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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Image Classification for Traffic Sign Recognition

Vedant Mahangade, Atharva Kulkarni, Siddhant Lodha, Atharva Awale,
Department of Information Technology,
Sinhgad College of Engineering,
Pune, India

Abstract:- Traffic signs are a crucial part of our road I. INTRODUCTION

environment. They provide crucial information,
sometimes compelling recommendations, to ensure that Most traffic accidents nowadays are caused by drivers'
driving behaviors are adjusted and that any currently unintentional disregard for traffic signs. With an automated
enforced traffic regulations are observed. With majority driving assistance system, we will be able to dramatically
of modern automobiles equipped with an automated reduce the number of traffic accidents and even prevent fatal
driving assistance systems a robust and efficient traffic accidents. The most prevalent of traffic sign recognizers
sign classifier would be considered a must. We propose a today, are image classification systems based on one of two
Traffic Sign Recognition system which follows a neural methods: one which contains a single algorithm like YOLO
network-based approach that uses YOLOv3 (You Only or R-CNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks)
Look Once Version 3) as object detector rather than a for detection as well as classification and others which use
classifier followed by a CNN (Convolutional Neural traditional ML (Machine Learning) algorithms like HOG
Network) to classify traffic signs. This approach of (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) for object detection along
dividing the modules to compute single task turns out to with classification algorithms like CNN. Traditional ML
improve the system’s performance even with limited algorithms are not suitable for operations on
training thus providing a better platform for multidimensional inputs like images, whereas algorithms like
development of models to solve similar tasks. YOLO are specifically designed for tasks involving images.
YOLO in its own can detect as well as classify objects in an
Keywords:- YOLOv3, CNN, Traffic Sign, Image, image, however it is quite taxing in terms of training
Classification, Detection, Recognition. requirements. In order to obtain a comparatively better result
and performance than other classifiers, a YOLO model has to
be trained on thousands of images per class. Our proposed
system aims to overcome this drawback by dividing the
system into detector and classifier.

Fig. 1:- Functional Block Diagram

We use a YOLOv3 module only for detection of traffic large-scale datasets from ImageNet, by transferring its
signs, instead of training the model to classify traffic signs learned image representations and reuse them to the
across 43 different classes, we trained the model to detect classification task with limited training data. The main idea
traffic signs in images across 4 types based on color and is based on designing a method which reuses a part of training
shape. The detected sign is cropped and passed on to a layers of AlexNet. But this approach comes with limitations
separate 26 layered CNN model which classifies the traffic such as the model depends very much on the accuracy, fitting
sign across 43 different classes. With this approach we can and availability of pre-trained model.
ensure that accuracy and efficiency of detection as well as
classification is maintained even with limited training data. B. ‘Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition using a CNN
Ensemble’ by Aashrith Vennelakanti, Smriti Shreya,
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Resmi Rajendran, Debasis Sarkar, Deepak
Muddegowda, Phanish Hanagal
A. ‘Convolutional Neural Networks for image The System is divided into two phases: detection and
classification’ by Nadia Jmour, Sehla Zayen, Afef recognition. Detection is done based on shape and color of
Abdelkrim the traffic sign, followed by the sign validation. Once the
The proposed approach involves special case of transfer sign is detected, the portion of the image is cropped and is
learning on CNN variation called AlexNet applied on the feed to a CNN model for recognition. The use of CNN

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
ensembles increases the accuracy of recognition as each from the data set containing images with resolution of
CNN is trained separately over multiple epochs. However, 300×300 pixels with multiple objects to provide faster
since the detection is done on bases of shape and color of training time and faster detection results compared to other
traffic sign, the model would provide skewed results if types of neural networks. However, since the system was
image provided is distorted or partial. more focused on faster detection with least latency, the
results were less accurate and was more prone to false
C. ‘Traffic Signs Recognition in a mobile-based application outputs.
using TensorFlow and Transfer Learning technics’ by
Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, Abdallah Benhamida, III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
Miklos Kozlovszky
The proposed system uses a Single Shot MultiBox We built a Traffic Sign Recognition System which can
Detector (SSD) which is based on one single deep neural be split up into three functional modules, an object detector,
network to train the model on multiple objects per image. a preprocessor and a classifier. However, the entire system
The system uses TensorFlow with transfer learning contains more than just these three modules and the block
technique that makes it training process easier because of a wise representation can be seen in the given block diagram:
pre-trained CNN model. The input to the network is images

