strong all around for the sheer fact she wants to make it back to her daughter. Nyla after besting Dagen at his own job of being a Finder and ending with their child she never expected to see Dagen again. However they are brought back together with her on one more mission and Dagen seeking vengeance. This quickly goes up in flames, figuratively and literally as they grapple to amend from the past and fight to protect themselves and their future.

In any event, the moment I finished book two I was desperately searching for book three. I am genuinely in love with the series. Not only because of how well the plot is executed but at the relationship between the brothers. It's so satisfying watching the story go from a mix matched puzzle with no image to a gorgeous little 1000 piece puzzle. Each book has its quirks surrounding the main couples and I love it.

The book is so phenomenally written I can't help but want more. Luna Kayne has a way with words, and relationships. 😩 I mean seriously the more we go on, my list of book boy friends keeps growing. I've laughed, I mean head back, hand across my abdomen cackled at the banter. I've swooned, like finger biting smirks at the love and chemistry between Dagen and Nyla. Gosh this book really made me so ecstatic I didn't want it to end. When I saw the end of the last chapter I almost burst into tears.

Luna Kayne has a talent, and I'd love to see more of her work, not only book 4 of the Vicious Empire Series. Each book has you at the edge of your seat, reading, and feeling immersed in the world of the Saint boys and their lovers. There are even small details and hints that warm my heart as readers that make the experience all the better.

Another amazing work. ❤
143 reviews1 follower
November 1, 2022
I thought "Brutal Saint" was a wonderful book. Luna didn't disappoint me! She delivered another wonderful Book, Wild Saint (Book #3). This book is Dagen and Nyla love story and what a story it is! We were introduced to Dagen Saint, one of the Saint boys, in the previous books, but was just introduced to Nyla Jensen briefly in the prior book, Brutal Saint, by Dagen.

This book has two wonderful main characters, Dagen and Nyle, both Finders, stubborn or as some people say strong willed, experts in their profession, strong leaders, and extremely competitive. In the previous book, Brutal Saint, Dagen told us Nyle stole from humans she was his. Dagen is definitely your dominant, possessive, alpha male who underestimates Nyla the smart, talented woman.

When they met 5 years ago it was explosive and now when Dagen and Nyla are at the same event and run into each other up, the tension is extremely high and their sexual chemistry is mind blowing. What do I mean "mind blowing" and what happens? Don't darn say to much so suggest you grab a copy, because you won't want to miss this one!.

The book will keep you guessing and on your toes when every action occurs and unpredictable turns happenings occurred, extremely entertaining, action-packed, mystery, trust and love grows and steamy romance. More of the outstanding questions are answered but more questions are added. I loved this book and I am addicted to the series so I want more. I can hardly wait to see what happens with next.

I received a free copy of this book for an honest review. I would recommend this book to anybody who enjoys Dark Romance Suspense, Mafia Romance and Thriller Romance books. This book is easy to read, a page-turner, very entertaining with humor thrown in so grab yourself a copy, find a quiet place to read, then have yourself a great read!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
810 reviews47 followers
October 24, 2022
Nayla and Degan! I really enjoyed seeing the banter and reactions they have to each other. It starts off with Nayla getting the better of Degan and when they reunite years later, they must contend with someone out to get them. Nayla is sassy, smart, and a survivalist. She teaches Degan a lot while they are out in the wild trying to escape their pursuers. Yet she also has a vulnerability to her when she has someone she is living for. Her ties to other characters is also a shock factor. Degan himself is observant and resourceful, connecting dots easily and able to jump into action. He has a domineering side but also a charming, humorous and somewhat teddy bear side. The two of these together make a great couple. Along with that we have an overarching plot that started in Book 1, so it would be best to start there if you are new to the series for full enjoyment and understanding all the connections with the characters up until this point. The suspense was perfect and led to unexpected turns and twists. While there is a resolution in this story, there is also a cliff that will lead into the final book, and I cannot wait!
Profile Image for Brandi-Lynn Weiser.
1,529 reviews50 followers
October 30, 2022
Book 3- Wild Saint, picks up from book 2- Brutal Saint. Book 3 is Dagen and Nyla’s story.
Dagen recognized the woman on the security camera from the storage unit as the woman from 5 years prior. And she’s carrying a very important file that he and his brothers need. She’s also the woman who left Dagen handcuffed and pants less to a tree in the desert and stole a couple million from him (go girl!!). And he’s been looking for her ever since. Turns out she’s also been hiding a very important secret from Dagen!
Book 3 was so good! And as more layers to this story gets revealed I know it’s only leading to one hell of a explosive finale!!! I thought I had some ideas on the heir, and for a very brief moment in book 2 I considered a certain someone, but quickly wrote them off. Turns out I should’ve stuck with that feeling! I definitely can’t wait for book 4! I’ve been itching for Lennox and Sloan story since book 1 and can’t wait! I know book 4 is going on be the best and it’s going to be a crazy and wild ride!
Profile Image for Keza Campbell.
578 reviews5 followers
October 25, 2022
Dagen and Nyla's Story was way more than I expected.
It sure was WILD.

