Petition No 0408/2022 by Léa Badoz (French), on behalf of Eurogroup for Animals, on banning EU imports of kangaroo products

792 Supporters
Status: Available to supporters

Petition data

Summary title: Petition No 0408/2022 by Léa Badoz (French), on behalf of Eurogroup for Animals, on banning EU imports of kangaroo products
Petition number: 0408/2022
Topics: Food Safety,  Animal Welfare,  Environment,  Trade,  Health
Country: European Union
Name of association: Eurogroup for Animals

Petitioner data

Name: Léa Badoz

Petition Summary

The petitioner calls for an end to the import of kangaroo meat, leather and all other products derived from that animal, on three grounds: animal welfare, species conservation and public health. He says that kangaroo hunting, which is carried out at night, causes serious ethical and animal welfare problems, that the annual quotas for commercial hunting are based on gross overestimates, which is endangering a number of kangaroo species, and that high levels of Salmonella and E.coli have been found in kangaroo meat for human consumption in Australia.