Fig. 2. Block Diagram

A. Object Detection
The object detector is basically a YOLOv3 model which is 106 Layer Convolutional Neural Network, based on the darknet
YOLOv3 model trained on COCO dataset for image classification for 80 classes.

Fig. 3:- YOLOv3 Architecture

The model used in our system is trained on GTSDB B. Preprocessing

(German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark) dataset to Although we have filtered out the weaker detections
detect traffic signs in an image. It contains 3 output layer and there might be some ambiguity in the detected objects. We
on each of these 3 layers the output contains bounding box use non maximum suppression of the resultant bounding
co-ordinates and confidence on the scale of 0-1 for 4 boxes to exclude some of bounding boxes if their
following categories: Prohibited, Danger, Mandatory and confidences are lower than 0.3 or other bounding box is
Others present for same region with better confidence. For each
ROI (Region Of Interest) detected, we crop the image to
The model might detect irrelevant objects from the apply few transformations before feeding it to the classifier.
image, these objects are filtered out by setting the minimum
confidence as 0.5.

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 4:- Pre-processor Operations

The cropped image is converted to grayscale so that function which is best suited for multi-class classification.
single intensity value for each pixel is retrieved instead to 3.
Then we apply Histogram equalization the grayscale image,
it increases the global contrast of the image to help
distinguish between a background and foreground. Now we
normalize the image based on intensity which changes the
range of pixel intensity values. Since the image is in
grayscale, only one channel needs to be normalized. Then
we apply dimensionality reduction by collapsing the image
into single channel and the processed image has dimensions Fig. 5:- 26-Layer CNN Architecture
as 32×32×1. The image is then forwarded to CNN classifier.
The input to the CNN is an image of 32X32X1
C. Classifier dimension. The filters move around this 2D matrix
The CNN classifier used is a 26 layered architecture producing feature maps by performing dot product. These
which includes convolutional, max pooling, batch are then feed to the dense or the fully connected layers of the
normalization, dense, dropout and flatten layers. The filter CNN to perform matrix vector multiplication for
size used is 3X3 and the number of filters in first layer is 16 classification and the last layer implements softmax function
which increases to 64 at the end of the feature extraction on the layer inputs to provide list of classes and its
segment. To prevent the over-fitting of the model we add probability. The one with highest probability is considered
dropout layer. There are 4 dense layer which perform the as the label for traffic sign.
classification task, the last of which uses softmax classifier


 Detection Dataset
A. Dataset Generation The GTSDB dataset used as detection dataset contains
Since the system uses two different models for two 900 images with traffic scenes spread over 43 classes which
different tasks, we trained each model on different datasets. significantly low for training a YOLOv3 model. The images
The YOLOv3 model which is used as an object detector has per class were very few and the distribution was overall
been trained on GTSDB dataset and the CNN model has uneven as the distribution graph below shows:
been trained on GTSRB (German Traffic Sign Recognition
Benchmark) dataset.

Fig. 6:- Detection Dataset Original Distribution

As mentioned, in our approach we used the YOLOv3  Prohibitory – Circular, White background, Red border
as a detector rather than a classifier, we divided the dataset  Danger – Triangular, White background, Red border
across 4 categories instead of considering 43 classes. The 4  Mandatory – Circular, Blue background
categories were based on following characteristics of shape,  Others – Remaining classes
background color and border color:
After the updated categorization of dataset, the
distribution was comparatively balanced:

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 YOLOv3 Training
The model used for detection was a YOLOv3 network
from darknet which was pretrained on COCO image dataset
for 80 classes. The model training parameters were changed
for training the model on the traffic sign dataset. We trained
the model for 8000 epochs using the darknet framework,
which provides efficient use of resources while training.

