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Xbox Jun Shen Chia Helps Pave The Way For Southeast Asian Indie Games At Xbox

How wonderful it is as gamers that we have all these amazing games to play, great and small. As the years have passed, indie games have been making waves like never before in the gaming industry. But with all these big AAA games releasing constantly, half these Indies realistically don’t make it. Indie developers often face numerous challenges, ranging from limited resources to difficulties in reaching a broader audience.

We all know names like Hades, Celeste, Terraria, and even Hollow Knight. These are all Indie titles that have captured the hearts of many. Our very own Southeast Asia is no stranger to contributing to more famous indie titles. These include Indonesia’s very own Mojiken Studios who made A Space For The Unbound, a masterfully-crafted narrative adventure title, and Malaysia’s Passion Republic who made GigaBash, a kaiju-focused multiplayer brawler.

As I mentioned earlier, Indie games are like the little fishies in the sea, hoping to get the little push they need. That is why it’s so nice to see big names in the industry support the little ones. One of them happens to be Xbox with multiple programs to help everyone get going. And when I mean everyone, I mean EVERYONE, even the little solo developers.

At the front of this is Jun Shen Chia of the Xbox Global Expansion team. A name most of us are all familiar with back home in Asia. Through his various initiatives, not just with Xbox, Jun has contributed significantly to the visibility and success of indie game developers in the region.

“I help look after developers and the games in bringing them to the world through Xbox,” he shares in an online interview with us, “whether that’s resources, tools, people to connect them with, to help them self publish, launch or market their games. And I also help advocate for titles, for funding opportunities through the Developer Acceleration Program and Game Pass. I spend a lot of time with the developer communities and the association groups in these markets, supporting their programs, showing up at industry events, and understanding how we as Xbox can help better serve these groups and ecosystems.” 

Malaysia’s indie game scene has been steadily rising in recent years, showcasing the country’s diverse talent and creative energy within the global gaming industry. Jun mentioned that several games like Metronomik’s No Straight Roads, and Cellar Vault’s Paper Ghost Stories are some of the Malaysian games that are IDXbox titles. ID@Xbox is a program by Microsoft that brings games from indies to Xbox. 

“So we’re really excited for the work we’ve been doing in Malaysia in particular with a lot of the local developers,” he shares enthusiastically, “but we’ve also been working with MDEC as you’re well aware, you know, understanding what is their initiatives at a broad level in supporting the game developer ecosystem there, showing up at Level Up KL.”

“And really for us, Malaysia is an incredible market filled with such talent and exciting games that we do feel like it’s a market that we want to prioritize, which is why we’re also supporting a lot of the mentorship initiatives like the YCD Game Changers program, which saw many of the developers creating incredible concepts and games related to social and global change. So I’m really, really excited for the work that we’re doing with Malaysian Indies and more, more to come.”

Central to the success of Malaysia’s indie game scene is the strong support provided by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). Through funding programs, mentorship initiatives, and networking opportunities, MDEC has played a pivotal role in nurturing homegrown talent and fostering a vibrant ecosystem for game development. By investing in the growth of the digital content industry, Malaysia has positioned itself as a hub for creativity and innovation in the gaming world. In the interview, Jun also shed some light on the extensive resources and assistance Xbox offers to developers at every stage of their venture.

With a palpable passion for fostering creativity and diversity in gaming, Jun emphasized Xbox’s commitment to providing a nurturing environment for developers worldwide.

He also sheds light on the myriad ways in which the program aims to support developers on their journey. “Xbox has a full-fledged program that is here to support developers in all stages of the journey. And we really do feel like whatever it is that the developers are creating in the game, it’s incredibly vitally important for players all around the world. And we want to do everything we can to support them.” 

Central to Xbox’s support program is the provision of technical assistance to help developers publish their games on the Xbox platform. This includes connecting developers with the right internal resources to guide them through the onboarding process and assist with certification—a crucial step in preparing games for launch. By offering hands-on support and expertise, Xbox aims to streamline the publishing process and empower developers to bring their creations to a global audience.

But Xbox’s support doesn’t stop there. Jun highlighted the array of marketing opportunities available to developers, including digital showcases and industry events. Through these platforms, developers gain invaluable exposure to their games, reaching audiences far and wide. Jun also emphasized the vibrant online community fostered by Xbox, where developers can engage with fellow creators and share their latest projects. In addition to fostering community and providing marketing support, Xbox extends financial assistance to developers through initiatives like the Developer Acceleration Program.

This program aims to fund games from underrepresented regions, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and celebrated in the gaming industry. Jun also highlighted the role of Game Pass, Xbox’s subscription service, as a powerful tool for amplifying the reach of indie games and providing developers with a steady stream of revenue.

Yet, financial support is just one aspect of Xbox’s holistic approach to developer empowerment. Jun detailed Xbox’s commitment to marketing support, ensuring that indie games reach their intended audience effectively. Whether through self-serve tools or personalized assistance, Xbox strives to maximize exposure for indie titles, giving developers the best chance at driving sales and engagement. Jun emphasized Xbox’s commitment to empowering indie developers beyond the launch of their initial titles, recognizing the importance of supporting their journey for years to come. “It’s not just about helping them with the game that they’re launching tomorrow,” Jun explained.

“It’s about nurturing their ambitions for the games they want to create in 5 to 10 years’ time.”

Other initiatives by Xbox include the Game Camp Asia, which is designed to provide aspiring developers with invaluable insights and mentorship from industry veterans. By pairing participants with experts from Xbox Game Studios, developers gain access to decades of experience, enabling them to hone their craft and build sustainable studios capable of creating remarkable games. 

With new games seeming to flood the market with each passing day, the task of discovering standout titles can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Jun’s personal approach to discovering games reflects a grassroots culture rooted in community engagement and direct outreach. “I simply go on Twitter and see what amazing games developers are putting out,” Jun revealed. This emphasis on word-of-mouth and direct communication allows Xbox to stay connected with the pulse of indie development, ensuring that innovative titles don’t go unnoticed.

Moreover, Xbox’s discovery and curation process prioritizes diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that the games brought to the platform reflect the varied interests and experiences of players worldwide. Jun emphasized the role of internal groups within Xbox, such as Asian X, Black at Xbox, and LGBTQIA+ Gaming, in shaping the curation process. “It’s critically important that we have all these different groups represented and contributing their lens through which we curate and discover games,” Jun emphasized. “By amplifying diverse voices and perspectives, we can better serve the diverse audience of players that exist out there.”

Since the launch of ID@Xbox, the program has supported more than 5,000 studios spanning across 100 countries, facilitating the release of over 3,000 distinctive titles. As of now, developers who publish through ID@Xbox have collectively received over $4 billion in royalties. Jun shared that Southeast Asia is a market priority as these regions boast vibrant and rapidly expanding developer communities, where talented creators are crafting incredible games that deserve global recognition. 

“Markets like Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore have a healthy and growing developer community where they’re making such incredible games. They need those games to be seen by the world, and Xbox’s presence can help drive that growth.”

It is honestly refreshing to see Xbox’s unwavering dedication to supporting indie games. Through initiatives like the ID@Xbox program, Xbox has empowered thousands of developers from around the world to bring their visions to life and share them with a global audience. With Jun and the entire Xbox team leading the charge, the future of indie game development looks brighter than ever. Check out some of the games from Asia that were on ID@Xbox that we covered here!

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