UPDATE: GM Kaikala announced a major background update for piercing and piercing jewelry. LOOK at yours or hold it to auto-update it to the new changes! There’s a number of details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

Piercing and Piercing Jewelry Update
on 4 October 2022 12:20 AM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel

Piercing & Piercing Jewelry Updates

A rather large background update to piercing & piercing jewelry is live as of ~an hour ago.

If any of your piercing jewelry item(s) tell you that it/they have updated to “new style” – don’t fret, this is normal and should occur. This should only show up for you with already-existing flippable piercing jewelry items at this time. Most of these items will only update when you are wearing or holding them, and only via specific verbs (LOOK AT is a great one to use). Sometimes they may tell you that they’re trying to update but are unable to because of X reason (and will usually tell you how to get it to where it needs to be). If you run into any issues or problems, please ASSIST and be really clear about what you are trying to do (including the syntax of your command) and what output is being returned to you.

The only parts of the update that will likely be readily visible to you at this time are: (1) a different display when you ANALYZE; and (2) the area in which your jewelry item is worn will no longer be “linked” i.e. instead of the whole of “a silver stud worn in her lip” showing up as a link, only “a silver stud” will show as a link i.e. the display linkage is now similar to how the majority of tattoos display.

Massive thank yous to: Lanadriel for coding assistance (and generally keeping me sane); Haxus, Wyrom, and Isten for QC; and Sleken, Modrian, Naiken, Naos, and Estild for piercing-adjacent updates/approvals. And to Casil, who [somewhat unintentionally] instigated the beginnings of this long overdue update

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.