For training the model the parameters set were as


Parameters Formulas and Values

Fig. 7:- Detection Dataset Categorized Distribution Batch 32 for training and 1 for testing
Subdivisions 16 for training and 1 for testing
The training dataset, by default had a ground truth file Max batches (no of classes * 2000) = 4*2000 =
in ‘.txt’ format containing image file names and their objects’ 8000
coordinates and the images were ‘.ppm’ files. We created a Steps 80% of max_batches, 90% of
python script to convert the entire dataset into YOLO max_batches
specific format, which is, images with ‘.jpg’ extension and a = 6400, 7200
text file for each image containing their object coordinates. Number of (no of classes + coordinates +
The dataset was then divided to form separate training and filters 1)*masks =
validation datasets with 5:1 train to validation ratio. (4+4+1)*3 = 27
Input Size 416, 416
 Classification Dataset
Learning Rate 0.001
The CNN model used was trained on GTSRB dataset
Learning 0.0005
which contains 50000 cropped traffic sign images. The
Decay Rate
images per class although unevenly distributed, were
Table 1:- YOLO model Training Parameters
significantly enough for classification of traffic signs. The
distribution of number of images by class was as below:
 CNN Training
Two CNN models were taken into consideration, a 10-
layer neural network and one 26-layer network. Each trained
several times over different hyper parameter to find the best
suited model with better performance. Both the models
where trained for different number of epochs ranging from
10 to 30, with batch size varying from 32 to 128 and on
different learning rates as 0.001, 0.0008, 0.0005 and 0.0001.

The models were evaluated on basis of Test accuracy

and test loss. For both the architectures, the models with
highest test accuracy and considerably low test loss was
considered for comparison. The table below shows the
hyper-parameters and performance metrics of best models
obtained from two architectures:

Model Hyper-parameters Metrics

Fig. 8:- Classification Dataset Distribution Learning Batch Steps Epochs Test Test
Rate Size per Loss Accuracy
65% of the images where used for training, 25 for epoch
validation and 10% for testing. These images where in
pickled format with size of 32×32 pixels and were utilized Model 0.0005 64 544 20 0.193 0.926
for training and validation as it is. 1
Model 0.0001 32 1088 30 0.189 0.959
B. Training 2
Training AI models for image-based operations is a
heavily resource intensive task and require high processing Table 2:- CNN model Training Parameters
power to efficient training. Both the models were trained on
Google Colab, a cloud based Jupyter Notebook environment The model 2 loss is less than model 1, and the loss
which allows to run python scripts on hosted runtime. These curve over validation set is also comparatively smooth. For
models where trained using NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU hosted accuracy the model 1 performs better with slightly high
on google colab platform. accuracy than model 2 but the accuracy curve is not as
smooth as that for model 2, which means that the model 1 is

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
slightly overfit. Considering these factors, we decided to use 13 therefore the model used was best among 20, whose
model 2 as our final model for classification. parameters were empirically determined. The model’s test
loss score is 0.1897 and the accuracy score is 0.9597. The
C. UI development two images below depict the Loss and Accuracy curve of the
For development of UI we used PyQT5 which is a 26-layered CNN model used in the system.
python GUI toolkit. PyQT5 offers cache functionality
therefore the app launches quicker. The UI components and
the system modules are kept separate and are linked together
with a loader file. User can run the loader file to use the
classifier, upload the image, click on Classify button and the
result image with bounding boxes as well the output on
output-panel is displayed. A copy of result image is stored
in the results folder with the text file containing the list of


A. Object Detector Evaluation

The YOLO model was evaluated based on mAP (Mean
Average Precision) with IoU (Intersection over Union) of 50%
or in short mAP@50. The final model used for the system Fig. 10:- Loss Curve
has a mAP@50 value of 99.135%. For every 1000 epochs
while training the mAP was calculated and the model was
saved. The model with highest mAP value was taken into
consideration. The variation of mAP over 8000 epochs can
be seen in the graph below.