After conning the con Nyla never expected to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with her daughter's father.
What's worse is the child he doesn’t know about.
Dangerous people are chasing them and they won't stop Nyla soon realise she made the wrong assumptions about Dagen.

Dagen never expected to see Nyla again but he never forgot the woman who left him handcuffed naked in the desert 5 years ago. Now they have to work together to make back home in one piece. Then Nyla tells him about their daughter.
He will protect what his at all costs.

I have loved this series from the beginning. This book bumped my love for them up a notch or two. It was sweet, it was suspenseful, it was sexy, it was entertaining.
I just couldn't eat those words up fast enough. That bloody mic drop at the end with this mysterious "microfiche" HOLY HECK!!

I cannot wait for Sloane and Lennox's Book. Not just for some answers but My word I fell like I have been waiting for the hotness of those two FOREVERRRRR.

ARC Review.
Profile Image for GKP2460 .
2,622 reviews53 followers
October 26, 2022
This series just keeps getting better and better with every single book! Yeah, I know I say that with every one but it's true. Though they end on cliffhangers (yeah, those dreaded things) this author is brilliant at setting it up for the next book in the series.
Dagen Saint and Nyla Jensen are absolutely perfect together. The chemistry between them is explosive and just the relationship as a whole is freakin fantastic. She's a stong fmc and he's every bit the possessive, domineering mmc and he definitely has his hands full with her. This book has it's tense moments but also humor and keeps you fully engaged from beginning to end. This author brings her characters to life on the pages and they pull you right along for their journey.
Profile Image for Elle.
87 reviews22 followers
November 1, 2022
Wild saint by luna kayne
*vicious empire ( book 3)

Rating: 4⭐️
Date finished: Nov 1,2022

*badass fmc : check , protective hero : check , plus secret baby trope.
*i really wanted to see dagen meet his daughter ( hopefully i will on the next book)
*i really loved them together.
*i loved how they communicated, they had so much chemistry.
*cant wait for the next book.

* no cheating
* No ow/om drama
* No third act breakup
* cliffhanger

Thanks to the author and @candikanepr for the arc in exchange for an honest review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Karin.
2,172 reviews
November 4, 2022
Dagen and Nylas story didn’t disappoint. He has spent a lot of time trying to find Nyla after she slipped away from him but now that she’s back in his orbit not willingly he’s determined to find out every secret she has that has her in the position she’s in and make sure she’s never disappears again
Profile Image for Blair Caron.
171 reviews1 follower
November 9, 2022
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

THIS.BOOK!!! Left me screaming at my kindle!
I have no words, that was the biggest rollercoaster of emotions I have EVER been on!
This was the third installment of the Vicious Empire series, and the story just keeps getting better, thrilling, intriguing, downright spicy!! These brothers have a hold on my heart forever.

This book followed Dagen and Nyla, it was a story filled with betrayal, secrets, deception, second chances and love. It was beautifully written (just as the previous 2 books), and it just filled in so many more blanks while still leaving you with questions!

I cannot wait for the final installment of this series!
Profile Image for Brooke (darkcoffeedarkerreads).
207 reviews16 followers
February 16, 2023
5⭐️ 4🌶️

“I’ve searched for her for five years to claim my retribution and I will. But first we need to get out of this alive, and for that, temporary trust needs to be put in place. If we don’t work together, then we are both as good as dead.”

