7-Day SVI Challenge Kick-off on Earth Day

Published: April 21, 2020

Supporting Volunteerism during COVID-19

This year for Earth Day, you may not be able to go out and clean up a beach today, but you do have the power to affect our climate and your community by supporting nonprofits on the front line of this COVID-19 battle. Become a Social Volunteer Influencer (SVI) and help nonprofits continue to serve our communities while practicing safe social distancing!

SVI’s are people like YOU, who have built a trusted social network and are passionate about volunteering with your cause. You can make regular posts about your favorite nonprofit mission, share stories and pictures, request urgent needs including donations as well as generate additional followers of enthusiastic people who have Time, Talent and Treasure and are ready to Get Involved Today.

  • OneOC will kick-off this 7-Day SVI Challenge on Wednesday April 22nd as part of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day including Virtual Volunteer Opportunities.
  • For the next 7 Days (April 23rd-29th) SVI’s will be challenged daily to Like, Share and Post, keeping the Spirit of Volunteerism alive.
  • The SVI challenge will culminate on Thursday April 30th from 11:30am-1:30pm with the 44th Annual Spirit of Volunteerism “Virtual Awards Celebration” honoring 100 organizations and over 300 honorees that are making a difference every day.

Let’s work together to ensure that these critical nonprofits weather the storm and make sure they can help those in need when we get on the other side of this pandemic!

To learn more about Earth Day or how you can Get Involved Today! Click Here