Fig. 11:- Accuracy Curve

For 1st classification the model takes 0.524 seconds on

average and for rest of the classification around 0.096
seconds. For the 1st classification the model takes
Fig. 9:- mAP over Epochs Curve comparatively more time than that for others.

The mAP is calculated by taking mean of average C. Results

precision of the recognition of 4 classes which are given Since two different models with different nature and
below: objectives are used for detection and classification, a
combined metric to evaluate the those two at the same time
cannot be established. Hence time was the only common
 Prohibitory = 100.00%
factor which can be used to test the entire system’s
 Mandatory = 96.98%
 Danger = 100.00%
 Other = 99.56% The average computational time calculated for 111
images for entire process of loading the image, detecting
These values are obtained by testing the model on 111 objects, preprocessing the cropped images, classifying the
images of the test set. On average the model takes 0.88 traffic signs, putting labels, saving the image and displaying
seconds to detect signs and can detect up to 5 signs and it comes out to be around 2.579 seconds.
sometimes more depending upon the quality of image.
The two images below are the snapshots of one of test-
B. Classifier Evaluation cases. The input image provided to the system containing
The 26-layered CNN used has been tested on test more than 1 traffic sign and the output displayed by system.
dataset containing 12630 images with loss and accuracy as
metrics. The best model was chosen from two architectures
1st with 7 training parameter variations and the second with

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Volume 7, Issue 9, September – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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[2]. Aashrith Vennelakanti, Smriti Shreya, Resmi
Rajendran, Debasis Sarkar, Deepak Muddegowda,
Phanish Hanagal, “Traffic Sign Detection and
Recognition using a CNN Ensemble”. International
Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data
Science, 2018.
[3]. Abdallah Benhamida, Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy,
Fig. 12:- Input Image Miklos Kozlovszky, “Traffic Signs Recognition in a
mobile-based application using TensorFlow and
Transfer Learning technics”, SoSE 2020 • IEEE 15th
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Engineering • June 2-4, 2020 Budapest, Hungary
[4]. Branislav Novak, Velibor Ilić, Bogdan Pavković,
“YOLOv3 Algorithm with additional convolutional
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International Conference on Robots & Intelligent
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[6]. R. C. Gonzalez, “Deep Convolutional Neural
Networks” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (79-
87),2018 15. Erhan, D., Szegedy, C., Toshev, A., and
Anguelov, D. (2014). “Scalable object detection using
Fig. 13:- Output Image with Classificaiton Label deep neural networks,” in Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition Frontiers in Robotics and AI
The system took exactly 1.96382 seconds to detect and November 2015
classify 3 traffic signs from the image correctly. The [7]. Wang Canyong, “Research and Application of Traffic
maximum number of traffic sign detected in an image were Sign Detection and Recognition Based Deep
11 and were correctly classified. Learning.” International Conference on Robots &
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The traffic sign classifier gives comparatively accurate

detection and classification in comparatively short time. The
result shows that the system is robust and efficient. The
system has been successfully implemented with the desired
results obtained given that the modules were trained on
limited resources.

The system performance is well above the benchmark

set by studying the previous methodology. There are various
ways new models can be created using this proposed system,
for example training the yolo model with Indian traffic
scenes with categorized classes and training the CNN with
cropped images of expanded classes will help create a
system which can be implemented for detecting Indian road
traffic signs. Even a video can be given as input by writing
a code which divides the video into frames and feeds to the
system, the same video can be replaced with a real time feed
from camera to provide real-time traffic sign recognition.

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