WOW. I keep saying I need a Saint brother in my life but they just KEEP. GETTING. BETTER. I’m utterly obsessed with this series and Luna Kayne’s writing. I was on the edge of my seat with suspense, tearing up with the warm and fuzzies, and entranced with lust the entire book. From start to finish, I was hooked by Dagen and Nyla’s story.

I listened to this on audible, as I did the first two, and I’m not sure how Luna is pulling it off but she’s knocked it out of the park yet again with her choice in narrators. Each book/couple has gotten their very own voicing and each has so perfectly matched the characters’ personalities. Lance Greenfield and Rose Dioro were absolutely incredible here and I could feel every emotion so vividly through their rendition.

“Because you hold everything I am in your hands. I will topple worlds to protect you, or I will die trying, and that is both terrifying and liberating all at once.”

Nyla and Dagen’s story was such an incredible play on enemies-to-lovers second chance romance and I love that we also got thrown some forced proximity and a secret baby to really keep us on our toes. Bested by her the first time around, Dagen swears to get the upper hand this time…although I think in the end, it’s Nyla that bested Dagen once again and has him wrapped right around her finger, though truly the feeling seems mutual. Nyla was so smart, strong, and fierce and I loved how quickly she could think on her feet and how well she showed off her survival skills. And Dagen…yes, PLEASE. He was so protective of Nyla while still allowing her to show off her strength and support her rather than placating or trying to dominate. I loved his recognition of how she was crucial to their survival and that he never once questioned her once they established they’d be working together and how he gave her a chance to explain herself whenever there was a chance for miscommunication to sneak in.

I loved this book from start to finish and was utterly entranced from page one to the final word which left us in a cliffhanging stunner. While a ton of the excitement came from watching Luna and Dagen make it back to civilization, once they resurfaced, things got even crazier and the answers we’ve been craving (and some we didn’t even know we needed) were flying at us at warp speed. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out in the final installment and I’m SO looking forward to (and shamelessly begging for) some family reunion time to finish this series out.
February 13, 2023
5 ⭐️ 4🌶️ 5🎧

- M/F
- One night stand
- Rivals to lovers
- Second chance
- Secret baby

Luna does it again! This book was fantastic and had me on the edge of my seat the whole book! I was incredibly frustrated anytime real life distracted me from this book.

Dagen is on the hunt for Nyla, who he knows as Sierra, the woman to beat him at his own game 5 years ago leaving him handcuffed to a tree, stranded, and missing a $2M payday. He’s been on the look for her ever since and is surprised when she takes off with a vital piece of information needed to win the war brewing. The two of them are stranded in the wilds of Alaska where they need to rely on each other to survive. Despite their history, they still feel an intense attraction to each other even after all this time. But Nyla is keeping more than one secret from Dagen that will change their lives forever.

I loved Dagen! I’ve been waiting for his story after hearing about the woman who got away and I was not disappointed. He was everything I could have hoped for and more. He was determined, fierce, and dominant while not being afraid to defer to Nyla when her expertise was greater than his own. He had an absolutely filthy mouth and his punishments for Nyla were incredibly hot.

Nyla was such a badass! She was so smart and resourceful. She definitely neded Dagen’s help to escape the trap in Alaska but he would not have survived the wilderness without her. She was also hilarious! Her incorrect idioms and stories about Poisonous Canadian Maple Spiders has me cracking up. I admired the tough decisions she has to make to protect her family from the dangers of her job and from the Saints based on the information she had. She was such a caring and selfless person despite the emotional walls she had built over the years. I absolutely loved her and Dagen together.

I listened to the audiobook and once again the narrators were amazing! Rose Dioro and and Lance Greenfield did such a fantastic job of bringing Nyla and Dagen to life. I can’t believe how much I have loved each set of narrators for this series.
Profile Image for Kay Daniels (Kay Daniels Romance).
1,804 reviews59 followers
October 28, 2022
Each book in this series just gets better and better!! I'm so blown away with how each book in the Vicious Empire has given me pieces of the overall puzzle which has then lead me masterfully to the next bread crumb without giving too much away. Not only has it kept me interested, but it's kept me on the edge of my seat and completely captivated! Plus, the romance has been brilliant!

