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Farmer Advisory Committee Expectations/FAQ/Benefits
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Michigan CSA Network - Farmer Advisory Committee FAQ Document

What is the MI CSA Network Farmer Advisory Committee (FAC)?

The FAC exists to support the core network team in planning and strategizing annual activities and goals of the MI CSA Network. It ensures that CSA farmers have a clear and active voice in the Network development and Network stakeholders help guide the work. The committee ideally consists of 10-15 farmers representing the diversity of CSA farms and farmers from across the state.

Who should participate in the FAC?

We welcome CSA farmers from all over the state. This includes farm managers/owners and multi-farm CSA organizers/managers. We will also reserve two seats on the committee for representatives from organizations that support CSAs. We will also strive to ensure that the FAC represents the diversity of farmers from all over the state and reserve seats for BIPOC farmers or organizations.

What is the commitment of an FAC Member?

The FAC meets for one annual meeting during the winter CSA “off-season” when farmers typically have more availability. The meeting will consist of a review of annual Network activities and a planning session for the year ahead. In addition to the annual planning meeting we would invite FAC members to take an active role in other Network activities and support potential planning needs that may arise during the course of a year. We ask that members commit to serving on the committee for a 1-year period with the option to continue in this role on an annual basis. Between the annual in-person meeting (farmer mileage/travel will be reimbursed) and additional support during the year we expect 30 hours of time commitment for each member.

What does an active role in Network activities look like for FAC members?

Examples of activities and support that would constitute an active role include:

What are the benefits of serving on the FAC?

Any farmer or organization that serves on the Network’s FAC will be compensated for their time and knowledge shared with the Network. The current USDA FMPP Grant that is funding the network development will provide funds, at a rate of $30/hour ($900 total for 30 hours of commitment). In addition to financial support for time committed, farmers will also receive compensated registration at a Michigan-based farm conference of their choice. Lastly, participants will have the opportunity to learn from and connect with fellow CSA farmers from around the state.