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Join us for an enlightening journey into the world of cognitive enhancement and holistic wellness with Dr. Gregory Kelly, the director of product development at Neurohacker Collective. Dr. Kelly, a naturopathic physician and author of Shapeshift: The Shape Intelligence Solution, shares profound insights and practical wisdom to help you unlock your full potential.

Discover more about Neurohacker Collective’s mission to revolutionize human performance by enhancing cognitive function, fostering empathy, and nurturing emotional resilience.

NAD+ is one of the most important molecules in the human body to age well. With groundbreaking advancements in science, Neurohacker Collective introduces Qualia NAD+, a revolutionary supplement designed to elevate NAD+ levels by up to 50%. Qualia NAD+ is a supplement rich in NAD+ precursors like niacin, niacinamide, and NIAGEN, elevating NAD+ levels by up to 50%. Clinically tested and formulated by naturopathic doctors, it’s a trusted choice for cellular rejuvenation. To boost YOUR NAD+ levels up to 50%, Go to for up to 50% off and use code findinggenius at checkout for an additional 15% off. Don’t miss this special offer.

Tune in to explore:

  • The differences between naturopathic doctors (ND) and medical doctors (MD)
  • The science behind NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), its impact on cellular health, and its many health benefits
  • The indispensable role of supplements in bridging nutritional gaps and optimizing overall well-being
  • Neurohacker Collective’s products, including those designed to increase motivation, energy levels, and quality sleep

Press play now to take the first step toward the best version of yourself.

Learn more at Qualia – Creating meaningful upgrades to personal well-being ( and check out the Collective Insights Podcast at Collective Insights Podcast | Neurohacker Collective.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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