From the very beginning of Wild Saint, this book was non-stop action. Dagen and Nyla barely had a moment to catch their breaths while they were trying to survive in the wilderness after a plane crash and on the run from hitmen. This book has it all!! Action, adventure, chemistry, heat, intrigue, and second chances. It was like stepping into a romantic-adventure movie. 

Their story, while full of adventure, is also sweet with the knowledge of the daughter they share between them. I won't say much, because it should be enjoyed as a reader, but with each book it's easy to see that family is important between these brothers and as each man has fallen in love it's wonderful to see how easily they open their hearts to those they hold close. That is what I found sweet with Dagen and Nyla in those tender moments and appreciated in those few down times between all of the action that happened in this story.

While this book did spend more time away from the other Saint brothers than the previous two, mainly due to secluded time in the wilderness, the driving plot that has carried over from the beginning is still there and will continue into the fourth book.  This is a series and should be read in order for the best reading enjoyment. The pinnacle is coming and I can hardly wait for the next book so it will all to come together. 
Profile Image for Adna.
349 reviews33 followers
October 31, 2022
📖 𝕖𝔸ℝℂ ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨 📖

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
𝙏𝙞𝙩𝙡𝙚: 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘚𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵
𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧: 𝘓𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘒𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘙𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦
𝙋𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙨: 356
𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙚: 🌶🌶🌶/5
𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙜: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘴 - 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘠𝘰𝘶
· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

*** Thank you to the author @lunakayne and 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘴 for giving me a change to read this book.***


"𝘕𝘺𝘭𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦. 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩. 𝘞𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘐'𝘮 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺."

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩:
✔️ Posessive MMC
✔️ Mafia
✔️ Family Saga
✔️ Dominance
✔️ Punishment Elements
✔️ Steamy Explicit Sex Scenes
✔️ Cat & Mouse
✔️ Captured
✔️ Protector
✔️ One Night Stand
✔️ Forced Rroximity

𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙎𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙩 is the third book in the 𝘝𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 dark romance family saga series. Each book that I read in this series is just even better tham the last. I don't know how you do it Luna. I never wanna see this series end, but at the same time I need all the answeres. So yeah, tough choice!!

This book, as well as this whole series to be honest, will keep you on your toes and keep you guessing what will happen next. And don't think for a second that you have it all figured out, because the moment you think you do there is a new curveball thrown at you and you will be saying WTF!!!

"𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴. 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘰𝘳 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦."

I recommend this book, and this whole series, to my fellow crazy dark romance mafia lover babes. Do yourself a favor and get this whole series because every book is just amazing.

𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘥𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸 𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘭𝘺.
5,210 reviews25 followers
October 30, 2022
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Wow "Wild Saint: Vicious Empire: Book 3" is absolutely fantastic like book one and two if not better, Luna Kayne has really delivered the Vicious Empire to a Te and the characters were sensational. With all the action, suspense, danger, violence, murder, trauma, blood, killings, kidnapping, enemies, anger, struggles, fear, frustration, secrets, memories, games, manipulation, dominants, submissive, pain, pleasure, lust, passion, rough, raw, intense, sexual, sizzling heat and family and maybe even love. This story is about Dagen and Nyla, Dagen is the second son and is close to his three brothers. When their father was head of the family Dagen moved away setting up a company, so when their father retired Dagen went back home to help the brothers, things started happening and people were talking, so now the brothers are busy trying to find out what is the father doing. Nyla has been given a job so when she turned up their just happened to be lots more people turned up to do the same job, Dagen just happened to be there aswell as other people. Nyla and Dagen have had dealings with each other but things don't seem right to Nyla and then Dagen got information of a hit that was just put on them both, so he ran over to her to protect her with his own body as there was a blast. They both jumped into a car to get to the aircraft to take off before they are gunned down. Nyla has too many secrets hidden from Dagen she likes him but can they get along to survive the hit that has been put on them.
Profile Image for BooksToTheGrave.
133 reviews9 followers
November 1, 2022
I enjoyed reading the previous books, but I loved this one! Maybe it's because they were in the wild. I don't know! This is my favorite so far and I can't wait to read about Lennox and Sloane. To finally learn about Lennox, the mystery brother.

