And then there was one. After all but one of the candidates who vowed to stop Trump were defeated, attention turned to Nikki Haley and New Hampshire, where the former Governor and former ambassador remained steadfast in her conviction to celebrate her losses.

As options run out for the Never Trump caucus of the Republican Party, many are calling for Trump supporters to reunite with those who were desperate to find someone else, anyone else to support for the Republican nomination besides Trump.

But as pragmatic grifters and political patsies try to blend back into the room of each new primary victory speech, Trump supporters are not enthusiastic about allowing these folks back into their movement, and it seems rightfully so.

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After all, those who remained loyal to President Trump throughout the primary watched as an increasingly out-of-touch establishment sent who they perceived to be their best and brightest to try and stop him. They were attacked, mocked, called members of a cult, all while the GOP sat on their hands, relishing in the efforts to destroy the group they pejoratively referred to as MAGA.

Some “Never Trumpers” aren’t necessarily falling in line either. Many seem to remain in a state of denial and have refused to coalesce around Trump, the inevitable presidential nominee of the Republican Party.

It seems certain that unity would go a long way in helping the Republican Party achieve its goal of taking back the White House in 2024 and perhaps even holding the House and taking the Senate. But for most Trump Republicans, they simply don’t see the value in including anyone perceived to be a RINO or anyone opposed to Trump. After all, what good would it do to give power to the very people that still secretly want to stop Trump?

Perhaps there’s a middle path. An artful deal. MAGA can accept those orphaned Republicans who want back into this new Republican Party. But build a wall. Build a wall to prevent those who opposed Trump from getting anywhere near leading it ever again. Build the damn wall and let the Republican establishment pay for it!

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