Writing for a General Audience Workshop with Erica Moser
Penn Science Policy and Diplomacy Group is happy to host Erica Moser (Science News Officer
 @ Penn Today), who will be leading a workshop on how to convert technical material into writing for a general audience. 

The workshop is focused on adapting academic science writing to the format of popular science articles or blogs. We anticipate students bringing an abstract or short piece to edit into a short blog post during the 1-to-2-hour workshop. Penn Science Policy and Diplomacy Group will also provide an opportunity to feature the post on its website! Register for the workshop here!

The workshop is held in two sessions on Friday, April 5, at the Richards B102AB. See map here.

Expected Schedule
    11 AM - 11:45 AM: Talk by Erica Moser
    11:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Catered Lunch For Attendees.
    12:15 PM - 1 PM: Get help on an abstract or first few paragraphs of an introduction. We will publish your updated writeup on the PSPDG blog (if you want)!

Please contact Katie (hkotake@sas.upenn.edu) or YZ (yuzhangc@pennmedicine.upenn.edu) if you have any questions.
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Penn Affiliation (SAS, SEAS, etc.) and Year
I understand that I need to bring an abstract or beginning of an introduction to the workshop. *
Would you be interested in publishing your edited writing piece on the PSPDG blog (you can change your mind later)? *
If I cannot attend, I'll notify the organizers before the workshop. I understand that the workshop is on April 5, at the JMEC 505 EW Seminar Room. *
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