We have Dagen Saint in search of a colleague, who happens to be one he can't forget. I don't want to say more so I won't spoil the fun. Nyla Jensen has something he wants, an object. And a debt to settle for that night they spent together…

They are entertaining, awkward, and cute together. I loved reading about them. We get to know more about Dagen, as we do about every Saint brother with each book, and he's my favorite brother so far. If it continues like this I will absolutely love Lennox! They get better with every book and I'm loving reading this series.

Nyla lets us know bits of her during the book and we can see how strong she is. Her life was difficult but gave her blessings. If I was already loving the story, the plot twist near the end was genius and made me love it even more.

I know it isn't fair to this book to say that I can't wait for the next one, but it's the truth. I loved it so much that I read it all and want more. Which happens to be the next book… It won't be just about Lennox and Sloane because it's the continuation of Dagen and Nyla. And we will finally know if all of them can rest and be happy, without the plots behind their backs and people trying to kill them.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
1,139 reviews8 followers
November 1, 2022
This series has captivated me right from the beginning and I am slowly become addicted with Luna Kayne's books. They are so well written that you feel like you are on the adventure with them trying to solve the mystery and falling in love. We are on book four of the Vicious Empire series and this is Dagen and Nyla's story. 5 years ago, she stole something from him and when she ends up in the brother's path for the truth about the Heir, he is determined to get her back for stealing from him. This is a fast-paced story, and we definitely get started right away. When the two of them end up on a hit list they only have each other to get themselves to safety. What a wild adventure they have as they make their way through the Canadian wilderness. The more time these two spend together the more undeniable their connection is, and they both want more but first Nyla has to tell him a secret she has been keeping. This series is fantastic, and I love how all the stories are intertwining to get us to the truths while still giving us a different story for each couple. As more secrets and truths are found other twists take place and keep us guessing. Then Bam we are hit with a truth right as the story ends. I can't wait for Lennox's story so we can see how everything wraps up and how he will also get his HEA. I was given this book as an ARC for my honest review.
Profile Image for HaleyJo.
269 reviews5 followers
October 28, 2022
Hopeless addicted to the Saints!

Dagen and Nyla have a history. However brief that history was, it left its mark in more ways than one! Although years have passed, their memory of each other stands in the forefront of their minds for very different reasons. Once their paths cross again, there is much to uncover. Their connection is so pure and raw you can feel it jump off the pages. As their situation becomes dependent upon them leaning on one and another, the ease at which they find themselves opening up to each other is extremely heartwarming. And their daughter's name...that is so fantastic!

As Dagen and Nyla fight for survival, the plot in this third book of the series continues to unravel all the deep rooted secrets and bizarre connections that you never see coming. These characters are so intertwined and so intensely passionate, they make you crave to be one of them. To be a part of their world, and part of their family. 

Where there's a Saint, there's a sinner lurking not far in the distance ready to strike. This family does not hesitate to strike back to protect, at all costs, what is theirs. 
Profile Image for No Book Behind.
513 reviews19 followers
November 1, 2022
⭑Arc Review⭑

Fast paced, action-packed survival mode, dangerous and savage turn of events, constant uncertainty of tomorrow. And the cliffhanger at the end… I didn’t suspect that one to be the lost heir… and that, on top of already read three fantastic books, makes me more eager, impatient and excited for the last instalment in the series.

Wild Saint is Dagen, second eldest brother, and Nyla’s book. They are both Finders, great at their profession, strong leaders, resourceful and stubborn. Suddenly reunited after 5 years, where she left him handcuffed to the tree in the desert. Nyla is carrying an extremely important file that not only Dagen and his brothers are trying to get their hands on. Having a target on their backs, hunted by the hitman after a plane crash in the middle of nowhere in Canada, Dagen and Nyla need to join forces to survive, return from the wild, and finally uncover all the answers. What meant to be vengeance for Dagen for all Nyla’s wrongs, quickly and unexpectedly became a walk to know each other, secrets and discovering a massive life change. Neutral relationships in no time become sth more, deeper, passionate and steamy. Just like they say: old flame never goes out - and the second chance for those two is exactly what they need.

