Bris­tol My­ers ex­pands foot­print in In­dia with drug de­vel­op­ment and IT cen­ter

Phar­ma gi­ant Bris­tol My­ers Squibb will ex­pand its foot­print in Hy­der­abad, In­dia, with a life sci­ences hub that will fo­cus on IT and drug de­vel­op­ment. It’s ex­pect­ed to be op­er­a­tional by the mid­dle of 2023.

The com­pa­ny will in­vest about $100 mil­lion in­to the cen­ter and will em­ploy around 1,500 peo­ple, ac­cord­ing to lo­cal news sites. The ex­act lo­ca­tion of the cen­ter in the re­gion is un­known.

“We an­tic­i­pate that the full de­vel­op­ment of this site will take place over the next few years,” a BMS spokesper­son told End­points News. “We are still in the ear­ly phas­es of plan­ning but are con­fi­dent this ex­pan­sion will fur­ther po­si­tion BMS’s ef­forts to ac­cel­er­ate drug de­vel­op­ment, bol­ster in­ter­nal dig­i­tal in­no­va­tion ca­pac­i­ty and ad­vance our com­mit­ment to be­ing a more glob­al com­pa­ny.”

Endpoints News

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