I loved their both strong personalities, how well they worked together, partnership and equality. Their constant banter, witty returns, humour and sarcasm - all to add up a more interesting and captivating aspect to their story. With all the suspense and angst, deception, lies and secrets around, this book was addictive and left me hanging out for the conclusion with the final instalment.
Profile Image for Katelynn.
794 reviews21 followers
October 31, 2022
Wild Saint is the thrilling continuation of the Saint Brothers this time focusing on Dagen. Five years prior he met and had a steamy encounter with Nyla which changed their lives forever. Nyla is in possession of sensitive information that could tip the scales in a powerful families ruling succession. Many people know she has evidence of this secret and will kill for it, so they are stuck in the wild together after an attempt on their lives. This trip bring up many secrets and soul melding opportunities. Without giving away any spoilers we do learn more secrets in this book, so they aren't dragged out without resolution forever. Nyla is impressive in her survival skills and is one fierce woman armed with determination. Meanwhile Dagen is impressive in how he reacts to Nyla. The reader can tell this is a man that loves this woman and will protect her in every way possible. All this leads up to the book I've been most excited for which is Lennox's story. I can't wait for this release!
2,291 reviews18 followers
October 30, 2022
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of "WILD SAINT" VICIOUS EMPIRE series is absolutely a must read full of suspense, intrigue, deceit, secrets, lies, betrayal, steam, danger, mystery, murder, twists questions answered, each story just gets better & better such an addicting read.
Dagen Saint & Nyla Jensen take you on quite the adventure through the mountains being chased by hitmen, secrets she keeping from him, 5yrs ago he broke her heart & gave her a beautiful surprise he knows nothing about.
I definitely recommend to get this phenominally written story the chemistry between Dagen & Nyla is explosive she's his match in every way, what will happen when he finds out her secret she's been keeping from him for so long.
I'm so looking forward to the next book in this awesome series "SAVAGE SAINT" especially after that shocking cliffhanger I need "Lennox & Sloane's" story ASAP to see what's going to happen.
Profile Image for Michelle.
490 reviews6 followers
November 3, 2022
Oh my gosh!!!! The last two words in this book have me shocked 😲! Dagen and Nyla go through quite the adventure in this book. The tension between them through the first third of the book makes the payoff that much greater! Nyla is a very strong woman and is a great match for Dagen. When Dagen was taking that quiz and his reaction to the results! 😂 The action, twists, sexy times, the love between both Dagen and Nyla and the love and respect between the Saint brothers makes this a great page-turner and I can't wait to see what Luna has in store for us. I know this was Dagen's book but this is when I fell in love with Lennox. I knew from when he was first introduced in book one he would become my favorite Saint and he has. After everything he's been through and done for his family I really hope he gets his hea with Sloane. I need book 4 asap!!

"you hold everything, I am in your hands." 🥰

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Eugenia M.
179 reviews3 followers
March 16, 2023
one was about the second eldest Saint brother, Dagen and Nyla story.

I love Nyla she strong and she independent even though wants Dagen she knows she doesn’t need him and he knows it too. She has a huge secret that she is keeping and it is fun to see how that plays out.

Dagen is completely out of his element in this one. I love how it plays off the ending of the previous with Dagen leaving the Cole’s cabin because it didn’t have enough of the luxury elements he needs. He is thrown into the wild. I love seeing him try to adapt to it.

And the ending!!! I can’t wait for the next one. I need to know. I was surprised by the ending. Last one up is Lennox and I am so excited to find out his story.

I had the opportunity to listen to the audiobook and the narrators are amazing and i recommend you listen to it. They brought the book to life. I love dual narrators for dual povs and this one is amazing.
Profile Image for Liz.
1,360 reviews12 followers
October 29, 2022
When Dagen first met Nyla he ended up handcuffed to a tree, stripped naked and down $2,000.000. Five years on their second encounter sees them running for their lives with a contract on their heads. Now all they have to do is work together long enough to evade the hitmen on their tail without killing each other.

This is a series that just keeps getting better and better with each new release. Nyla and Dagen’s story is so good. With the majority of Wild Saint featuring only these two characters and their fight for survival I feel like I really got to know them and see their relationship develop. With some major shocks and surprises this book has well and truly set the scene for what I know will be a truly epic finale with Lennox and Sloane’s story. I’ve got to add though I can’t be the only reader hoping for a book for Creed
Profile Image for Alicia.
1,211 reviews16 followers
October 30, 2023
That last reveal was so good!

I loved Dagen and Nyla's story. There is a lot of action and mystery as they try to make their way out of the wilderness. Not to mention the two big reveals we got in this book! The last one left my jaw on the floor.

Five years ago, Dagen met a woman who captured his attention. They were both there on a job, his job was to locate a piece of information, and her was to steal it from him. But not before spending a little time together that resulted in him being left handcuffed to a tree.

He's searched for her off and on for the last five years with no results. Now, on another job, he senses something is off, and when he sees Nyla also walking away, he seizes the opportunity and grabs her too.

Now, realizing that they are both in danger, they stick together, learning about each other and noticing that the spark is still their.
Profile Image for Ms Cat's World.
991 reviews10 followers
November 3, 2022
Survivalists Connected

Nyla and Dagen, both Finders, ghosts specializing in finding things contracted to be found. Having their own history that left her a single mother until years later when she is contracted to find a certain microfiche.

In turn, lands them both on a hit list and scrambling through the Northern Canadian wilderness to survive while being hunted.

Enjoyed their connection on so many levels 💕

Secrets surrounding the Saint brothers' father continue to unfold and lead into the pinnacle of what everyone is searching for 😳 Who is the heir? I guessed right but have loved the the Saints' storylines as they have unfolded.

Next up? Lennox and retribution 💋
Profile Image for Sophie Ruthven.
2,020 reviews137 followers
November 8, 2022
Ok so this was my favourite book of the series so far, so therefore deserved all the stars, but I hope the author plans to do some bonus scenes in the future as there was one thing I couldn't wait to witness.
But it didn't make it any less of a fantastic book that had so much packed into it.
I honestly didn't see most of those twists coming.
Most of the secrets seem to be out now, but for some reason I have a feeling the author will come up with a tonne more before the series ends.
Because of what unfolds between the pages of this amazing book I'm going to leave my review here so it can be experienced first hand, as it needs to be read to be believed.
Profile Image for Dawn's Diary.
139 reviews8 followers
November 16, 2022

This is the third book in the Vicious Empire Family Saga and it keeps getting better.

Dagen and Nyla are acquainted. They first met while Dagen was on the job five years ago, and they had a lovely night together. That is, until Nyla vanished with Dagen's two million dollars and Dagen awoke handcuffed to a tree. This book picks off where the last one left off, with Dagen traveling to Alaska to meet with Nyla and settle the debt while also obtaining a necessary item. Prior to her retirement, Nyla is in Alaska for one more assignment. Dagen believes it will be simple to get what he wants and seek vengeance. Nyla quickly learns what her true task entails, and Dagen rescues her to safety, or so he believes.

Nyla and Dagen are forced to work together to survive the wilderness after his plane crashes. As they spend time together, they come to know one another and their chemistry develops. What at first was a desire for vengeance develops into something more.

It was a fantastic book. I really like the survival component of the novel, and I liked how it took them approximately half the book to discover civilization. This encouraged them to get to know one another, discover new things, and develop a tighter relationship. The more time they spent in the forest together, the more they opened up to one another and were at ease with being vulnerable. As a result, Nyla was able to talk about the daughter they share, a secret she had been keeping for the previous five years. I adored Dagen's response to learning that he had a daughter. It was beautiful.

I enjoyed seeing Lennox as well. At first, I was a little sad that Cole and Ryder weren't featured more in this book. However, as time went on, I came to value seeing and getting to know Lennox even more. Since they are the eldest and used to be close, it only makes sense that this book also focuses on mending the bond between Dagen and Lennox before Lennox’s book.

Overall, really enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the last book.

Thank you Candi Kane PR for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Clayr Catherall.
1,411 reviews90 followers
November 1, 2022
My favourite book in the series so far.

If you enjoyed the first two books in this series, you are in for treat with Wild Saint.

I devoured this book in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down! It was non stop danger, suspense and action. It had me flipping page after page.

Dagen and Nyle encountered each other years previous to this book. Dagen has spent all of his time after that trying to find her. Which hasn’t been an easy task.

Now that he has her in his sights, what will he do?

This couple may not trust each other, but their lives may depend on them working together….
Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews

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